Material Empire

Chapter 324: Coincide with me

Please Qin Hai to go to the 70x, not Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin whim. ! ybdu! When they reported the situation on the An River to Gu Qin Yuan, Gu Qin Yuan gave them an instruction that if Qin Hai really knew something about stealth materials, he might as well ask him to talk to 70x, by the way Help solve the problem of ferrite material spraying.

When Gu Qinyuan made this request, he did not take Qin Hai's identity into account. In his opinion, Qin Hai is just a small capitalist of a private enterprise. How can it be compared with the status of the Military Research Institute? Being able to invite Qin Hai to the institute has already given Qin Hai a face.

For this invitation by Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin, Qin Hai did not feel anything wrong. In the previous life, he has done many research projects for the military. In his mind, he thinks that the military's affairs are his own. Since he has some experience in stealth materials, it is also appropriate to talk with military personnel. .

The work of the School of Materials has been explained to Fu Wenbin and Wang Xiaochen. The relevant scientific research arrangements have also been approved by relevant scholars, so Qin Hai has nothing to do in the short term. As for the Qingfeng Factory and some other enterprises, they each have their own set of operating mechanisms, and there are not many places for Qin Hai to intervene. In general, he is a shopkeeper, and taking advantage of this opportunity to go around the military is not a bad thing.

With such an idea, Qin Hai greeted Ning Zhongying and set off with Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin. 70x is located in Tongjiang Province, there is no direct train to Anhe. It takes two days to change trains. Qin Hai was too lazy to waste this time and directly notified Hongze's office to help them book three direct flights to Tongjiang.

"General Manager Qin, we will not allow flying ..." I heard Qin Hai's arrangement. Li Zhongyun reminded timidly.

"Why?" Qin Haiyun wondered, "for security or confidentiality?"

"No ... it's impossible to report," Li Zhongyun replied.

"Yes, we just take a hard seat on the train, and the sleeper cannot be reported." Wu Honglin added, "However, you were invited as an expert. The place has been approved, you can reimburse the sleeper, but the plane is still not working. "

Qin Hai sighed. He said, "I know your rules. However, I paid for the two of you to fly. Didn't you say it wasn't allowed?"

"This is not right. We asked you to help. How can you spend your money?" Wu Honglin said.

Qin Hai remembered the joke that Chai Peide had told him, saying that the young people of the Provincial Government's General Office had discussed whether Qin Hai would bend over to pick up money. With Qin Hai's current net worth, the value of a few days' delay can buy dozens of air tickets. Since he is willing to follow Li Zhongyun to Tongjiang Province, where would he care about a few air tickets?

However, he did not want to say these words too directly, after all, Li Zhongyun they have not realized Qin Hai's identity as a rich man. If he shows off his wealth too much, I am afraid it will also make a bad impression. Think of these. He just said lightly: "Don't worry about air tickets, I have somewhere to reimburse me. My work here is also busy and needs time, so let's go by plane together."

"Then ... it can only be so." Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin had nothing to say, but could only accept it.

When they got on the plane, the two did not look like soil buns that had never been on an airplane. Instead, they gave Qin Hai science from time to time, telling Qin Hai what type of aircraft ’s engine, how much thrust, and what ’s practical. The ceiling, the maximum level flight speed, etc., listened to the surrounding passengers. Qin Hai pondered carefully, remembering that the 70x was originally engaged in aircraft, these two should have enough professional understanding of aircraft.

The plane landed in the provincial capital and city of Tongjiang Province. A military jeep was sent by the 70x station, which directly pulled Qin Hai and others to the headquarters of the 70x office in the outskirts of the city.

Don't look at Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin who came out unremarkably. They are like technicians in two small factories. In fact, the 70x Institute is a very large research institution. The headquarters of the headquarters alone covers thousands of acres. It looks like a small town. Listening to Li Zhongyun's introduction, in addition to the headquarters site, the 70x also has an attached test flight field, that is, a military airport, as well as experimental bases, machinery plants, chemical plants, farms, etc., with tens of thousands of employees.

In front of the compound of the headquarters, there were two fully-armed soldiers. At a glance at the spirit, they knew that they were soldiers from the field forces. They were completely different from the guards standing at the gates of ordinary government agencies. Two stone-to-air tactical missiles were placed on the sides of the gate where stone lions should be placed. It is said that this is also a real guy, only the warhead and the propellant were removed. The use of this art to town house, that is, the military organization can think of things, local units are absolutely afraid to do so.

After picking up Qin Hai, their jeep did not stop at the gate and drove directly into the yard. A long walk along the tree-lined road, and finally stopped in front of a large and thick building door. Similar to such a building, Qin Hai has seen six or seven buildings along the way. Li Zhongyun told him that each building belongs to a research room. This research room specializes in stealth materials. Currently, it is served by Gu Qinyuan. Chief engineer responsible for overall work.

The building has a typical Soviet style, each floor is high, and the corridor is wide. There is a feeling of emptyness and solemnity in it. Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin took Qin Haihai to the second floor and came to Gu Qinyuan's office.

"It's Comrade Qin Hai, welcome and welcome, come this way, have you worked hard?" Gu Qinyuan is a middle-aged man in his early 40s with a gentle smile on his face. When he met, he reached out and shook hands with Qin Hai. Greetings.

"Mr. Gu, hello, I heard Mr. Chen Heqian mentioned your name, and he also admired your achievements very much." Qin Hai hurriedly prepared to show that he was no stranger to Gu Qinyuan.

"Ms. Chen is a material expert. He pointed me to many things." Gu Qinyuan nodded. "Why, are you very familiar with Mr. Chen?"

"In 1985, Mr. Chen went to Anhe to solve a technical problem in the military industry. I have helped Mr. Chen." Qin Hai said.

Gu Qinyuan said: "I know this. All of us, Cui Gong, were also in that project team. He also told me your name a few days ago. He also admires you very much."

"I remember Mr. Cui. He was very kind to me in the project team. I learned a lot from him." Qin Hai said with a smile. In fact, at the time when he was doing scientific research at the missile base, Qin Hai gave the experts of the entire project team to the town. Each expert learned a lot from him, otherwise these people would not be so impressed with him.

The two of them shouted a few words, Gu Qinyuan said, "Xiao Qin. This time I ask you to come to 70x, I mean. Listen to Xiao Li and Xiao Wu they said on the phone, you use ferrite materials for us As invisible material. There are some different views, can you elaborate? "

"I'm just a layman, just casually speaking, I can't think that General Manager Gu attaches so much importance. It makes me a little nervous." Qin Hai pretended to be modest. He said, "Since General Manager Gu asked, I'll talk about some of my opinions, maybe there will be some inspiration for General Manager Gu."

Next, Qin Hai began to talk bluntly. Different from what they had said before with Li Zhongyun and Wu Honglin, this time he seriously did some homework and summarized what can be recalled in his mind. Make it more organized. Although Gu Qinyuan took out his notebook at the beginning, he made a careful record. However, there was still some slackness in his heart. After listening to Qin Hai's words, his face became serious, and the speed of writing on his notebook became faster and faster. In the end, he almost dared not miss a word.

"What you said, you have figured it out yourself?" Looking at the dozens of pages of notes, Gu Qinyuan felt like a dream. He looked at Qin Hai, but he couldn't believe what he said just now. From the mouth of such a young man.

Replaced with Li Zhongyun or Wu Honglin. If you have sufficient preparations, you need to introduce the research progress of stealth materials, but you can still make sense, but you have to grasp the details just like Qin Hai, the logic is very smooth. Gu Qinyuan It is difficult to self-proclaim these assistants, not to mention that many of the concepts and ideas introduced by Qin Hai were not clear by Gu Qinyuan himself.

Previously, Gu Qinyuan had heard that Cui Gong, who had contacted Qin Hai, introduced that Qin Hai was a very smart and very good young man, but this man did not say that Qin Hai ’s skills were so solid that Gu Qinyuan had Some self-defeating degree. In fact, this is no wonder. How could Cui Gong say that he is not as good as Qin Hai? He is a student who has been working for Qin Hai for more than ten days. Isn't that too shameless?

"I said these things because I integrated the ideas from various literatures and sorted them out myself. There may be some places that are too lay. I also asked Teacher Gu and Li Gong and Wu Gong to correct me." Qin Hai answered with a smile, Put yourself in a very low position.

"Can you find the literature you are looking at for us to see? We haven't seen much of what you said here. It stands to reason that there should be more literature than you." Gu Qinyuan said.

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "I'm not engaged in scientific research, and I have forgotten some of the literature. Now let me say what literature it came from ~ ~ I can't remember it for a while. However, I can I promise, I see these things myself. As for right, it's hard to say. "

"Before seeing more literature, I dare not say that your ideas are right. But judging by my experience, what you said makes sense. Especially using conductive polymer materials as the next generation of stealth materials. At the core, this idea coincides with me. "Gu Qinyuan said in a deep voice. (To be continued ...)

ps: Oranges are wrongly numbered. 6xx is for aviation and 7xx is for space. However, the novel is about an overhead world. It's better to confuse it, so that some people will not check in. In particular, the novel is purely fictional and should not be substituted.

There are some gaps between black technology and reality. For example, stealth technology, Orange can only write about it. What is the real technology, even if Orange knows it, dare not write it, let alone not know. In order to write this book, Orange has installed the water meter outside the door and dare not order any express delivery ... Is it easy?

Finally, it ’s the end of the month. Everyone in the readers loves it. The monthly pass for this book reached the ninth place in the metropolitan area. If you can move three positions forward, you will get a 1,000 yuan bonus this month. You do n’t need a monthly pass. Just vote for the oranges. After receiving the bonus, I will eat navel oranges for everyone ...

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