Material Empire

Chapter 355: Star hotel conditions

Thanks to his response, the delegation had no trouble. The group boarded the bus that Xie Qijin rented and walked through Chita city to the hotel he had booked for everyone in advance.

This is a star hotel called "Bektov Hotel", which looks like most Russian buildings, is quite majestic, and has no characteristics at the same time. Entering the hotel, Qin Hai can see that the furnishings inside are extremely worn, the carpets are dirty, and the paint on the wooden counter has dropped a lot, exposing the original color of the wood. He remembered the scene where he had stayed at a hotel in Jintang before. Compared with this hotel, Jintang's hotel was simply luxurious.

"General Qin, this is the condition on the Soviet side. Even hotels in Moscow are like this, everyone will just click on it? A lot of words."

"Understand." Qin Hai replied simply.

The room was already arranged in advance, and everyone in the delegation received the keys and went to their own rooms. Qin Hai dragged the box, and as soon as he entered his room, he felt a chill. When I was in the hall just now, Qin Hai didn't feel particularly cold. Now that I'm in the room, it's still cold everywhere, which makes people feel wrong. "No, there is no heating in this room?" Qin Hai asked in surprise to Xie Qijin who accompanied him into the room.

"If there is heating, it would not be this temperature." Xie Qijin replied. Isn't it? At this time, the outdoor temperature of Chita has dropped below zero, and there is still about 10 degrees in the room.

Qin Hai grinned and said, "Old Xie, wouldn't you tell me that this is the condition of a Soviet star-rated hotel? A lot of words."

Xie Qijin sighed: "Well, President Qin, you are right. It is a star hotel, the heating is good, and the temperature is a little bit. The homes of the residents in the city are even colder than this. Oops, the national economy is all over , Even heating is not guaranteed. "

"The situation in the Soviet Union would be so bad?" Qin Hai murmured.

For the situation before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Qin Hai had some knowledge. Before coming to the Soviet Union, he heard Xie Qijin and others said that the Soviet economy was declining. There are also some psychological preparations for the scenarios that may be encountered. But it was better to see it all. After he arrived on the ground, what he saw was far worse than he thought.

Prior to Goethe, the Soviet Union was a government-sponsored country. Housing, education, medical care, employment, heating, and so on did not require ordinary people to worry, although these social benefits provided by the government were not particularly good. However, maintaining a living is absolutely no problem. If the living conditions of the Chinese people are to be compared with that of the Chinese people in the same period, the lives of the Soviet Union can be regarded as a well-off standard. But who would have thought that in just a few years, the economy of the entire country had collapsed. The original management system was destroyed, but the new system was delayed. Under such circumstances, the production of many enterprises has declined and social supply has been declining. Eventually, in some places, even wages could not be guaranteed, and various benefits provided by the government shrank sharply.

At its worst. Difficulties in the provision of some military forces have caused the soldiers to sell their weapons in the barracks to maintain their livelihoods. There have been rumors that some nuclear warheads were stolen and sold due to the lack of military rockets in the strategic rocket army. To this extent, the disintegration of the country is inevitable.

"General Qin, don't worry. I prepared some electric stoves, brought them back, and put one in each room. The hotel said, as long as we are willing to pay for electricity, we can use electric stoves for heating." Xie Qijin looked at Qin Hai's face constantly Change. Thinking that he was abandoning the hotel, the conditions were too bad, and even complained that he was not doing well, so he hurriedly said remedial measures.

Qin Hai came to his senses and said to Xie Qijin with a smile: "Lao Xie, you are very thoughtful. It doesn't matter if I have an electric stove here, but there are several old gentlemen. Their rooms must not be too cold, otherwise they are physically Can't stand it. "

"I know, I know, I'll let someone arrange it right away," Xie Qijin said repeatedly.

"Okay, now you tell me about Chita's situation. I ask you to understand things. How do you know?" Qin Hai pulled Xie Qijin to sit down on the sofa and asked him.

"There are not many large companies on the Chita side. I have already contacted each company. In the end, what they need to do is waiting for you to communicate directly with each other. And the old engineers you said in the telegram, I am also asking people to ask about the addresses and contact methods of some of them. We can come to visit at any time. "Xie Qijin said, taking out a stack of papers from his arms, which wrote some of the information he collected. data.

Qin Hai took the information, looked it over, and smiled: "It's great, it's not too late. Let's go to dinner first. After dinner, I will let everyone break up. Old thank you, these things are too much trouble for you, How much it cost, I will pay you back in return. "

"Mr. Qin, it's too far-fetched to say such things. Isn't it to do things for our country? It costs nothing." Xie Qijin said a few words with a smile, but his heart was beautiful.

Qin Hai would go to the Soviet Union to dig people and find information. Of course, it was impossible to make no arrangements in advance. A long time in advance, he has already explained Xie Qijin's preparations. Xie Qijin did trade with the Soviet Union. He already had a large team under his hands. These days, he scattered his team to various republics and states in the Far East and collected a lot of information. Qin Hai had promised in advance that he would be compensated for his work and would never let him suffer.

Xie Qijin's trade in the Soviet Union was not small, and he made some money. But he knows that compared to Qin Hai ’s industry, his business is not even a fraction of Qin Hai ’s, so he is very respectful in front of Qin Hai. In the business field, the strong is king, at least thanks to Qi Jin. I believe in this very much.

After having a simple lunch, Qin Hai convened the delegation and began to distribute the materials collected by Xie Qijin. According to the arrangements before departure, the members of the delegation will be divided into several groups to visit some important scientists and engineers, and convey their intentions to hire them to work in China. Xie Qijin's information includes the contact methods of these people, as well as their respective family conditions, hobbies, etc. These materials are very helpful for the delegation to contact each other.

Qin Hai also knows that it is not so easy for these people to work across the country. The other party must consider many issues and put forward many conditions. In any case, the first step of contact is always necessary. After this step of contact is completed, the rest is the further talks.

After explaining the work to the delegation, Qin Hai went to Liu Hang and Xiao Weihao's room again, and passed a few documents to Liu Hang, saying, "Liu, here are some people from the Chita Aviation Working Consortium. Expert information, I don't know if it will be useful to you. "

"You actually collected information in this regard?" Liu Hang took the information with some surprises.

Qin Haizhuang looked helpless and said: "Actually, these people are what I want, so I arranged for people to collect their information. However, since Liu Chu is also interested in them, I have to bear it. . "

"Great, with these materials, we can save a lot of time." Liu Hang looked at those materials and said happily, "Lao Xiao and I were still discussing how to start work." ...

"Xiao Qin's intelligence gathering ability is better than our system." Xiao Weihao said jokingly. "You have such a channel. Maybe we should borrow it."

Qin Haidao: "Xiao is going to use my channel, how dare I not agree. However, ugly words said that at the beginning, these materials were collected by me at the expense. Do you have to pay at least for the cost what?"

"This is what it should be." Liu Hang said earnestly, "Xiao Qin, let's just say, how much is a document?"

"It's enough to give one or two thousand." Qin Hai said lightly.

"What? A thousand or two thousand!" Liu Hang jumped up like a cat on a tail. He still had the documents in his hand, but he felt a little hot. He hesitated, handed the information to Qin Hai, and said, "If it's so expensive, I still don't need it."

"Why not." Xiao Weihao grabbed the information in a split hand, and then rummaged while looking at it, "Well good, the information is very detailed, it is really helpful for us to find someone. As for one or two Thousands ... To be honest, it's not expensive. "

Qin Hai asked Liu Hang for money, but it was just a bluff. The price of such information cannot be calculated by itself, and he cannot really make Liu Hang pay for it. The purpose of what he said was to let Liu Hang and Xiao Weihao know that he owed him the feelings of Qin Hai. In other aspects, he could give him some convenience in order to compensate him. Hearing Xiao Weihao said that the price is not expensive ~ ~ It made him feel a bit surprised, he said with a smile: "Since Xiao Chu thinks it is not expensive, let's pay for it and deliver it by one hand? word"

"Credit first." Xiao Weihao waved a big hand. "Where can I find you money now? Keep your account in mind first, and let's settle the bill together later."

"Oh, Xiao will not rely on the skin at that time." Qin Hai and Xiao Weihao talked on the train for two days, and they already knew each other's personality. After hearing this, he knew that Xiao Weihao had understood his intentions. Then he agreed with a smile. Both Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang worked for the military, and the military's strength was far from being comparable to Qin Hai. Can you give a credit to the military?

"Liu and Xiao, do you need a guide to do business?" Qin customs asked intently.

"No, we have mouths under our noses, and we can definitely find a place." Xiao Weihao said dryly.

"Okay, I don't care about the two." Qin Haidao said, "The people on our side will start separately and wish everyone good luck."


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