Material Empire

Chapter 277: Scary astronomical figures

Qin Hai shot, naturally will not give everyone a coupon of only 50 dollars. Although 50 US dollars is already a huge sum of income for these diplomats, Qin Hai ’s profit this time is too great. If he only gave 50 US dollars for each translation as a labor service, he would feel a little conscience. disturbed.

Secretary Guo distributed the shopping voucher in the envelope to everyone's hands. Everyone was blinded by the denomination on the shopping voucher, and they couldn't close their mouths with a smile. Where can I remember the hard work during the day. Everyone told Secretary Guo that the affairs of domestic enterprises are the affairs of their diplomats. No matter how tired these days are, everyone will never discredit foreign affairs.

When Qin Hai sent out the coupons, he could already see the effect. At this meeting, he was in Cui Hongchun's room and reported to Chong Hongchun today's sales results.

"Xiao Qin, I don't know until now, I've been deceived by this old man." Cui Hongchun laughed and said to Qin Hai.

"Hey, Minister Cui, I have always been honest." Qin Haizhuang said with a grievance.

Cui Hongchun asked Li Yang, a secretary sitting next to him, "Li Yang, do you think Xiao Qin is an honest person?"

"Well ..." Li Yang was embarrassed. His boss was joking at others, and he wasn't agreeing with himself, nor was he refuting. How could he catch the mouth? At this time, pretending to be dumb is probably the best choice.

"You are talking about serving our agricultural machinery systems. What thermal spraying process did you use to handle the agricultural machinery basic parts of our enterprises. But in fact, you are advertising our thermal spraying machines with our products. We Not only did you not receive advertising fees, you also have to pay for processing fees. Tell me, are you a traitor? "Cui Hongchun asked.

Qin Hai shook his head desperately: "Mr. Cui, you have misunderstood. I really wanted to win the prize at the expo. I asked Professor Li and Professor Yue to help with this thermal spray process. I didn't expect this thing in advance Such a large market is still worried about losing money. You know, I have invested tens of millions of dollars in order to develop this process. "

As soon as Qin Hai's mouth spit out, he exaggerated millions of investments ten times. But even investing in millions. From the perspective of others, it is also extremely risky. Before today, Li Linguang and Yue Kun had been upset about this matter, for fear that the money spent in their own hands could not be earned back.

Cui Hongchun has been immune to Qin Hai's letter, Kaihe. He knows that Qin Hai never talks casually about the matter, but when he was joking, he didn't have a word of truth in his mouth. He laughed: "You said that you invested tens of millions, who would believe it? Just such a small device. If you need to invest tens of millions, then we should invest hundreds of millions, billions of dollars in large tractors?"

Qin Haidao: "Minister Cui, I can't agree with you this way. The value of the same thing is not related to the volume. You can see that our thermal sprayer is not big, but its value is really not less than that of a tractor. Besides, can our tractors enter the international market? Our thermal sprayers. The purchase intention registered today has reached more than 400. Is this our tractor incomparable? "

"Only over 400." Cui Hongchun said indifferently. Without saying anything, he suddenly thought that the thermal sprayer is different from the basic parts, and the price of the two is completely different. He sat upright, looked at Qin Hai, and said in amazement: "No, you can actually sell more than 400 units? Let me count. One of your machines is more than 200,000 US dollars, 400 units are ... 8000 Wan! Can there be so many? "

Seeing Cui Hongchun's unbelievable look, Qin Hai secretly sighed and organized the language in his heart, saying, "Minister Cui. You are mistaken, our machines are priced at US $ 2.2 million each. So ... ... "

"2.2 million! Then ... that is not 800 million? How is this possible!" Cui Hongchun was completely dumbfounded. He previously said that a thermal sprayer was more than 200,000 US dollars. In fact, it was the result of some psychological hints that he felt that such a small thing could not earn so much foreign exchange. Rao is so, a figure of more than 80 million still makes him feel shocked. Unexpectedly, Qin Hai told him that the figure was 10 times higher than this, which is an astronomical figure that is unimaginable.

"Secretary, I remember Xiao Qin's thermal sprayer, which was said to be 2.2 million US dollars at the beginning." Li Yang reminded him in a low voice, seeing the astonishment and suspicion of his boss.

"You, a company, actually signed a $ 800 million business?" Cui Hongchun's heart was tumbling, and he didn't know how to talk to Qin Hai. Not to mention that even in the 21st century, even if a private company was able to sign a large order of $ 800 million at an expo, it was shocking enough. The leaders of such enterprises have proud capital in front of a ministerial cadre.

"Just the intention." Qin Hai desperately wanted to make this matter a bit more low-key.

If it could not be concealed, Qin Hai would not be willing to disclose the truth to Cui Hongchun. Today, foreign merchants registered more than 440 purchase intentions on their booths. The total amount was not 800 million, but reached 1 billion U.S. dollars. Among these merchants, some are only registered, and the other is that the deposit has been paid. If the deposit payment is used as the basis for bag drop security, there will be more than 100 units in total, with a total sales of nearly 300 million US dollars.

Qin Hai's cost of thermal spraying machine can't be more clear. It is calculated according to the most relaxed standard, which is more than 400,000 yuan, equivalent to 100,000 US dollars. The cost of 100,000 US dollars, the price of 2.2 million US dollars, the profit of a device reached as much as 2.1 million US dollars, it can be said that most of the sales are profits. I made hundreds of millions of dollars in profits all of a sudden, not to mention Cui Hongchun, who is Qin Hai himself.

"Xiao Qin's thermal sprayers are now receiving deposits in advance, each of which is 100,000 US dollars, credited to the account of our delegation. I just asked the financials, and today they received the deposit of the thermal sprayer The total is 13 million US dollars. "Li Yang provided Cui Hongchun with a figure in a timely manner.

"13 million ... This means that we have received a deposit for 130 devices. 130, which is calculated at 2.2 million US dollars, is ..." Cui Hongchun started counting with his fingers.

Li Yang's mind was extremely lively, and he immediately answered: "It is 206 million."

"That's almost 300 million yuan." Cui Hongchun said, he looked at Qin Hai and saw that the other side was sitting upright, without any pride in his face. He nodded and said, "Xiao Qin, I can't think of you There is such a large market for thermal sprayers ... I now understand why you insist on selling thermal sprayers abroad. The foreign exchange income of 300 million US dollars is more than the basic parts sold by so many agricultural machinery factories. Many, this is indeed something worth doing. "

Qin Haidao: "In fact, what we hit is a time difference. Because foreign countries have not realized that thermal spraying can be used so widely, we have insufficient investment in scientific research, so we have taken the opportunity. Today, I believe that all countries will increase With a large investment in this field, based on the industrial and technological foundations of developed countries, it is very fast to develop better thermal spray equipment than ours.

Taking advantage of the fact that such equipment has not yet been developed abroad, let's make some money before we talk about it. When they come up with similar equipment, our sales will definitely fall and the price will have to be lowered, and then it will be too late to regret it. "

"Your way of thinking is very correct!" Cui Hongchun said, "I support you. By the way, I heard that it took several months for Professor Li and Professor Yue to build a single device. You now have 130 devices. Can the deposit be made? "

"We must have to establish our own production base, but there are still some difficulties now. I'm afraid to ask Minister Cui for help when I return to China." Qin Hai said.

Li Linguang and Yue Kun created the first thermal sprayer, which was basically a laboratory product, and only some parts were commissioned by the factory to help process. After the prototype was finalized, Qin Hai found two machinery plants in Beixi for production through Ning Zhongying, and finally assembled them at the Qingfeng plant, which could produce about 20 units a month.

Regarding the sales of thermal sprayers, Qin Hai had some estimates in advance. I think that two to three hundred a year are probably realistic. In this way, it can also be handled by the current foundry model. But today I saw the performance of those foreign merchants ~ ~ Qin Hai began to feel that there was something wrong with his own vision.

One of the problems is naturally that the estimation of demand is low and the capacity preparation is insufficient. This problem is actually not troublesome, as long as you find a few more factories to cooperate and you can solve it.

The key problem is that the sales are too appalling. Hundreds of millions of dollars of business can be made by relying only on a few machine factories in the county seat, which will inevitably lead to various ideas. As a foundry company, Qin Hai does not have any binding force on them, nor can it guarantee that technical and commercial secrets will not be leaked. Once there was a shortfall in the middle, Qin Hai really wanted to cry without tears.

With this in mind, Qin Hai must come to ask Cui Hongchun for help. He even thought about it. After returning to China, he would also ask Yang Xinyu, Yang Yihe and others to come out to help. Although he had a relationship with these people in the past, it was inconvenient to ask them to help themselves. But now, he believes that he already has such a qualification, a large business that earns hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign exchange, which is enough for provincial leaders and ministry leaders to take care of it carefully.

"This is absolutely what it should be!" Cui Hongchun agreed without hesitation. There were no large-scale state-owned agricultural machinery companies under his command, and none of them could achieve a turnover of several hundred million dollars, and these companies usually reached out to the Ministry for conditions that are far away. Much more demanding than Qin Hai. Qin Hai's request, why did he refuse? (To be continued ...) u

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