Material Empire

Chapter 304: Money is not this way of spending

Qin Hai was not surprised by Tang Rongmin's reaction. In that era, no one would invest so much research funding in a university department. In fact, from the mid-1980s until the end of the last century, the entire country's scientific research investment has been maintained at a very low level, and the scientific research funding of universities has been extremely poor, and many research departments are stretched, even with head costs. There is no guarantee, let alone to carry out large-scale scientific research activities.

Because of this, in those years, China's scientific and technological development was very unsatisfactory, and many excellent scientific research personnel had to leave China and go abroad to seek their own development. There are also some scholars from universities and research institutes who cannot bear the poverty and resolutely write business in the sea. This is also a major loss in China's science and technology field.

In Qin Hai's opinion, since Heaven has given him a chance to cross, he has an obligation to make up for these regrets. He came to Jingcheng University this time, asking for help is only one of the goals, the larger purpose is to provide some funding for the scientific research department, so that professors can sit down and do research quietly. Of course, if these research results can be used by him and produce practical economic benefits, it would be even better. Because this forms a virtuous circle, which can continue to produce better results.

"Professor Tang doesn't have to be distressed. The 100 million yuan I said was invested in installments. Our consideration is that as long as it is a technology that is helpful to our company, please ask your teacher to declare boldly. The specific use of funds. In addition, we have enough patience, one year and two years, three years, five years, and even ten or eight years, we can wait. Although I have few books, I also know that excellent results are not able to It happened overnight that the bench had to sit cold for ten years, and I have heard people say it. "Qin Hai said.

"These funds were provided by your factory?" Tang Rongmin was still in a state of blackout in his brain, and inquired indifferently.

Wu Qinhai nodded: "Yes, in the past few years we sold thermal sprayers and accumulated some funds. We intend to use these funds to develop new technologies and form our technological advantage."

"What are your concerns besides ion implantation?" Tang Rongmin asked again.

Qin Hai smiled: "Professor Tang has stopped me. I don't know what the experts in your department are doing, so I can't ask for more. My idea is that ion implantation Technology is definitely an item we are interested in, and we are willing to invest the necessary funds for it. As for other technologies, as long as our teachers can figure it out and have a reasonable technical route, the research results can be transformed into actual production technology. We welcome it. "

"Great!" Tang Rongmin slammed his palm with his fist, excited like a young man. "Our teacher has a large number of research projects, and he lacks funding support. As long as funds are invested, I Dare to say that as long as one or two years, we will certainly be able to come up with a number of results that have theoretical heights and market value. "

Qin Hai smiled slightly and said, "In this case, please ask Professor Tang to arrange it and listen to the views of the teachers. I came here today to talk to Professor Tang about a preliminary intention. After you think about it in the future, we You can sign a more comprehensive agreement to agree on the rights and obligations of both parties. What do you think? "

"It's all right! Comrade Xiao Qin, you can help us a lot. 唉, if we can get such support earlier, we will not leave a few very good young teachers in our department." Tang Rong said sensitively.

"I hope it's too late," Qin Hai said.

In fact, Qin Hai did not expect to establish a scientific research cooperation relationship with domestic top universities such as Beijing University and Huaqing earlier, but his industry was still in the expansion stage in the past two years, and he did not have much capital and energy to Do it. In addition, previous domestic policies fluctuated greatly. Although Qin Hai was a traverser, he did not dare to be too aggressive, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to himself. Now that many things have been settled, and a new round of reform is about to begin, Qin Hai feels that it is time for him to do something.

The two discussed some details of cooperation, and Qin Hai got up and left. Tang Rongmin enthusiastically invited Qin Hai to stay for dinner, but said that he could only entertain Qin Hai for a working meal in the cafeteria. With a smile, Qin Hai refused Tang Rongmin's kindness, and together with tranquility, quit Tang Rongmin's office.

When sending Qin Hai and Tranquility to leave the physics building, Tang Rongmin pointed to Tranquility and said to Qin Hai: "Xiao Ning is a good student with excellent academic performance. We have decided to send her to graduate school in this department. . "

"This is the result of school teacher education." Qin Hai said, "I don't know which teacher she would be recommended to."

Tang Rongmin said: "It depends on Xiao Ning's choice. By the way, Xiao Ning, you have been studying in our department for three years. Have you thought about it, which teacher do you want to follow in the future?"

"I think ... with Teacher Chen Zongze," answered quietly and timidly.

"Chen Zongze?" Qin Hai froze, "Xiao Jing, do you want to be superconducting?"

"Haha, Xiao Qin, it seems that you know the situation of our department very well!" Tang Rongmin said in surprise, "Professor Chen was originally engaged in condensed matter, but recently switched to superconductivity. How did you hear this news? ? "

"Uh ... I heard it occasionally. It seems that Professor Chen has made some achievements in the study of oxide superconductors in the liquid nitrogen temperature zone." Qin Hai quickly disguised.

Chen Zongze, who is also a big bull that Qin Hai is very familiar with in later generations, has made many international leading achievements in the field of superconductivity. Some people have predicted that he may become the first China to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Of domestic scholars. However, at this moment, he is not so famous. He has just started the research on superconducting theory, and in this field, the gap between China and foreign countries is still astonishing.

"You're right, Professor Chen is indeed studying the oxide superconductivity problem in the liquid nitrogen temperature zone, but it is done by a team hanging from the Academy of Sciences. The equipment on our side is not as good as the Academy of Sciences. After all, it is still a matter of money. Ah. "Tang Rongmin said.

Wu Qinhai stopped and asked, "Professor Tang, I want to find out how much investment is needed to build a superconducting laboratory?"

This time it was Tang Rongmin's turn, and he paused for a while before he asked, "Xiao Qin, wouldn't you want to help Professor Chen build a laboratory? I thought about it. The set of things he worked on might be It has little relationship with your company. Superconducting technology is currently only a theoretical study. It will take at least 20 years to enter production practice. This does not meet your cooperation requirements. "

Qin Hai shook his head and said: "This matter has nothing to do with the cooperation we just talked about. I just like superconductivity personally, and find this thing quite interesting. If Professor Chen is interested in superconductivity research, and Xiao Jing may become a future As a student of Professor Chen, I want to help Professor Chen set up this superconducting laboratory. "

"Qin Hai, you ..." Tranquil eyes stared at the boss. She knew Qin Hai was rich, but money wasn't this way of spending? Just because she wanted to study Chen Zongze's graduate student, Qin Hai planned to set up a laboratory for Chen Zongze. What was going on? She was willing to raise objections, but felt it was inappropriate. After all, this is a question of cooperation between Qin Hai and the department. What power does a small undergraduate have to intervene?

"Oh, I'm wrong, this incident has nothing to do with Xiao Jing." Qin Hai quickly corrected, "I just think superconductivity is an interesting subject. I heard that our country is serious in superconductivity research. I am behind in foreign countries, so I want to make a contribution in this regard. Professor Tang, do you think you can give me a chance? "

Tang Rongmin sighed and said, "Xiao Qin, I really admire your sentiment. If entrepreneurs in our country can be like you, why worry about the level of science and technology can't be improved? In fact, our department is also a national superconductor research The important base of ~ ~ laboratory already has a certain foundation, of course, it is incomparable with similar laboratories in developed countries. If we can add a few key equipment, I believe our research will be even more powerful. These The key equipment is very expensive and requires foreign exchange to import from abroad ... "

"Foreign exchange is not a problem." Qin Hai said simply, "So, I don't have time to meet Professor Chen today, and Professor Tang should convey my respect to him and ask him to make a list of the equipment he needs. Me. Where possible, I try to help him get these devices. "

"I would like to thank Comrade Xiao Qin for Xiao Chen," Tang Rongmin said solemnly to Qin Hai.

Saying goodbye to Tang Rongmin, Qin Hai continued to push the quiet bicycle, walking side by side with the quiet. When the two walked to the place where Tang Rongmin couldn't see, they turned quietly and stared at Qin Hai and asked, "Qin Hai, you are crazy, because I said that I want to study Professor Chen's graduate student, you promised to buy him equipment? "

Qin Hai laughed: "What's wrong with this? In this way, Lao Chen can eat people with short mouths and short hands, and he has to treat you well."

"What old Chen! Teacher Chen is only in his 30s this year, OK." Serenity corrected with a smile, and said seriously after asking: "Qin Hai, you really agreed to buy equipment for Teacher Chen Is it? "

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "No, I'm really interested in superconductivity. If you don't mention Chen Zongze today, I would really forget about it. By the way, Xiaojing, you want to talk to Chen Zong Doing research is definitely a right choice. The field of superconductivity can produce a lot of results. Well, before the age of 30, you can get a professor. "RS

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