Material Empire

Chapter 362: Closed door

Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang came to the Soviet Union to mine military-related talents with the tasks assigned by the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. In Chita, the unit they targeted was the Chita Aviation Industry Complex, a company that supplies accessories for military aircraft, and has made some achievements in high-temperature alloy materials. At the beginning, Qin Hai actually paid attention to this company and planned to dig out some of the famous engineers. Later, when he heard that the military was interested in them, Qin Hai let go and grabbed talents with the military. He didn't want to do it.

Xiao Weihao has rich experience in foreign affairs. He also had some understanding of the situation of the Soviet Union before he came to know that the military system of the Soviet Union is now in a state of slump, especially these military industrial enterprises located in the Far East have had to rely on the conversion of civilian products to maintain their livelihood. It has also become very lax in management. With this understanding, today he and Liu Hang went to the Chita Aviation Industry Complex with confidence, and felt that it would not be a problem to dig out a few talents from there.

The Chita Aviation Industry Complex is located in the corner of Chita City. Like many large enterprises in the Soviet Union, it is a large self-closed yard with uniformed guard posts standing at the gate. Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang came here, waiting to enter the door, were intercepted by a 40-year-old security guard.

Xiao Weihao had already prepared for this. He took out his work permit and claimed that he was a salesperson of China National Machinery & Electrical Import and Export Corporation. He went to visit some local experts to discuss related matters of purchasing equipment. His idea is to mix in under such a name, and after speaking with these experts, then tell his true intentions. I believe that these experts will not expose their face even if they do not agree to their invitation.

Unexpectedly, the 40-year-old security guard didn't know which muscle had been committed. When they saw that they were Chinese, their faces became extremely ugly. One sentence: Chinese and dogs are not allowed inside.

Living in a foreign country. Xiao Weihao naturally did not dare to compete with each other. Liu Hang was a little annoyed and asked the other party why he would not let himself in. The other party did not reason with them at all, and said a few more words. Then he turned around and called a vicious dog. His blood-red tongue spit out more than half a foot long, which meant that if Xiao Weihao and they didn't know each other again, he would let the dog out.

With Xiao Weihao's skill, naturally there is no need to fear any evil dogs, but it is not a good thing for people to fight with dogs, right? Besides, I am a foreigner after all. In desperation, the two could only leave in shock.

"Is it because they are military enterprises. Are they prepared for us?" Qin Hai asked strangely.

Xiao Weihao shook his head, a strange expression on his face.

"Why, what's the secret?" Qin Hai saw Xiao Weihao's hint.

Xiao Weihao sighed and said, "After I left with Lao Liu, I looked for someone nearby. Someone told us that the security guard was Stepanoff, who was originally a soldier. When the Treasure Island incident happened, He was injured and retired to the Chita Aviation Industry Complex. "

"I rely! Isn't this a narrow road for enemies?" Qin Hai couldn't help exposing his swear words. What a matter, the Soviet veteran who was injured in the Treasure Island incident. It's strange to have a good opinion of the Chinese. The matter between China and the Soviet Union is really wonderful to say. There are friends like Rajimov, who have been experts in China, and enemies like Stepanov who have fought with the Chinese. It can be said that there are no eternal friends and eternal enemies between nations, but it is specific to everyone. How old grievances are so easy to forget.

"So, as long as this Stepanov is on duty, don't we want to enter the door?" Qin Hai thought of a serious question.

Xiao Weihao smiled bitterly: "We have inquired, Stepanov is the captain of the security, all security guards listen to him. As long as he orders, even if he is not on duty, other security will not let us in. of."

"Then, we can only meet with the experts we are looking for?" Qin Hai said.

Liu Hang interjected: "We only have their office phone, not their home phone. And I heard that the Chita Aviation Industry Complex has been shut down for a long time, and the office phone was not answered."

In fact, Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang both thought about the idea that Qin Hai could think of, and they both tried it out and found that it didn't work. The factory door couldn't get in, no one answered the phone, and it was impossible to find a passer-by to help with the conversation, and it is conceivable that these experts would not be able to come out when they heard the conversation. If the problem of entering the door cannot be resolved, then at least at the stop in Chita, Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang did nothing.

"Don't worry, two leaders." Qin Haidao, "there will always be a way, a living person can make urine dying?"

"What good way do you have?" Xiao Weihao asked.

Qin Haidao: "These people are well-known engineers. There must be other friends in the scientific and technological circles of Chita. In the past few days, we will visit the experts of civil enterprises, and inquire about who knows them, and then pass these people. Ask them out, don't they? "

Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang glanced at each other and nodded together: "It seems that this can only be the case."

"The two leaders should rest first. There must be a road to the front of the mountain. I promise to contact them for you." Qin Haikuan comforted.

"Haha, this is what you said. If you can't contact me, I just ask you." Xiao Weihao's mood finally became happy. After these days of contact, he still knows Qin Hai's ability, since Qin Hai Dang packed the tickets, there must be some hope.

The solution to the problem came faster than Qin Hai expected. When the crowd ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant the next morning, Qin Hai told the Xie Liaosha who stayed in the hotel because of drunkenness about the empty industrial complex. I wanted to ask him if he knew which experts would be familiar with the experts in it, Xie Liaosha said disapprovingly: "What is difficult for you to enter the aviation industry complex, I will take you in."

"Their gatekeepers have prejudices against the Chinese and resolutely disagree with us. Can you solve it?" Qin Hai asked.

Xie Liaosha said with a big grin: "Are the gatekeepers talking about these things?"

Qin Hai reminded: "You are only the police in Chita, and the aviation industry complex may not necessarily care about your police status, right?"

Qin Hai said this based on his own experience in China. Large-scale military enterprises such as the aviation industry complex are generally under the direct control of national ministries and commissions, and will not listen to local jurisdiction at all. Although Xie Liaosha has the identity of a police officer, she may not be able to speak and work in front of the other party's security.

Xie Liaosha laughed: "I will not speak to that Stepanov as a police officer. I have my own way, and you will listen to my arrangements."

Qin Hai listened to Xie Liaosha's resoluteness, so he stopped saying anything. He found Xiao Weihao and Liu Hang and told them that they were overjoyed when they heard that, even claiming to praise Qin Haimen's vast road, he found an agent in the Soviet Union so quickly.

After having dinner, Xie Qijin tuned in a truck with a half-carriage of various Chinese goods. Qin Hai, Xie Liaosha, Xiao Weihao, Liu Hang and others all boarded the car and drove to the aviation industry complex.

At the gate of the factory, Xie Liaosha explained that everyone was sitting in the car, and he jumped out of the car and walked to the duty room. When the security guard in the duty room saw someone coming over, he also went out to check. Xiao Weihao, who was sitting in the car, saw that the security guard who came out was Stepanoff.

"Open the door and we'll get in." Xie Liaosha pointed his finger at the truck behind him and ordered Stepanov.

"Who are you?" Stepanov was frightened by Seleza's aura and couldn't help asking.

Xie Liaosha took out his police certificate, shook him in front of Stepanov, and then said, "Who doesn't know that your factory has been closed for a long time, there is no need to keep it secret. Open the door, don't delay our affairs. . "

"Your car is Chinese?" Stepanov saw Xiao Weihao and others sitting in the car, his face slowly turned black.

"They are my friends." Xie Liaosha said.

"Sorry, the Chinese are not allowed in." Stepanov said firmly.

He understands that the two Chinese who came yesterday must have invited Xie Liaosha as a helper. As Qin Hai analyzed, Stepanov was not afraid of Xie Liaosha's identity, so he would reject Xie Liaosha. Claim. If Xiao Weihao and others didn't show up today, it was only Xie Liaosha alone, and Stepanov would certainly not block it.

Xie Liaosha raised his eyes and asked, "What reason do you not let us in? Do you know who they are visiting? They are going to visit the director of your second workshop, Jabaev."

"Sorry, Jabayev could not let me violate the regulations. Unless the factory director came to tell me in person, I would not let them in because of your word. We are military enterprises, and we cannot let the Chinese casually Come in, "Stepanov said.

"Is that what you said?" Xie Liaosha pointed at Stepanov's nose with her finger ~ ~ and sneered.

Speaking of which, Stepanov is almost 20 years older than Xie Liosa, and is also considered an elder. However, the young generation of Xie Liaosha cares about elders and not elders. They only recognize strength and wealth. Others Are regarded as floating clouds.

Stepanov took a look at Xie Liaosha and his own force value, and felt that he seemed to be in a slight disadvantage, so he repeated his tricks, beckoned, and summoned his evil dog again, and then the man fought hard and hard Confronting Xie Liaosha scalply. When several other security guards in the duty room saw a dispute outside, they also drilled out in their coats and stood behind to help Stepanov.

"I'll make a call and come back right away."

Selyasa didn't mean to use Stepanov to march. He turned around and greeted the people in the car, and then ran to a public telephone booth not far away.


I would like to recommend the 32-year-old father-in-law's new urban work "Superman Strikes". Thirty-two becomes the old author of the starting point. There are five or six completed works under his name. This "Superman Strikes" is uniquely creative, with vivid and humorous text, full of various turning points, and a small hanging wire swirling between the major Lolly Superman, with a lot of discipline ...

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