Material Empire

Chapter 341: There is 1 old at home, if there is 1 treasure

"You know, our factory was sold to a private owner!"

The news spread wildly at the Jinnan Chemical Plant. In just half a day, it was already a household name and diverse opinions.

In the early 1990s, losses and suspensions of state-owned enterprises were very common, but bankruptcies, reorganizations, mergers, and so on were extremely rare. Although state policy does not preclude private enterprises from merging state-owned enterprises, it is not easy in practice. Not to mention that the turmoil in the late 1980s made some private entrepreneurs tremble. Even without such political anxiety, merging a state-owned enterprise is very troublesome. Cultural integration alone is enough to make private entrepreneurs feel headaches. .

Because there is no such precedent around the factory, the mood of the employees in the Jinnan plant is extremely complicated.

The factory is not operating well and suffers severe losses. It has reached the point where it is not possible to pay wages in full. Every slightly sensible employee knows that the factory must change. Without change, there is only a dead end. Now some people are willing to pay for the merger of the factory. For the factory, it may not be a way out, so everyone has some expectations in mind.

However, for the main body of the merger factory is a private enterprise, at least nine of the ten employees are in conflict. When a state-owned enterprise becomes the owner of a lifetime, it becomes an employee of a private enterprise overnight. This change of identity is difficult to accept.

A few years ago, the factory engaged in the reform of the employment system and changed the status of all on-the-job employees to "contract workers." At that time, everyone did not feel that, but thought that it was just a change of name. Until now, everyone suddenly realized that the iron rice bowls in their hands had been replaced at that time. The so-called "contract workers" meant that the workers and the factory were bound by contracts. Now that you want to cancel the contract, what can you do?

"Mother, the country kicked us out at one foot. After decades of hard work, before returning to liberation overnight, Lao Tzu had to work for the capitalists!"

"What **** mergers. It's clear that the country is dumping its bags, OK?"

"In my opinion, it doesn't matter who you work for, as long as someone pays me."

"Salary, do you want to be beautiful, do you know what a capitalist is? You didn't learn it when you were studying. The capitalist exploited our workers. Do you know what it means to be exploited?"

"No matter what it is called exploitation, now I'm not being exploited, but I can only get 50% of my salary a month. It's not as good as those workers in private enterprises earn much more."

"Well, let it be ..."

Various discussions are taking place all over the plant, and there are many of them enough to be defined as "reactionary." Workers do n’t understand the reason. They only care about their livelihood. They hope to get a full salary every month, but they are worried that the arrival of a private boss will deprive them of the iron rice bowls they have always been proud of. It's been a long time since the rice bowl was filled.

In the large conference room of the Jinnan Plant. A forum for retired workers is being held at this time. More than 200 retired workers came to more than 100 people, crowding the entire conference room. Fortunately, everyone is a familiar worker. Two people squatting on a stool will not feel awkward, and can even retrieve some warm memories of the past.

"Masters, everyone is quiet, we are in a meeting now." Yu Kezhen stood at the conference table and said to everyone loudly.

The boiling voices in the room calmed down, and Yu Kezhen's prestige in the factory did not blow. These retired workers have all worked under the leadership of Krypton, and are very impressed by his abilities and character, and are therefore very willing to cooperate with him.

"First of all, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Qin Hai, chairman of Anfeng Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. You must have heard of it. Our factory will be restructured and turned into a private enterprise. Chairman Qin Hai will be The chairman of our factory has welcomed everyone. "Yu Kezhen pointed to Qin Hai, who was sitting beside him, and introduced to everyone.

In the thin applause, Qin Hai stood up with a smile. He clenched his fists to everyone and said, "Masters don't have to be polite. I and you, the director of the plant, the chief of the technology department, and the director of the office's Tao, are old friends. I went to Jin several years ago I have come to study in Nanfang Chemical Factory, and some of the masters we may have met in the same year. This time, I was invited by Jintang Municipal Government to help Jinnan Chemical Factory restructure, in order to get Jinnan Factory out of trouble as soon as possible. In the future, all the work will require the cooperation of the masters. I would like to thank everyone in advance. "

Speaking of which, he bowed slightly to the crowd, and received applause again. Compared with the applause just now, this time seems to be a bit warmer. Obviously, his confession made everyone feel a little kind.

After speaking, Qin Hai sat down. Yu Kezhen looked at the crowd and knew that everyone had a bit of contempt for Qin Hai. The reason is very simple. That is, Qin Hai is too young, especially among these retired workers. It seems that he is not much bigger than his grandchildren at home, how can he have any respect for him.

Yu Keji smiled and said, "Before the meeting, I would like to announce one thing to you. Starting from this month, 100% of the wages of retired workers in our factory will be paid, and no later than next month, it will pass All retirement wages in arrears are made up. "

As soon as this word came out, the entire conference room was like a handful of salt sprinkled into a hot oil pan, and it instantly exploded. The eyes of every retired worker were glaring round, and they quizzed queriedly, lest they misunderstood.

"What? Yu Chang, what are you talking about?"

"Less than, aren't you kidding us?"

"Great, let me figure out how much I can get at once if I repay my retirement salary ..."

"Masters, be quiet, be quiet." Yu Kezhen waved his hands desperately. This time, he finally calmed down the excited old people. For more than a year, everyone has forgotten what it feels like to pay their retirement wages in full, and even getting 50% or even 30% of their monthly salary can make them secretly grateful. Now Yu Kezhen actually said that he would be able to pay his full retirement salary from now on, and that he would make up for the arrears in the past. He could just describe the good news by falling out of the pie in the sky.

"Masters, I did not make a mistake just now. From this month on, the retired workers of our factory will be paid in full. This is promised by Vice Mayor Shen of the city government and will never be changed." Yu Kirk said.

"Director Yu, what's going on? In the past, we went to the city government to make trouble, but we didn't see them promise to pay the full salary after the trouble. How did this bunch of rabbits change their tempers this time?" Old worker Tian Jinxi asked loudly . This teacher Fu is upright, and in front of Shen Chuanming, he also scolded the other rabbit.

Yu Kezhen smiled and said, "Master Tian, ​​you've asked a great question. Let me tell you, everyone's pension is what Mr. Qin won for you!"

"What, this little ... President Xiao Qin?" Tian Jinxi asked in surprise, pointing at Qin Hai.

"Yes, this is President Qin." Yu Kezhen said, and then he recounted the situation in which President Qin and Shen Chuanming were negotiating, in which the section where he fainted at Shen Chuanming was hidden. According to him, the city originally intended to use the funds used by President Qin to merge the Jinnan plant for other purposes. It was based on the rationale of President Qin, and even threatened to withdraw the capital. Finally, the city government was forced to promise a special fund for this purpose. The money became a wage guarantee for retired workers.

"This Chuanming Shen, I already knew that he was not a good thing. Why did we remove the money from our factory?" Tian Jin cursed indignantly, and after finishing the scolding, he turned his head towards President Qin and raised a thumb and said : "General President Qin, you are doing a good job. On behalf of the retired workers in our factory, I miss you!"

"Don't dare to be, Master Tian. These retirement wages were originally owed to you by the state. I just spoke upright and helped everyone to keep the money." Qin Haiqian said humbly, but it was true. I have been asking for the credit for retired workers.

If Qin Hai wants to enter the Jinnan Plant, he must establish his own prestige. He earned the salary of retired workers from Shen Chuanming's hands, which was originally his credit, and naturally he would not push them away. As for the workers' resentment against Shen Chuanming for this reason, it is not Qin Hai's control. The situation introduced by Yu Kezhen was not distorted. Shen Chuanming's original idea was indeed a bit sorry to the retired workers of the Jinnan Plant.

Yu Kezheng said, "To summon everyone up for a meeting today is what Mr. Qin said ~ ~ Mr. Qin said that our retired workers are the wealth of the Jinnan Plant. To get out of the plight, the Jinnan Plant must We must listen to your opinions and get everyone ’s help. Therefore, this meeting today is a Zhuge Liang meeting. I hope everyone will continue to carry forward the spirit of ownership and contribute to the future development of our factory. "

"Director Yu, and ... Mr. Qin, we are all old guys. How do we know what to do and let us make suggestions? I'm afraid we're looking for the wrong person?" A retired female worker named Ding Guifen hesitated Said.

"Yes, we are all workers. I used to know how to work at work. How do I know how to run a business? Director Yu, I think you should find some cadres of the government to give them some ideas for President Qin." Other workers also have Echo road.

Qin Hai stood up and waved to the crowd, saying, "Masters, you are wrong. As the saying goes, there is an old family, such as a treasure. You old workers know the situation of our Jinnan factory best, so If you want to do a good job at the Jinnan plant, your opinions are very important. As for the business management and product development, we will have special staff to do it, and you do n’t need to worry about it. Today I would like to invite you to discuss That is exactly where the problem of our Jinnan plant is, and what can be done to solve it. "(To be continued ...)

ps: added to celebrate the ap meeting ...

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