Material Empire

Chapter 334: Jintang

Jintang Hotel is the best hotel in Jintang City. When you walk into the lobby, you can see the front desk of artificial marble, sofas of artificial leather, and large crystal chandeliers, which can be regarded as magnificent by the standards of the year. Knowing that Qin Hai arrived today, Kuroko had already booked a room in advance, at this time he took Qin Hai directly to the floor and came to the room.

"Mr. Qin, what do you think of the room? No way, this is already the best hotel in Jintang. The conditions are still not comparable to those of Pujiang and Jingcheng." Heizi said apologetically while helping Qin Hai put things.

Qin Hai looked around the room and saw that the furnishings in the room were a bit dated. The tables and chairs were made of solid wood, unlike the man-made panels used in some high-end hotels; two fluorescent lamps hung above his head, and It ’s not a ceiling light; the phone uses the dial instead of the popular buttons ... These facilities were considered good five years ago, but in the past five years, the domestic economy has developed rapidly and various facilities have been Renewal, and Jintang Hotel is still using the things of the past, naturally it seems a little out of grade.

"Hey, do you look like I care about these people? You don't remember what house we lived when we went to Quwu to buy coal?" Qin Hai said with a smile.

Kuroko also laughed. In recent years, he has been with Qin Hai, and naturally knows that Qin Hai is not the kind of person who seeks luxury. The first time he went on a business trip with Qin Hai, he went to Quwu to buy coal. At that time they lived in the cheapest guest house and lived in a large room for eight people.

Qin Hai is now worthy. When travelling to and from big cities such as Beijing and Pujiang, all of them are foreign-related hotels. The various conditions are very superior. In contrast, Jintang Hotel looks too shabby. Qin Hai can claim that he doesn't care about these conditions, but Kuroko as a follower. To some extent, it is necessary to express his negligence.

"Shuizi, you have been to Jintang for a few days. What do you think of Jintang now?" Qin Hai sat down on the sofa and asked him.

Kuroko took a thermos bottle, picked up a bottle of water from the bathroom, and plugged it in "hot fast". He started to boil water, then sat down on another sofa and replied, "The situation is very bad. I heard that 70% of the companies have already stopped working, and even cadres in the government can only pay 80% of their wages. "

"How could it be so bad?" Qin Hai asked.

Kuroko said: "I have been running with the factory manager Liu for the past few days, and I have been to several companies. The situation of these companies is similar to that of the Hongguang FRP factory that the driver mentioned just now, because the products are aging and uncompetitive. It ’s severely slow-selling. Jintang is a chemical base, many chemical plants have been shut down, and the city ’s finances have been lost, so the whole city ’s situation is very bad. ”

"By the way, is the Wang Songan we have met in the past still in the Jintang Economic Commission?" Qin Hai asked again.

Kuroko said: "The director of the Liuchang factory has inquired about Wang Song'an and heard that he has been transferred to another city. However. The original Zeng Zhiqiang is still there, it seems that he has already mentioned the Deputy Director of the Economic Commission."

Zeng Zhiqiang said by Kuroko. I also met Qin Haihai once. At that time, he was the head of the General Section of Jintang Economic Commission, and was responsible for Qin Hai's food, housing, and transportation. In particular, they contacted Qin Hai in business. It was Wang Songan, director of the Economic Commission. Unfortunately, this person is no longer working locally. Thinking of the confrontation I had with Wang Songan on cooperation issues, let us look at the declining Jintang City. Qin Hai has a sense of right and wrong.

"Sunspots, the planter Liu will be in Jintang these days. What have they done, and what have they achieved?" Qin Hai asked Sunspots.

Kuroko: "The director Liu intends to find cooperation with several chemical plants in Jintang. I accompanied him to the Jinnan chemical plant. I met the director Yu Kezhen, but they didn't talk too speculatively, and they didn't talk. to make."

Qin Hai asked: "No speculation? Why?"

Kuroko: "The Jinnan Chemical Plant is not in good condition. The director Liu wants to rent their factory and workers for production. The director Yu said that he hopes the director Liu will contract all the workers in the factory and even retire. Workers are included. The director Liu felt that this condition was too much, so he did not agree. "

In the early 1990s, the bankruptcy law had been implemented for several years. In some parts of the country, state-owned enterprises went bankrupt and were merged by private enterprises. However, the turmoil of the first year has brought some domestic policies together, and the status of the private economy has begun to be questioned. Therefore, this kind of private enterprise merger with state-owned enterprises is somewhat sensitive.

When Liu Yaozhong returned to Jintang, he was prompted by Qin Hai. He wanted to take advantage of the fact that Jintang's chemical companies were in a difficult situation and merged several companies as a production base. Since it is concealing the sea, it is naturally impossible to use the saying of mergers and acquisitions, and it can only be called cooperative management. But when it comes to staffing arrangements after the cooperation, the demands of the two sides are very different.

For Liu Yaozhong, the purpose of his cooperation with state-owned enterprises is to engage in his own production, so he only needs those workers who can work, and naturally he is unwilling to accept those who cannot. As far as retired workers are concerned, it has nothing to do with Liu Yaozhong. How could he manage the placement of retired workers at the Jinnan Plant.

For Yu Kezhen, the palms of his hands and hands are all meat. He has to take care of all the workers. He absolutely cannot tolerate some workers getting laid off and others being laid off. Retired workers are also paid in the factory. If he wants to cooperate with Liu Yaozhong, the wages of these retired workers must also be included in the scope of cooperation.

The Jinnan Chemical Plant was established in the 1950s. The group of workers who entered the plant that year reached the retirement age in the mid-to-late 1980s. In a factory with more than 400 employees, there are nearly 200 retired workers, almost two in-service employees supporting one retiree. Such a burden is enough to make a company out of breath.

Of course, Liu Yaozhong refused to carry this burden on his shoulders. He was here to make money, not to do charity. With such thoughts, he and Yu Kezhen naturally couldn't talk about going together, and it was already very good without getting into a state of unhappiness.

Qin Hai just received a call from Liu Yaozhong, saying that things in Jintang are a bit troublesome, so he made a special trip over here. Now that Kuroko has finished talking about the details, he is beginning to have a headache.

"General Manager Qin, I don't think we have to seek cooperation with Jintang companies. Now there are many companies with insufficient start-ups across the country. Maybe some conditions will be better than Jintang." Heizi reminded.

Qin Hai asked, "What do you mean by better conditions? What do you mean?"

Kuroko said: "At the very least, we can't let us control their retired workers, right? We don't owe retired workers money, so why do we let us control them?"

Qin Haidao: "If we want to merge their factories, regardless of their retired workers, what do these retired workers do?"

"Find the government." Kuroko said.

Qin Hai sneered: "Do you think the government can manage these retired workers in a city like Jintang?"

"This ..." Heizi was speechless. He had previously told Qin Hai that Jintang's finances were also very tight, and even the salaries of government officials could not be paid in full, let alone the salary of retired workers. Sending retired workers to the government is no different than pushing them to the streets.

"General President Qin, wouldn't you mean that we still care about these retired workers, right? Then our burden is too heavy to pay for it." Heizi said, when he said these words, he felt hesitant, after all, he He is also a child of the factory and mine, knowing how inhumane it is to push out retired workers.

Qin Haidao: "I know that if we carry back retired workers, the burden is indeed too heavy. But to kick out retired workers completely, I guess neither the company nor the municipal government will agree. Therefore, we must find a dual Of the policy."

"Director Liu will mean the same thing. He said that he had no good way, just waiting for you to figure out a way." Heizi said with a grin.

Qin Hai couldn't think of a good way for a while. He knew that in the next seven or eight years, not only Jintang City, but most state-owned enterprises in the entire country, will face extremely serious business difficulties, tens of millions. Of state-owned enterprise employees will face the fate of being laid off, and retired workers' wages will also be in arrears on a large scale. Such great difficulties cannot be solved by Qin Hai alone.

The two talked for a while, and it was getting dark. The two left the room and were going to the street to find a restaurant for dinner. They had just arrived at the hotel lobby and met Liu Jie hurriedly.

"Isn't this the director Liu?" Qin Hai took the initiative to greet him ~ ~ Liu Jie looked up at Qin Hai, his face was immediately filled with smiles, and he stretched out two hands and walked towards Qin Hai Come over and say, "Oh, Xiao Qin, Secretary Qin ... right? I should call you President Qin, right?"

Qin Hai also stretched out his hand, shook Liu Jie, and said with a smile: "The director Liu is too far-fetched. In front of you, I'm just a junior. You just call me a little Qin."

Liu Jie looked solemnly and said, "How can this be done. In the past few years, you merged Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. I saw it in the newspaper. I heard that your factory produces the spray machine, and earns a few years a year. Thousands of them. Let me just say that you Qin Qin is not an ordinary person, that is a person who is a big business. Just now I heard Master Li of our factory said that you live in the Jintang Hotel, I will hurry up. How about, Qin Qin You guys haven't eaten yet, I'll make it ... "

Qin Hai did not correct the figures that Liu Jie said, earning tens of millions a year. For Liu Jie, it is already an amazing achievement, and Qin Hai does not want to say that the actual number is dozens of times higher than this. He smiled and said to Liu Jie: "We really haven't eaten yet, and we want to go out and find a place to pad a little. Now that the director Liu is here, let's find a more formal place, but I have to say in advance OK, I must pay for it. "(To be continued ...)

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