Material Empire

Chapter 291: Kousera

"Transferring these people to your factory ... This may be a bit unrealistic." Mo Kongchao hesitated. "Your factory is nominally a collective enterprise, but it is actually a private enterprise in which several of you are joint stock. Ertao is a state-owned enterprise. In the enterprise, no one wants to transfer to a private enterprise. "

"Of course there is." Liu Shuo said, "Mayor Mo, do you remember I told you about our factory's honorary director Qin Hai? He is doing something in Anhe right now, which is to bring his former state-owned company The enterprise, that is, the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, was merged. "

"Merger?" Mo Kong Chao wondered. "You mean, Qin Hai's private enterprise merged with a state-owned enterprise?"

Liu Shuodao: "That's right. I heard that the Ministry of Agriculture nodded too much, and Anhe also agreed. As a result, the factory manager Qin merged the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. The workers of the factory were formerly state-owned workers, but now they have become Employees of private enterprises. When I talked with the director of Qin Factory, he told me that the vast majority of the original employees in Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory accepted this change and did not worry about the problem of iron rice bowls. "

This introduction by Liu Shuo is actually out of context. When Qin Hai merged the Qingfeng factory, he was worried about the emotional fluctuations of the employees and some officials opposed it because of ideological considerations, so he deliberately kept 5 state shares. In this way, the restructured Qingfeng Factory is not a purely private enterprise, but a joint-stock enterprise with state-owned shares. Qin Hai didn't explain it to Liu Shuo too much, and Liu Shuo didn't want to explain it to Mo Kongchao too much, so there was such a plausible explanation.

"Anhe Province's steps are big enough," Mo Kongchao praised with envy. As a local official, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with private companies merging state-owned enterprises, as long as the private enterprise can create more profits and taxes for the locality. However, he also knows that without the support of leaders in the ministry and province, he cannot copy this model in Quwu. There have been many explorations of state-owned enterprise reform, but the issue of ownership has always been a minefield and it cannot easily be touched.

"Xiao Liu, our Quwu situation may be a little different from Anhe Province. However, this situation you mentioned has some enlightenment. Do you think that if you openly recruit technicians, some workers will be willing to leave the iron rice bowl to you? Go there? "Mo Kongchao asked.

Liu Shuo nodded firmly and said, "There must be. According to the current situation, it is a foregone conclusion that our ceramic knives are selling well all over the world. With such a large sales volume, we can completely pay the employees' wages. Doubled or more. Did n’t the ancients say that there will be brave husbands under the reward. I believe that as long as we announce this treatment, someone will definitely come over. "

"So, have you considered this problem?" Mo Kongchao heard something. Liu Shuo had already been thinking of several state-owned ceramic factories.

Liu Shuo did not hide it. He said: "No way, we are in a hurry to apply for medical treatment. After all, it is an international order. We are afraid that the production capacity will not be reached, which will affect foreign trade and damage the country's image. I didn't post the recruitment posters. I am afraid that several big factories said that we dig their talents. "

"Don't dig!" Said Mo Kong. "Three hundred million dollars in foreign exchange earning, even if we use our entire Quwu force, it is not much. The first pottery and the second pottery do not fight for themselves. Better vacate their people for your use. "

When Mo Kongchao said this, there was a bit of grudge in his tone. The operating conditions of several state-owned ceramic factories in Quwu are in general. The directors of several factories rushed to the city for two days and asked for support, which made Mo Kong Chao annoyed. This time, seeing a private company such as Brother Ceramics Factory making such good results, he was even more dissatisfied with those factories.

"Well, with Mayor Mo's words, I have confidence. Tomorrow I will let our administrative manager Cheng Huaping find someone to write a poster and post it to the door of several ceramic factories. What do you think?" Liu Shuo Said with a smile.

"Well ... we still need to pay attention to a little impact." Mo Kongchao hurriedly retreated. He supported and returned to support, but this kind of thing is still inconvenient to speak out. He can imagine that if Liu Shuo really posted posters at the door of several state-owned ceramics factories to dig people, the directors of these factories would definitely bring lawsuits to him, which would be a little troublesome.

Liu Shuodao: "Mayor Mo's criticism is correct. Otherwise, let's post the poster a little further. We have discussed it. The salary of a senior technician can be 400 yuan a month, and the average technician is 280. The technician is based on his education Look, 350 graduated from undergraduate and 300 graduated from junior college. How do you set such a standard? "

"Hehe, it's attractive, it's higher than my salary." Mo Kongchao laughed. "Otherwise, Director Liu, how about seeing me as a worker?"

"We dare not use such high-level workers as Mayor Mo." Liu Shuo also said with a smile.

Two people were standing and laughing in the courtyard of the city government, and saw Mo Kongchao's secretary hurriedly walking with Huang Yanling. Huang Yanling's face was a little anxious. At the first sight, Liu Shuo said, "Brother, go back quickly. The director Qin called and was in a hurry to find you."

"Ah?" Liu Shuo was startled. "Did he say anything?"

"No." Huang Yanling said, "He just let us find you as soon as possible, saying that there are important things to inform you."

When Liu Shuo heard it, he couldn't help himself. He showed a embarrassed and sorry expression to Mo Kongchao and said, "Mayor Mo, look at ..."

Huang Yanling's words were heard by Mo Kongchao. He also knew that Qin Hai was the soul of the brothers ceramic factory, and the hero behind the brothers ceramic factory. I heard that Qin Hai was in a hurry to find Liu Shuo, and Mo Kongchao was a little bit hesitant. He said, "Since there are important things, you should hurry back."

"Okay." Liu Shuo agreed and walked out.

Mo Kongchao told him behind him: "Xiao Liu, if there is an emergency, you can always call me at home, you know?"

"I see, thank you Mayor Mo." Liu Shuo said as he walked a long way.

Back at the factory's office, Liu Shuo couldn't wait to call the Qin Hai family's phone. He heard Qin Hai's voice on the opposite side. He quickly asked: "Director Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Hai asked on the phone: "Brother Liu, I would like to ask, did the people in Cusella look for you?"

"Cusella?" Liu Shuo was gone. He came back on the road just now, and he thought of countless possibilities, but he did not think of this Japanese company, which only dealt with once. Although Qin Hai once introduced him and Huang Yanling to the position of the company in the international ceramics industry, but due to the lack of intuitive feelings, Liu Shuo did not take this seriously. At this moment, when Qin Hai talked about Kusella out of thin air, Liu Shuo just wanted to yell: This little devil, how can the ghosts stay together!

"Director Qin, Cuzella has never contacted us. So far, two Japanese ceramic dealers have talked to us. One general agent who wants to be in the global market was rejected by us directly. The other We didn't agree to the general agent in Asia, and we were planning to persuade them to do only the Japanese market. "Liu Shuo seriously reported to Qin Haihui seriously.

"Oh, that's the way it is." Qin Hai's voice sounded very calm. He said, "You must always pay attention to the fact that the Japanese have always been unscrupulous and ambitious. Just this afternoon, the two A manager came to me and came up with the core technology of buying a ceramic knife at a high price. "

"Ah! Is there such a thing?" Liu Shuo was startled.

It turned out that two senior staff members of Cuzella Takehiko Takamura and Nagato Shuichi touched their noses in São Paulo, and Cuzella's senior management was not discouraged. They obtained a sample of ceramic knives presented by Qin Hai from a Japanese journalist engaged in interviews at the Agricultural Machinery Expo, and then began a comprehensive analysis in an attempt to crack the mystery of ceramic knives made in China.

Ceramic is undoubtedly the most mysterious of all materials. The performance of ceramics largely depends on the trace elements in the ceramic raw materials. These trace elements can change the crystal structure of ceramics, so that ceramics have certain specific properties. However, these elements are called trace elements because their proportion in ceramic raw materials is so low that they cannot be analyzed by even analytical instruments. Unless the original formula is obtained, the same ceramic cannot be reproduced at all.

In addition, a key to making ceramic knives is the polymer colloid used in the ceramic blank making process. This colloid can completely evaporate during the sintering process without leaving tiny holes in the finished ceramic product. Coucella's research department has tried thousands of colloids, but has never been able to find a suitable species. After getting samples of ceramic knives, they tried to analyze the composition of the colloids used in the samples. However, these ceramic products were sintered at high temperatures. The colloids had already evaporated in high temperatures. Find a trace.

All the analysis work on ceramic knife samples was fruitless. Cuzella Company only knew the characteristics of ceramic knife and clearly realized the value of this ceramic sintering process. The president of Cusella immediately ordered that the strategic department must obtain detailed production materials of ceramic knives from the Chinese, including raw material formula, gel composition and sintering method.

Based on the information disclosed by the media, Cusella has determined that ceramic knife technology is closely related to Qin Hai and the Brother Ceramics Factory. After discussion, they thought that it would be easier to capture Qin Hai than to break the brothers ceramic factory, because the former is only an individual after all, so long as it gives enough benefits, it will not worry that Qin Hai will not yield.

With such an idea, it was still Takamura Takehiko and Nagatomo one or two who set foot on Chinese soil. They first came to Anhe and found Qin Hai directly without going through any intermediary of the government department. Because he had dealt with before, Takamura Takehiko knew that Qin Hai was a smart person. It was unrealistic to try to deal with Qin Hai by a roundabout and deceptive method. Therefore, this time he adopted an open-minded strategy and directly offered to pay $ 1 million Ceramic knife technology in the hands of Qin Hai.

After all, there is still some flaw in the information of Cuzella company, that is, they have not figured out Qin Hai's position in the ceramic knife business. In their thinking, the inventor of the ceramic knife should have someone else, and Qin Hai was just an agent. According to China's scientific research system, the inventors of technology will not get much benefit. The technology they developed will be provided to enterprises for production in a very cheap or even free of charge.

In this case, if Cousella can come up with a "big sum", Qin Hai and the people behind Qin Hai should be tempted to disclose the technical details to Cousella.

Coucella has also considered that perhaps this ceramic knife has already applied for a patent, and they cannot easily obtain these patents, but as long as they can know the design ideas and use the technical strength of Coucella to develop a product that is similar to China Different ceramic knife technologies are not difficult.

What Takamura Takehiko didn't expect is that a huge sum of $ 1 million is no different from a roll of toilet paper in Qin Hai's eyes. Qin Hai clearly told Gao Cun Wuyan that the profit that the ceramic knife market can bring is far from being able to be replaced by 1 million US dollars, let alone 1 million, that is, they will reach 100 million or more. Golden Egg's technology was revealed.

Takemura Takamura touched his nose again and left Pingyuan dimly, without knowing what to do. Qin Hai expected that the Japanese would never give up this attempt easily. Since it is not available from Qin Hai, UU Reading www. They will definitely go to the brothers ceramic factory to find a way. Therefore, he urgently called Liu Shuo to inform Liu Shuo to guard against death and prevent him from being exploited by Cusella.

"Director Qin, don't worry, don't say that we already know the intention of the company, we will not be stupid enough to hand over the technology even if we don't know in advance." Liu Shuo said.

Qin Haidao: "Director Liu, it's good if you have this consciousness. However, the Japanese's conspiracy and tricks are invincible, and you must not be taken lightly. So, if Takehiko Takamura finds you, you can send him away and go directly Dismiss it. If you have any troubles and ca n’t dismiss him, you should drag him first, and then notify me immediately, I will rush to Qu Wu to help you. "

"Okay, director Qin can rest assured. Things on your side are also busy, so don't worry about our side." Liu Shuo said repeatedly.

Putting down the phone, Liu Shuo told Qin Hai what he said to Huang Yanling, Ming Yongbo and others, and said with a smile: "The director of Qin also looked down on us too much. This is on our site. How can we get us? Besides, it ’s really impossible, let ’s ask Mayor Mo for help. Where can I let the Qin Plant grow up all the way? ”Rs


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