Material Empire

Chapter 350: I don't know Tarzan

Hearing what Wang Hongsheng said, Qin Hai couldn't help but lament that those who could work in the State Planning Commission really had extremely sharp eyes and could detect the intentions of others from any clue. Qin Hai asked Huaqing University and the Chemical Engineering Design Institute to develop a large-scale ethylene plant. Of course, it was not just as simple as building an ethylene plant for himself. His idea was clearly that he wanted to eat both eggs and hens. Technology is also in the bag.

These ideas are not a trade secret. In fact, the country also knows that this should be done, but there is not so much money to do it. The strength of the country is certainly thousands of times larger than Qin Hai, but at the same time, the country has to do much more than Qin Hai. Therefore, when it comes to a project, Qin Hai looks more wealthy and rough. Already. Qin Hai didn't hesitate to make these ideas clear to Wang Hongsheng, who works at the State Planning Commission. The country would not be a competitor of Qin Hai anyway.

Thinking of this, Qin Hai said: "I don't think it's redundant. A large ethylene plant is a billion-dollar investment. If this money is used in China, it can promote the development of many domestic technologies. Why not? Undisguised Wang Bobo, I just came from the Chemical Design Institute, and discussed with the experts there about the research of low temperature steel. If this research can make progress, the benefits of the low temperature steel market alone will be enough to make up for all of me. Invested. "" Uncle Wang is really an expert. "Qin Hai sincerely praised that the three most important compressors in large spherical tanks and ethylene plants are the biggest difficulties in the ethylene project. The difficulty lies in low-temperature steel. Wang Hongsheng was able to name the spherical tank and the three ethylene machines as soon as he heard what he said, indicating that Wang Hongsheng had some research on the ethylene plant.

Wang Hongsheng said with a smile: "The Planning Commission is a grocery store, which runs the sky and down the ground. The middle tube is the air. Not to mention such an important item as the vinyl device is the hair clips on lesbians' heads, which we have all studied before . "

Speaking of which, this is a stumbling block of the planned economy. In the 1950s, when China established a planned economic system following the model of the Soviet Union, it once achieved the ultimate power, and all economic activities were included in the scope of the planning commission's formulation of plans. result. In a certain year, some local lesbians expressed that there was no issue of cards in the market, and many lesbians had opinions. The cadres of the Planning Commission found that they had missed this when preparing the plan, so they hurriedly allocated a few tons of steel and instructed the relevant enterprises to urgently produce and issue a few cards, which solved the problem. "At present, most of the difficulties encountered in large-scale ethylene plants in China are related to materials, and low-temperature steel is the biggest one. I learned at the Chemical Engineering Design Institute that the state has invested annual funds for low-temperature steel research, but only one or two One million yuan plus the funds raised by some enterprises themselves total less than 5 million yuan. With such investment, it is impossible to solve the problem of low temperature steel.

I have discussed with the Chemical Design Institute, and I will invest 20 million yuan to help them build a cryogenic materials laboratory. Based on the research progress, they will be provided with research funding, and strive to break through the difficulties of low temperature steel within two years. However, in the principle of who pays for the benefits, the patent for low-temperature steel will belong to me in the future. Qin Hai introduced Wang Hongsheng bluntly.

"That is to say, if the country wants to engage in large-scale ethylene, it needs to use low-temperature steel technology. It also needs to pay you patent fees?" Wang Hongsheng asked with a smile.

Qin Hai nodded: "It's like this ... uh, of course, the country can enjoy a preferential price."

"You really lost your eyes!" Wang Zheyi hated and scolded, but his eyes were on his father. She was not so much swearing at Qin Hai as she wanted to ease her father's dissatisfaction with Qin Hai. As a national cadre, when I hear someone bargaining with the state, I will definitely feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's not a bad thing to lose money." Wang Hongsheng didn't look as careful as Wang Zheyi imagined. He said to his daughter, and then turned to Qin Hai, "This method of scientific research funded by the people is What the state allows is also what the state should advocate. When you talk about this, I remember it. Director Yang of the Mechanical Committee had told me about this model last time, and he seemed to say that it was your proposal. "

"You mean Director Yang Xinyu?" Qin Hai was stunned, Wang Hongsheng unintentionally revealed the meaning, it seems that Yang Xinyu's status is lower than him, otherwise how could he talk to him about these modes? Yang Xinyu is the deputy director and deputy minister-level cadre of the Machinery Committee. So, what level will Wang Hongsheng be?

"Excuse me, can I ask Uncle Wang what is his position in the Planning Committee ..." Qin Hai asked timidly, and he knew that such an interview was not appropriate, but he could not find a better statement for a while. .

"Dad, tell him?" Wang Zheyi looked at Wang Hongsheng with a smile and asked, as if gloating.

Wang Hongsheng slumped his face blankly and said, "What can't be said, I'm just an ordinary cadre, and this is not a confidential thing."

"Qin Hai, you can listen well. It wasn't me who deliberately concealed you. It was you ... oh, forget it, let me tell you the truth. My dad is the deputy director of the Planning Commission and is in charge of the industry." I need to understate it a bit, but when I say it, I inevitably have a sense of pride.

"It turns out ... I'm so sorry, I ... I really don't know Taishan." Qin Hai just felt dry and bitter, and didn't know what to say for a while.

To tell you, Qin Hai has seen a lot of senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels. Yang Xinyu, Cui Hongchun, Chai Peide, and the military's Yue Guoyang. These people have a very good relationship with Qin Hai, and Qin Hai has nothing in front of them. Feeling restrained. But after all, the State Planning Commission is not an ordinary unit. It can be said that in the economic field, the Planning Commission belongs to the third level of the officials, and a small director can let the governors below desperately let it go, let alone Wang Hongsheng He is actually a deputy director.

The key point is that. Qin Hai had no mental preparation for Wang Hongsheng's identity. Although he thought that Wang Hongsheng would be an official with real power, he did not expect such a high level. Even more embarrassing, when Wang Zheyi told Qin Hai his father's name in the past, he must have thought that Qin Hai could know his father's level. After all, the name of the deputy director of the State Planning Commission would often appear in newspapers and televisions. Unexpectedly. Qin Hai, the technical otaku, didn't notice this. At this time, he was still asking Wang Hongsheng's position. He really didn't take the deputy director as a cadre.

Wang Hongsheng smiled at Qin Hai's embarrassment. When Wang Zheyi talked about his relationship with Qin Hai, Wang Hongsheng was always a little worried whether Qin Hai was with Wang Zheyi because of his identity. It now appears that the young man didn't even notice his identity, which saved him a little suspicion.

"What Taishan is not Taishan, the deputy director also serves you. You don't have any psychological burden." Wang Hongsheng waved his hand and said to Qin Hai.

"Wang ... uh, forget it, I'll call you Uncle Wang." Qin Haiben wanted to change his name to Wang Hongsheng's official position, and then thought about it, thinking that it might be too inflammatory, so he bachelor in the end, "Uncle Wang. Because I have been As a private company, it does not involve national investment and project establishment. Therefore, I have never dealt with the Planning Commission and I have never known your name. It is really ashamed. "...

"Haha, you Qinhai has never paid attention to the planning committee, but our planning committee has always been paying attention to you. You have gathered a group of experts from universities across the country to establish the Anhe Material College in Anhe. This The Anhe Provincial Planning Commission reported to the National Planning Commission. We all said, Qin Hai has such a big appetite. "Wang Hongsheng said half-jokingly and seriously.

Qin Hai honestly said: "I have reported this to our province. It ’s not because I have a big appetite, but because our country has too little investment in science and technology. The treatment of scientific researchers is too bad. They dug it out, and sooner or later they will leave and it will be a loss to the country. "

"You're right." Wang Hongsheng nodded, affirming. Qin Hai is digging people across the country. It is impossible for such a big event to attract the attention of the relevant state departments. The Planning Commission also conducted a special survey on this. After hearing reports from investigators, Wang Hongsheng knew that after Qin Hai concentrated the experts on Anhe, he provided them with a superior living and working environment, and arranged many scientific research projects related to the national economy and people's livelihood. The evaluation of the Planning Commission on this matter is generally positive. Of course, Qin Hai did not know this.

"Uncle Wang, since you are the leader of the Planning Commission, I just want to inquire. What is the attitude of the Planning Commission regarding the investment of 800,000 tons of ethylene project by a private company?" Qin Hai now understands that Wang Zheyi invited him to come home The purpose of the feast.

What Qin Hai has done in the past is not large in scale. Even if these projects have to be reported to the Planning Commission, it is enough to find the Anhe Provincial Planning Commission ~ ~ which does not involve such a level as the State Planning Commission. But this time, he is building 800,000 tons of ethylene, which involves billions of yuan of investment. Such a large project cannot be covered by a provincial planning committee, and must deal with the State Planning Commission.

Qin Hai didn't know how the State Planning Commission viewed such a project. This family banquet provided him with an opportunity to communicate privately with the leadership of the Planning Commission, which can avoid many policy risks in advance, and saves him from having trouble when he officially declares.

To speak, Wang Zheyi is more devoted to Qin Hai.

PS: Recommend a friend's new book "Urban Terrorist": Gu Xiaojun is a legendary disciple of King of Thieves, but he rebelled from the division after eighteen years of learning. After joining the rise of Wolong, he was betrayed and sacrificed by the traitors in an organization . At the age of 30, he crossed the thirteen-year-old boy, aiming for revenge alone. The young man has a unique skill and possesses several avatars. Everyone around him thinks that he is just an ordinary boy, but he has overturned the international dark world order ...

The author Nanxian is an old writer. He has written nearly 4 million words of official text "Step by Step," and his character and writing are fully reliable.

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