Material Empire

Chapter 321: Liu Bei borrowed from Jingzhou

According to the usual practice, after the conference, there will be some small meetings, that is, the leaders of various companies communicate with Qin Hai in private, because some of them involve the internal affairs of the company, it is not necessary Let everyone participate in the discussion together.

Qin Hai is not a master of management and management. On many management issues, he has no merit except that he has the foresight of an expert. He knows his shortcomings, so he doesn't get too involved in the management affairs of various companies, but only gives some technical guidance, and encourages everyone to try boldly without being bound by the times.

When it was Liu Yaozhong's turn to talk with Qin Hai, Qin Hai first asked the current operating status of Dongyao Plastic Factory, and then said, "Director Liu, at the conference, you talked about thinking about your own production equipment. considerate?"

Liu Yaozhong said: "General Manager Qin, you know the situation of our factory. We were originally engaged in plastic processing, relying on new materials developed by Dongyi. Later, when we encountered some business difficulties, you pointed us out. A clear road, let's engage in polymer materials for automobiles, and then authorize them to produce and collect patent fees. In the past two years, we have made a dozen inventions in total. Life is still good. "

"In this situation, I know that Zhou Gong's R & D is indeed a good hand. It is really not easy for him to learn from each other and come up with these dozen technologies." Qin Hai briefly commented, and then waited for Liu Yaozhong to say the following words. Already.

For Dongyao Plastic Factory. Qin Hai did not give special attention, but only provided a part of the funding for scientific research in the beginning, and provided Zhou Dongyi with several ideas for polymer material modification. Subsequent developments were made by Liu Yaozhong and Zhou Dongyi. To speak, Zhou Dongyi is a very good technical master, Liu Yaozhong has some business vision, and the two of them partnered to make a plastic factory that is about to close close again.

With the improvement of business conditions, Liu Yaozhong and Zhou Dongyi had some funds in their hands, and their minds began to regain their vitality. Liu Yaozhong felt. Licensing technology to others for production is equivalent to half the profits. It's a bit of a loss. During this period of time, he asked Zhou Dongyi to focus on developing several new technologies with low investment and high returns, and he was ready to buy equipment for production. Because Dongyao Plastic Factory owns half of Qinhai's shares, he must discuss this with Qinhai.

Liu Yaozhong continued: "In the first two years. We were mainly engaged in automotive materials. Now the market in this segment has been somewhat saturated. Some factories have seen the profits from scientific research. They have also established research departments and no longer need our technology. So, I discussed with Dongyi and wanted to put some energy into production and rebuild the plastic factory. What do you think? "

"I agree." Qin Hai didn't go round. The answer was straightforward, "Just, how big are you going to do. How much will you invest?"

Speaking of this problem, Liu Yaozhong was a little embarrassed. In recent years, the factory has been operating well, but the accumulated funds are only six or seven million, and half of them belong to Qin Hai. To set up a small polymer material production equipment, the investment must also be tens of millions. Although the returns are very generous, who knows whether Qin Hai is willing?

"We want to set up a small PVC equipment with an annual output of 500 tons. It is mainly made of new varieties of polyvinyl chloride products. After preliminary calculation, it may need to invest about 12 million." Liu Yaozhong said.

"How to solve the problem of money?" Qin Hai asked again.

Liu Yaozhong said: "I came here mainly to discuss this issue with you. If you agree, we want to invest all the money in the factory, which can make up about 6 million, and another 6 million ..."

Having said that, he deliberately hesitated before going on.

In Liu Yaozhong's heart, there are two schemes. One is a loan to a bank. If Qin Hai is willing to provide him with a guarantee, he should be able to obtain a loan of 6 million. As for the second plan, it is even simpler, and that is to ask Qin Hai to provide the money. 6 million yuan is a huge sum for Liu Yaozhong, and for Qin Hai, who has a net worth of hundreds of millions, it is only a small amount of money.

However, Liu Yaozhong did not want Qin Hai to provide this money in the form of investment, because this meant that the equity structure of Dongyao Plastic Factory would change again. Liu Yaozhong was unwilling to work hard for half a day on his own. All fell into Qin Hai's hands.

Wanting Qin Hai's money, but not wanting Qin Hai to share more shares, this is the embarrassment of Liu Yaozhong.

Qin Hai guessed his mind from Liu Yaozhong's painful expression, and laughed inwardly. Liu Yaozhong was indeed a Pujiang man, so smart. In contrast, Liu Shuo, they seem much more kind, not so much flamboyant. However, Qin Hai did not have an aversion to Liu Yaozhong because of this. Everyone has a selfish attitude. Liu Yaozhong took such a mentality to go to the enterprise to be able to do his best. If he took most of his own shares, Liu Yaozhong may also There is no motivation.

"Director Liu, you are now operating a new 500-ton class of equipment, which is a bit of a loss." Qin Hai said, "There are two trends in polyvinyl chloride equipment today. The first is the scale of 20,000-ton equipment. It's already outdated, and the scale of more than 100,000 tons is needed. The second is intelligence, which is mainly applicable to the production of new polyvinyl chloride products, which is characterized by small batches and flexibility. Production equipment that can't go up and down will become a chicken rib within a few years, I'm afraid that even the investment will not be recovered. "

"This ..." Liu Yaozhong was dumb. The situation Qin Hai said was actually discussed with Zhou Dongyi. He is not engaged in technology, and he does not understand the development trend of technology, but Zhou Dongyi has been steeped in this for a long time, how can he not understand this truth.

Liu Yaozhong certainly did not consider the large-scale equipment Qin Hai said, because such equipment would cost hundreds of millions of yuan in investment. In terms of small equipment, if we want to improve the level of intelligence, it will not be able to afford more than 10 million, and the investment must be doubled, which is beyond Liu Yaozhong's tolerance.

"General Manager Qin, do you mean that our plan is not feasible?" Liu Yaozhong asked with a dumb throat, he admitted that Qin Hai had good reasons, but he was too anxious to set up a production equipment himself.

Qin Hai laughed: "Director Liu, you want to do your own production, this idea is good. But why do you spend so much money on equipment?"

"How do you make it without buying equipment?" Liu Yaozhong asked, staring.

Qin Haidao: "Can't you borrow chickens to lay eggs?"

"Let the chicken lay an egg ..." Liu Yaozhong frowned. "Do you mean, let's continue to engage in authorized production?"

The operation of Dongyao Plastic Factory for more than three years actually belongs to laying eggs by chickens. Develop the technology yourself, authorize chemical companies to carry out production, and then get the technology share from these production companies. Qin Hai is still borrowing chickens to lay eggs. Is it to let them continue the original model?

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "No, Director Liu, I said that borrowing chickens to lay eggs means that you can borrow other people's equipment to engage in your production. This is compared with the production authorized in the past. One step. In the past, you had to let others take away the production profits. Now you only have to pay the rent. The rest of the money is made by yourself. Isn't that good? "

"Lend equipment? Where can I borrow it?" The second monk Liu Yaozhong couldn't figure out his head. Is it possible to borrow such things as equipment?

"Not only to borrow equipment, but also workers, workshop directors, to be more straightforward, that is, to borrow the entire factory. Of course, if you have the skill to make Liu Bei borrow Jingzhou, and finally do not pay back, that is Your skills. Don't you know that many small and medium state-owned enterprises are dying now and can't even pay their wages? You can borrow their equipment and workers, which is equivalent to saving people from fire and water. "Qin Hai said .

Liu Yaozhong is also a mixed person in the market all day long. Of course, he knows that the operation of many state-owned enterprises has become increasingly distressed in the past two years. Some companies have already given workers leave because of insufficient start-ups. The holiday here is not the kind of paid annual leave that can take your wife and children to swim in the future, but the long vacation with direct wages and no bonuses. Before long, long holidays will become laid-offs, and state-owned enterprises will usher in the darkest period in history.

"Mr. Qin, do you mean, let's find a discontinued PVC factory and borrow their equipment?" Liu Yaozhong finally understood what Qin Hai meant, ah ~ ~ I ’ve borrowed the idle equipment and borrowed it. Why bother raising money to raise money? The most important thing is that buying new equipment is really not cost-effective. It is the right way to let those old equipment in the enterprise that are about to be eliminated play a waste of heat.

Seeing Liu Yaozhong thinking clearly, Qin Hai said, "I provide you with a message, do you remember Yu Kezhen?"

Liu Yaozhong responded: "I remember, isn't that the director of Jinnan Chemical Plant? He cooperated with us for a while, but then no longer cooperated, but the personal friendship between us was quite good."

Driven by Qin Hai, Jinnan Chemical Plant once introduced a technology for producing hard materials from Dongyao Plastic Factory. However, due to sales difficulties, Jinnan Chemical Plant failed to apply this technology. Two Cooperation has been interrupted. However, Liu Yaozhong is a person who can do things. Although the cooperation between the two parties has been interrupted, he still gives Yu Kezhen a phone call, sends a small gift, etc., so his personal relationship is still kept.

"As far as I know, the Jinnan Chemical Plant is very difficult to operate now, and the employees will soon be unable to pay. If Director Liu will go to the director at this time, he will accept it no matter what conditions you open. In his hands But there is a set of 2,000 tons of equipment, I believe the director Liu will make it work, right? "Qin Hai smiled to Liu Yao to the bottom. (To be continued)

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