Material Empire

Chapter 372: Technical school students or graduate students

A group of people left Fu Zhibin's office, got off the elevator, and walked towards the experimental building. Compared with the administrative office building, the experimental building is ten times larger. This is the core building of the School of Materials, including a main building and four auxiliary buildings. According to Qin Hai's plan, in the future, the School of Materials will also build several experimental buildings of the same size, and also build independent experimental workshops. The School of Materials is essentially a research institute, and research facilities are the most important subjects of the college.

According to the specialty, the experimental building is divided into several areas, such as "metal material experimental area", "polymer material experimental area", "inorganic non-metal material experimental area", "material mechanics experimental area" and so on. brand. In each experimental area, there are several laboratories, basically named after experts.

Walking in the experimental building, Wang Xiaochen told Qin Hai that although various experimental equipment was assigned to different laboratories, all of them have a unified directory. Researchers in other laboratories can use the equipment if they need to use them Coordinate and go to the laboratory with these equipment to complete your own experimental work. So far, no conflicts have occurred in the academy because of borrowing equipment. Experts have shown great humility to each other, and there has been no "big-name" situation that Qin Hai is worried about.

"Everyone came to the School of Materials with a sigh of relief. Those who really played big names would not come down to us." Qin Hai explained to Wang Xiaochen with a smile.

Zhibin Fu said: "I'm afraid it's just time. Now everyone is here, they don't know the management system of the academy, and they don't dare to be too public. Wait a while. After everyone has gradually adapted to the environment, Xiao Qin is worried about the phenomenon Maybe it will happen. "

Wang Xiaochen leaned his head and said, "Dean Fu, are you too pessimistic? I deal with these teachers every day and think they are in good contact."

Qin Haidao: "I think Dean Fu makes sense. The chairman said that where there are crowds, there are left, middle and right. After a while, factions should gradually appear in the college. There will also be school hegemony and school valve. However, President Fu and Xiao Chen, I don't want to see such a situation, you still have to do more work. Try to avoid the phenomenon of talent and pride. "

"We will pay attention to this," Fu Zhibin agreed.

Qin Hai didn't really have a very good idea on how to prevent some outstanding experts in the college from turning into learning valves. In this regard, he can only rely on Fu Zhibin's experience, which is why he needs Fu Zhibin to sit in the School of Materials.

"Xiao Qin, look, this is Professor Zhang Yating's laboratory, otherwise we should look at it from here." Wang Xiaochen pointed to the previous laboratory and said to Qin Hai.

"Okay, let's see this lab first." Qin Hai agreed.

Several people walked to the laboratory door. Wang Xiaochen reached out and knocked on the door. A student who looked like only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old student opened the door and glanced out of the probe. After recognizing Fu Zhibin and Wang Xiaochen, he hurriedly said, "President Fu, Wang Yuanzhu, are you here to find Teacher Zhang?"

Wang Xiaochen pointed to Qin Hai and said, "This is President Qin of our college. He came to see Mr. Zhang specially."

"General Qin?" The student scratched his head. Don't know what this is about, though. The presence of the dean and assistant was enough. He said, "Wang Yuanzhu, wait a minute, I'll talk to Teacher Zhang."

After all, he retracted his head into the room and reported to Zhang Yating. Wang Xiaochen looked at Qin Hai and explained with a smile: "We have regulations. Managers must get the approval of the laboratory director to enter the laboratory. Even if Dean Fu and I are here, we cannot violate the regulations.

"Oh, okay, it is very rare to be able to do this. By the way, the one that opened the door just now ... is our student?" Qin Hai asked.

"Yeah, it's the technical school students we recruited with the quota of agricultural machinery technical school." Wang Xiaochen replied.

"Speaking of them, they are still your schoolmates." Fu Zhibin said to Qin Hai with a smile.

"It really seems like this." Qin Hai smiled.

He graduated from Anhe Agricultural Machinery Technical School. Although he was not the same person at the time when he was studying, the memories of the technical school were still deep in his mind, and his resume material was even clearer. Recorded his learning process in technical school. The child just now is a newly recruited student in the technical school. According to his status, he is indeed his teacher.

The crowd just said a few words, the laboratory door was opened again, Zhang Yating greeted with a smile. Seeing Qin Hai, she said with regret: "Oh, it was President Qin who came here in person. The student was really just now, knowing that the leadership of the college is here, but he didn't let you in. It was really blind."

"Haha, Teacher Zhang, this is a rule in our laboratory, and we need to follow it." Qin Hai replied.

"Come in, sit inside." Zhang Yating turned to her side and greeted everyone enthusiastically into the laboratory.

Zhang Yating's thermal ceramic laboratory has more than 100 square meters and is divided into three rooms. One of the rooms is Zhang Yating's office, one is a student studio and conference room, and the last room is naturally the experimental hall. Zhang Yating invited Qin Hai and his party into the conference room, opened a few folding chairs to invite everyone to sit down, and said with apology: "I'm sorry, we are too messy here, and there is no special reception room."

"Ms. Zhang is criticizing our college for not doing a good job, right?" Qin Hai joked.

"Ah, I said it wrong!" Zhang Yating smiled, covering her mouth, saying that the laboratory conditions were not good enough. This kind of words can only be used for guests outside the school. It is not polite to speak to the leaders of the hospital. But complained. Zhang Yating also said it for a while, but she did not expect this meaning.

The student who had previously opened the door and another girl of the same age handed Qin Hai and others tea, and then quietly exited the room and returned to the experiment hall. After Qin Hai waited for the two students to leave, he pointed his fingers at their backs and asked Zhang Yating, "Why, Teacher Zhang, is this your assistant?"

Zhang Yating nodded: "They are indeed my assistants now, but I still have a few assistants brought from the original unit. Now I am monitoring the electric furnace in the lobby and I have not let them come over. The students of these materials colleges, It was assigned to me in the courtyard. At the beginning, I didn't understand anything. Now I can operate various instruments very skillfully, and it can help me a lot. "

Qin Haidao: "Mr. Zhang will not take them as graduate students?"

"They were originally graduate students." Zhang Yating laughed. "In my opinion, they have been studying here for three years, and their accomplishments will not be worse than graduate students in the university."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Hai was a little surprised. "Should they be students who couldn't pass the college entrance examination? With their foundation, can they master such complicated experimental requirements?"

Wang Xiaochen explained on the side: "President Qin, you may not know. After the admission of freshmen in this session, we have carried out intensive education. Dean Fu put forward a very strict education concept. The college is almost militarized. Students have learned a lot in these short six months. "

"What a militarized management?" Qin Hai asked with interest. He hadn't considered the issue of student management. Chai Peide suggested that he use the enrollment quota of the Agricultural Machinery Technical School to enroll a group of students, and he followed suit. The initial idea was just to make the school a little popular. When necessary, some students could help with some chores and the like. Unexpectedly, Fu Zhibin and their students were really enthusiastic about them, and they also came up with an educational concept of militarized management.

Wang Xiaochen said: "Our students have to work on time every day, of which they must get up at 6 o'clock in the morning to exercise, and they are absolutely not allowed to sleep late. Their courses are designed by the experts in the college collectively. For big-name scholars like Mr. Zhang, each student has a designated teaching assistant to supervise their homework and supervise them to complete their homework. As a result, the students' performance has improved very quickly, and even the experts in the college have been surprised. "

Zhang Yating said: "There are no students who can't teach well, only teachers who can't teach. We have more than 300 students in one session, and there are six or seven hundred of our professors and associate professors ~ ~ an average of two A teacher teaches a student. If he can't teach it, then he is called incompetent. "

"These kids are really lucky and have been happier than we were then." Qin Hai couldn't help feeling sorry.

In this era, going to university has become a common concept. Therefore, students who attend technical schools are generally not very good students in the school. They feel that they have no hope of entering the university, so they chose technical schools. But they never expected that the technical school they attended was probably the one with the best teachers in the country and even the world, with many big-name experts dug by Qin Hai from various places.

With the hands-on teaching of these experts, plus sufficient experimental operation opportunities, as long as the students are slightly smarter, they can learn countless knowledge. As Zhang Yating said, these students have spent three years in the School of Materials, and they may not be worse than the graduate students in colleges and universities.

"Great, this is also called inadvertently inserting willows and willows. If our college of materials can train more than 300 students who are equivalent to graduate students, then our reputation will be established. No, when we enroll next year, we We need to raise the admission threshold and get a group of graduates with better foundations to come in. "Qin Hai said ambitiously. (To be continued)

ps: issued before 24 o'clock, haha

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