Material Empire

Chapter 316: There are frogs in the field

The northern suburbs of Hongze, Meiling. . .

The rumbling sound of the machine broke the usual silence. A bulldozer was rolling back and forth on the red soil, leaving a piece of flat ground behind the tracks. The pile driver panted heavily and slammed the reinforced piles deep into the ground. Several cement mixing towers have been erected, and beside them are packed with hill-like bagged cement. There are markings sprinkled with white ash everywhere, busy workers everywhere, and it's a boiling scene.

Compared with later construction sites, the construction machinery here is slightly less, especially the lack of a large tower crane called the "Chinese crane", but the scale of the site is not inferior.

After obtaining a formal application from Qinhai for the establishment of the Anhe Material College, the provincial government completed all the examination and approval procedures as quickly as possible, allocating more than 5,000 acres of land in the Meiling Mountains to Qinhai, and only collecting some symbols Sexual royalty. For the provincial government, the benefits that the School of Materials can bring to Anhe are far greater than the value of this 5000 acres of land. In this era, the number of people who could spend hundreds of millions of funds to build a college at once I am afraid that only Qin Hai is the only person in the country.

Qin Hai sent an invitation to several construction companies in the province and immediately received a positive response. As the overall domestic economy is not booming, infrastructure construction has been greatly affected. This project of the School of Materials is not a problem for major construction companies. Several major construction companies have drawn the most elite engineering teams and brought various construction machinery to the scene. Prior to this, Qin Hai had invited experts from the Provincial Planning and Design Institute to assist in the overall design of the entire college. Once the construction company was in place, they immediately marked out a piece of each and started the intense construction.

Of course, Qin Hai will not build the entire college all at once. He divided the construction work into several periods. In addition to the construction of the entire college's walls and main roads in the first phase, all that remains is to construct various buildings within 500 acres, including office buildings, experimental buildings, experimental workshops, dormitory buildings, boiler rooms, canteens, etc. Rao is so, the total investment is also on a scale of 60 million to 70 million.

Qin Hai's requirements for the bosses of several construction companies are quality, quantity and time. They are required to complete the construction task as quickly as possible without reducing the quality, so that the School of Materials can operate in the fastest time.

During this time, the material experts who were invited by Qin Hai from various places have already begun to apply for resignation from the unit. Since the intention has been so cute, they will not delay anymore. After all, Qin Hai promised them a high salary. As soon as one day, they would receive the money earlier. Who would like to wait for such a thing.

In the land allocated to Qin Hai. Contains a youth cadre college, an office building, two teaching buildings, and a dozen student dormitories and faculty quarters, cafeterias, libraries, bathrooms, and more. After completing the transfer formalities, all the teachers and students of the Youth Cadre College were removed, and the vacant place just allowed Qin Hai to accept those scholars who hurried in.

"Mr. Sun, you are here! Welcome!"

See Sun Yuzhi's family coming down from the big car. Qin Hai rushed forward and reached out to help Sun Yuzhi pick up the luggage.

How could Sun Yuzhi let Qin Hai help? He refused to let go of the baggage, and kept saying, "No heavy, no, I can take it myself."

"Teacher Sun, please give me your luggage ..." Heizi brought up a few young workers, and you brought me one piece of the luggage for the Sun Yuzhi family.

"Xiao Fu. Where is Mrs. Sun's house arranged?" Qin Hai started empty-handed and asked Kuroko.

Kuroko shook the key in his hand and said, "I just got the key from the headmaster Long, and Mr. Sun lives in Unit 301, Building 2, Unit 3."

"Let's go home first." Qin Hai pointed with his hand. Said to Sun Yuzhi.

A word of "home" made Sun Yuzhi and his wife Wang Jin feel a little hesitant for a moment. When they lived in the Guanzi Tower, they fantasized about how they would feel if they could move into the unit building. Now that the unit building is in sight, they can hardly accept this change.

The 10-year-old son Sun Ze did not have the embarrassment of his parents. He came from the cold north to the south where the spring blossoms, and he felt a sense of joy. The college sedan picked them up from the railway station just now. When entering the Meiling Mountains, he saw a large swath of Yingshanhong on the hillsides on both sides. This was a child he had never seen in the city. He felt that everything was so fresh.

Before leaving the capital, his parents told him that in the new place, their family would have a large house, and he would then be able to have a separate room. When he heard the uncle talking to the house, he rushed ahead.

"Dad, mom, look, this is Building 3, it's written on the wall!"

After a short run, Sun Ze, as if he had discovered a new continent, pointed to the small blue sign on the side of a residential building and reported to his parents with joy.

It was a three-storey brick-concrete unit building, which looked 70% to 80% new. It is estimated that the building date was less than ten years ago. The lime on the wall was freshly painted, the doors and windows were freshly painted, and there was a faint smell of paint in the air.

"This is the original staff dormitory building of the Youth Cadre College, which is a bit worn out. After we received it, we repaired it a little bit, Mr. Sun and Mr. Wang, you will live there first. We will build a new campus for you. Change a new house. "Qin Hai said in an apologetic tone.

"No need, no need, I think this house is very good." Sun Yuzhi said excitedly, although the relevant treatment has been said in advance, but actually see his own house, and see the cold on the contract The content feels completely different.

A group of people entered the unit door and came to the doorway of 301. Kuroko opened the door with the key, and then turned it over to Wang Jin's hand. Wang Jin took the key and held it tightly, as if afraid of losing it. Qin Hai said with a smile: "Mr. Sun, Mr. Wang, this is your home, please come in."

"Everyone come in!" Wang Jin found the feeling of the hostess at the first moment. She stepped on the door of the room and then waved to everyone.

"Wow, what a big house!" Sun Ze ran into the room swiftly, and looked at the two bedrooms, a living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom in the shortest time, and then recognized his own smartly. That room, piercing one end, lying on a single bed with a bedboard on its back, posing as if it were asleep.

"This child!" Sun Yuzhi sneered, his voice choked a little.

"The house is not too large, with a building area of ​​only 62 square meters. This is the standard for the middle-level cadres of that school. There is another type of room for ordinary employees, which is 47 square meters, and it is also a two-bedroom room. Each room is smaller. Hai explained.

"It's good ... It's good." Sun Yuzhi didn't know what to say. A 62-square-meter house is a professor's standard at a technical university, and it's only a theoretical standard. More than half of the professors can't be classified like this. house. Now when I arrive at Anhe, I live in such a house. Although Hongze and Beijing are completely incomparable, but there is no house in Beijing. What good is the city no matter how good it is?

The main furniture in the house has been equipped, and the kitchen also has a gas tank and a gas stove, which was considered to be highly equipped. Wang Jin instructed Kuroko and others to put down their luggage, and then began to pack up in a hurry, while Kuroko and others helped her on the side.

Sun Yuzhi and Qin Hai walked to the balcony. Sun Yuzhi took out the cigarette case from his pocket and gestured to Qin Hai. After seeing Qin Hai waving his hand to indicate that he would not smoke, he took out one by himself and took a sip when he was on fire. Then he said, "General Manager Qin, I have already come here and I need to explain what you need to do. I have already considered it, and I will leave it to you for the rest of my life."

Qin Hai laughed: "Ms. Sun is very serious. I may only be your inn here. After a few years, wait until the country's economic situation is better and the school's treatment has improved. If you want to return to Beijing, go to a large research institution. , I will never stop. "

"No, once it comes, then it is safe, I will not leave here." Sun Yuzhi said.

Qin Hai did not argue about this topic. In fact, what is said now is too early, ten or twenty years later, who dare to guarantee? He said: "Since you are here, you are still working a long time. Don't worry about this. You can take a few days off and wait for your body to recover. We will discuss the work."

Sun Yuzhi said: "Nothing is slow ~ ~ I just took the train for 30 hours. In the past, we got off the factory, and also took longer trains. President Qin, you Say, what should I do? "

Qin Haidao: "Mr. Sun is really an acute child. So, in the past few days, some experts will arrive one after another. After everyone arrives, we have a meeting to discuss the work in detail. What about you these days, First think about things in your field, including your research plan, and the research conditions you need, such as experimental equipment, books, etc., make a list, and then we will solve them uniformly. What do you think? "

Sun Yuzhi nodded and said, "No problem, I'll do this right away."

Having said that, I could only hear the sound of heavy footsteps from the stairs outside the door, as if someone was running downstairs quickly. Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a head coming into the head from the door, clearly a little fat man around 10 years old. The little fat man glanced at the crowd and asked aloud, "Are you new here? My home is also new, and my dad said you have a child, where is it?"

Hearing the sound of a child, Sun Zeteng, who was lying in the back room, ran out and stared at the little fat man. The fat man saw Sun Ze and shouted joyfully: "Child, play with me, we have frogs in the ground behind the building!" (To be continued ...)

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