Material Empire

Chapter 375: City leaders are not eligible to sit on the podium

"Director Ning, don't make a joke, I'm not the material for the general manager." Qin Hai said to Ning Zhongying with a smile.

"You still have a little self-knowledge." Ning Zhongying nodded and praised him.

Although Ning Zhongying had some doubts in advance that Qin Hai would logically become the general manager of the newly formed group company, in his mind, he did not agree with such an arrangement. Ning Zhongying knows Qin Hai very well, knowing that Qin Hai has a good technical and policy vision, but when it comes to down-to-earth work, Qin Hai can really not count on it. Now Qin Hai himself said that he was not the general manager's material, and Ning Zhongying was very satisfied with this statement.

"If so, who do you want to be general manager? Is it Xiao Song or your father?" Ning Zhongying asked.

Qin Hai laughed: "Director Ning, are you a fan of the authorities, or are you pretending to be modest? Of course, if you want to set up a group company, you must be the general manager. How can you let someone else do it?"

"This ... isn't appropriate." Ning Zhongying blushed a little bit. In fact, after Qin Hai said that she would not be the general manager, Ning Zhongying also felt that she was the best candidate, but it was not for a while. Just be sure. In Ning Zhongying's view, Song Hongxuan's education is higher than himself, and Qin Minghua's relationship with Qin Hai is closer than himself. This is their advantage, so it is entirely possible for Qin Hai to let them serve as general manager.

"My dad is a farmer and has no experience in industrial management. Managing the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant is already the limit of his ability. I really want to give him such a large group. If I do n’t delay things, I'm afraid I have to give him Tired down. "Qin Hai explained his consideration to Ning Zhongying.

Ning Zhongying said: "Lao Qin has also told me that he is not very suitable for dealing with people outside. However, Xiao Song's ability is very good, and he is very rich and strong, more than my bad old man. Energy, you should make him the general manager. "

Qin Haidao: "Hong Xuan is really capable, and I have trusted him in the past few years. However, in terms of market experience, I think he is inferior to you, so I hope you will come Take the rudder. Let Hong Xuan be your deputy. After a few years, you're older and unwilling to get tired. It's not too late to let Hong Xuan come to the post. "

"Okay. If so, then I will help you manage this house for the time being." Ning Zhongying heard Qin Hai's words so sincerely, she felt calm. In his mind, there is another layer of thought, that is, faintly feel that Qin Hai so he wanted him to take charge of the group, and some of it is because of tranquility. Couldn't Ning Zhongying understand the thoughts of her own daughter. If Qin Hai and Tranquility could really come together, wouldn't he be Qin Hai's old father-in-law? Son-in-law handed over the family business to his father-in-law. What else to worry about?

However, now Tranquil is still a college student, and neither she nor Qin Hai break through the relationship between the two sides. As a parent, Ning Zhongying is naturally inconvenient to say that he only needs to do things well.

"Xiao Qin, we have so many companies and materials colleges. If you want to merge into a group company. What is your name, have you considered it?" Ning Zhongying thought of another important question.

"What considerations do you have?" Qin Hai already had an idea in his heart. However, it is inconvenient to speak directly. I can only retreat and advance, and listen to Ning Zhongying's point of view first.

Ning Zhongying said: "I thought about this problem, but I really didn't have any good ideas. At that time, the name of the company was very loud, what a red star, bright, public, and now people sound too soiled Now, I talked about this with Xiao Song last time, and he said that it would be better to use a boss's name like a foreigner and call it Qin's Group. I think it's quite appropriate. "

"This ... isn't that good?" Qin Hai criticized slyly. "It sounds like a family business."

"The companies in our group are all set up by your own hands. It is not wrong to say that it is a family business?" Ning Zhongying said.

Qin Hai said, "Will that seem too arrogant? There doesn't seem to be any Zhang Group or Li Group in China. I have a Qin Group here, which is too eye-catching."

Ning Zhongying said: "This is indeed a problem, which is why I think it is not appropriate."

"If I want to use the Qin word as the name of the group, I have an idea, I don't know if it is suitable or not." Qin Hai pretended to be difficult.

"You speak and listen," Ning Zhongying said.

"I think, can it be called Daqin Industrial Group Company, or Daqin Group for short." Qin Hai finally threw out his thoughts that he had been thinking about for a long time.

"Daqin Group?" Ning Zhongying touched it, his eyes lightened, and said, "Okay! The name is good! Both the topic and the sound are loud. People who don't understand think that our name has some historical flavor. One word, what rhyme comes ... "

"History," Qin Hai added for him.

"Yes, that's the history. Daqin, how good it is, our country's first feudal dynasty, at first I heard that it represents our country." The official seal of Daqin Group was engraved.

"If you agree, let's set it this way. We will discuss it collectively next time." Qin Hai said.

He himself is also very satisfied with the name of Daqin Group. Since Ning Zhongying has no objection, this matter can basically be settled. People such as Song Hongxuan, Liu Shuo, Xia Yangjie, etc. will definitely not be involved in the name. More tangled, after all, the companies they managed were all built by Qin Hai, and now it is a natural thing to merge into the Daqin Group.

As far as the parents are concerned, there is no problem. The company established by the children of the old Qin family is called Daqin Group. What can Qin Minghua do not like?

Next, Qin Hai and Ning Zhongying discussed some specific steps to form a group company. With so many companies, and each company has a different shareholding structure, there is still a lot of procedural work to be done to merge them. According to Qin Hai's idea, Daqin Group Company exists as a holding company. Beixi Second Iron and Steel Plant, Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, Haijie Company, Quwu Ceramics Company and Jintang Chemical Materials Group Co., Ltd., to be formed, all serve as Daqin The group's holding subsidiaries exist. Those individuals and institutions that originally owned shares in various enterprises still retain their shares in the various subsidiaries, and everyone's interests will not be harmed in any way.

Regarding the personnel arrangements, organizational structure, and financial relationship settings of the group company, all are not things that Qin Hai is good at. He can only ask in principle, and the specific matters should be handled by Ning Zhongying. The two agreed to immediately transfer some staff from each subordinate enterprise to Pingyuan to set up a group company preparatory group to coordinate the entire preparatory work. All work is scheduled to be completed by the end of May 1991. In early June, a good day will be chosen to host the inauguration ceremony of the group company.

"The inauguration of the ceremony is the first important event of our Daqin Group. You must fully initiate your relationship and invite a group of senior leaders to attend." Ning Zhongying told him that he is now used to using the name of the Daqin Group. Someone is against this name, he must be anxious with the other party.

Qin Hai hesitated: "You don't need to motivate the teacher like this, right? I think it's enough to ask Vice Governor Chai to hold the show, and then go down to the leader of Hepingyuan County of Beixi City. Just count it, it is estimated that there must be more than ten Twenty people are not necessarily able to sit on the podium. "

Ning Zhongying glared at him and said, "Why can those leaders in the city and county sit on the podium? I made a rough calculation. Our Daqin Group ’s fixed assets, working capital, and technology discounts. At least it is worth more than 2 billion US dollars. The establishment of such a large group, sitting on the podium with a few local and county-level cadres, it is too shameless. "

"..." Qin Hai was speechless. Ning Zhongying himself seemed to be a county-level cadre, and the level in the enterprise was not comparable to the administrative level. Going out was lower than others. However, Ning Zhongying also felt that local bureaus and county offices were not cadres, and he was not qualified to sit on the podium. Is he trying to get himself to find a cadre at the podium?

"Director Yang of the Mechanical Committee, has such a good relationship with you. Would you like to invite me?" Ning Zhongying saw Qin Hai's thoughts and began to hate him for calculating the relationship between the characters.

"Please." Qin Hai nodded. Yang Xinyu has always been very concerned about his affairs. It seems a bit inappropriate to invite Yang Xinyu to attend such a big event as setting up a group company.

"Mr. Cui of the Ministry of Agriculture, he asked us about the restructuring of the Qingfeng Factory. Would you like to ask?" Ning Zhongying asked again.

"Yes, I have to invite him." Qin Hai nodded again.

"Director Wang of the State Planning Commission, you told him about the establishment of a group company, and now it is really established, can you not notify him?" Ning Zhongying calculated another person.

"This ... notice must be notified, but he may not necessarily be there." Qin Hai was somewhat uncertain.

"You can ask his daughter to intercede ~ ~ Ning Zhongying whispered.

Qin Hai was slightly depressed: "His daughter has gone abroad ... may not return in the near future."

"It's a pity ..." Ning Zhongying snorted. "If he can come, his support for us will be too great."

"I'll do my best." Qin Hai replied, and he figured it out, thinking that if his attitude was more sincere, maybe Wang Hongsheng would really have a good face. After all, at this time, the Daqin Group is also regarded as the largest private industrial group in China. From a policy perspective, Wang Hongsheng may say something.

"There is also Commander Yue of the Provincial Military Region. He has not helped you a lot, right?" Ning Zhongying said.

"This is indeed, Commander Yue must have asked for it, otherwise he would really be angry with me." Qin Hai replied with a smile. At this point, he finally understood why Ning Zhongying despised the mayors and county heads. If Wang Hongsheng, Yue Guoyang and others are sitting on the podium, I am afraid that the mayor of Beixi and the county mayor of Pingyuan would not dare to sit on an equal footing with them. (To be continued)

ps: keep asking for monthly tickets, just want to show a small face on the leaderboard ...

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