Material Empire

Chapter 379: Official wisdom

Without waiting for Qin Hai to figure out how to get rid of the topic at hand, the car had already entered the courtyard of the small guest house of the municipal government. The director of the guest house, Zheng Xiuzhu, took four beautiful waitresses wearing cheongsam and shoulder straps to wait there. When he saw the Audi car coming in, Zheng Xiuzhu took a few steps, came to the car, and bowed. Ready to salute.

Rao Ronggen's secretary got out of the car first. He opened the door on the side of Qin Hai and asked Qin Hai to get off the car. Then he went to the door on the side of Rao Ronggen and let Rao Ronggen get off. Rao Ronggen explained this order in advance.

"Hello President Qin, I'm Zheng Xiuzhu, the director of the Municipal Government Guest House, and welcome you." Zheng Xiuzhu saluted to Qin Hai, and then a waiter behind him stepped forward and handed a bunch of flowers to Qin Hai's hands. on.

"Thank you, Director Zheng, this little girl." Qin Hai nodded to Zheng Xiuzhu and the waiter who offered flowers, but in the heart he slandered Zheng Xiuzhu's name. This man is six feet tall and has a waist circumference of eight feet. It is a wasteful name given by his father and mother. It would be a good idea to transfer this name to the girl who offered flowers. The girl is slender, with a good face, and looks pretty good.

"Xiao Zheng, are you ready?" Rao Ronggen came over and asked Zheng Xiuzhu arrogantly.

"It's all ready, Mayor Rao." Zheng Xiuzhu smiled, "All are prepared to the highest standards according to your requirements."

"Qin is always our distinguished guest in Jintang City. If you are not entertained, I'll ask you." Rao Ronggen pretended.

Qin Hai looked at this scene criedly, he knew that after the establishment of Daqin Group. There will be more and more investment in various places like this, and then such boring entertainment will inevitably follow. He was a technician in the previous life, and although he would be greeted with enthusiasm wherever he went, he would not be as boring as it is now. Alas, it seems that no one can do the profession of chairman.

At this time, the cars of Shen Chuanming, Ning Mo and others also drove into the small yard one by one. The yard was crowded like it was on the railway station platform just now. Beaming. Under the leadership of Rao Ronggen, the guests and the host stepped into the restaurant of the guest house and sat down in order.

"Today, we are very honored to have Mr. Qin Hai, a well-known entrepreneur in our country, join us. Talk about the great cause of Jintang's development. I propose that everyone raise a glass and welcome Mr. Qin Hai to Jintang!"

Rao Ronggen raised his wine glass to give a toast. The crowd stood up and cobbled together. The fine wine in the glass looked extraordinarily splendid by the chandelier.

Next, naturally, toasting ceremonies of various names, various officials in Jintang initiated one after another, and Qin Hai and Ning Mo dealt with several city-level officials. As for the cadres below, they were all handed over to the sunspots to deal with it. Qin Hai believes in the ability of sunspots. Even if the enemy is ten, they can completely bring down these small officials.

"General Manager Qin, you don't know. Our cadres and masses in Jintang have long been waiting for your arrival. In Shannan Province, Jintang was originally one of the top three cities in the economy. These years, because chemical companies have ceased production, we It has fallen to the third last place in the province. Waiting for President Qin to come to Jintang can help us rejuvenate Jintang's economy. "

Rao Ronggen diligently chopped a few chopsticks for Qin Hai, and then spoke to him with a heart-like tone.

Qin Haidao thanked him, and then said lightly: "After hearing Mayor Rao's words, I felt a lot of pressure. We are very willing to contribute a little to the development of Jintang, but we are a small Jintang chemical The Materials Group Corporation has the responsibilities to revitalize Jintang's economy.

"No, no, Qin Qin's power, we know very well." Rao Ronggen said, "Last year Qin came to our Jintang and merged several companies such as Jinnan Chemical Plant, Hongguang FRP Plant, etc. Now these companies have come back to life and become our big taxpayers in Jintang. Qin always has the ability to turn a stone into gold and help us to revitalize the economy in Jintang, but it's just a matter of hand. "

Qin Haidao: "It's true. I came to Jintang this time to invest in the construction of two new chemical plants to form a chemical industry cluster with Jinnan Plant and Hongguang Plant. If Mayor Rao meant that we would Tang ’s chemical industry has made a few more contributions, so there is no problem. As for the economy of Jintang, please ask the mayor of Rao to forgive us. ”

Sitting on the opposite side of Qin Hai, Shen Chuanming interjected: "I heard that President Qin invested in the construction of a steel plant in Beixi, and also bought Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Plant. It can be seen that President Qin's business is not limited to the chemical industry. We also have in Jintang Many machinery companies, some of them are still very good, but now the products are not marketable, resulting in difficulties in operation. Our city government is considering the restructuring of these enterprises, I do not know whether President Qin intended this. "

Qin Hai smiled and said, "Mayor Shen, I'm really sorry. I may not be too interested in the restructuring of the machinery company. We do have different businesses in our group, but specific to Jintang, we are temporarily I only intend to get involved in the chemical industry, so that it is easy to integrate resources and manage. The machinery industry you said, we are currently only planning to put it in Beixi. This is also because our original industry in Beixi was in the mechanical field. "

"So it is." Shen Chuanming nodded. "It seems we are a bit abrupt."

Rao Ronggen took the words of Shen Chuanming and said: "Mayor Chuanming's mood is understandable, it is because our current economic situation in Jintang is too bad. The mayor of Chuanming also shared my worries. I am the mayor. Even the salaries of government agencies and institutions in the whole city cannot be guaranteed. The teachers in elementary and middle schools in several counties below have not received their salaries for three months. Can you not worry?

"Is it so bad?" Qin Hai froze.

He has not done local administrative work, so he does not know the situation of local finances. According to the division of labor, the funding for primary and secondary education is borne by the local finance. If there is no money in the finance, the salary of teachers in primary and secondary schools cannot be guaranteed. In those years, it was not uncommon for areas like Jintang to be financially tight, and it wasn't a nightmare for government staff to get paid for months, let alone primary and secondary schools with a lower status than government agencies.

The decline of Jintang's economy was felt when Qin Hai came last time. But this time, he was warmly welcomed by Rao Ronggen as soon as he got off the train. He was in an Audi 100 sedan, eating mountain and sea food, and the liquor on the table were all valuable wines, so he felt that Jintang might not look like a street. It looks so poor on the surface. Unexpectedly, Rao Ronggen opened his mouth and said the situation was much worse than Qin Hai expected.

"Mayor Zhu, come here and report to Qin about our education in Jintang." Rao Ronggen raised his hand and greeted a middle-aged man sitting at another table.

The man was Zhu Yichen, the deputy mayor in charge of education in Jintang City. Today's reception has been previewed by the city government in advance, and the division of labor is clear. Shen Chuanming's task is to sell to Qin Hai those companies on the verge of bankruptcy. According to everyone's analysis, Qin Hai should not be interested in these companies. After Shen Chuanming's sales failed, Rao Ronggen was responsible for directing the topic to Jintang's economic difficulties. After that, it was Zhu Yichen's turn to come to Qin Hai for fate.

Shen Chuanming's sales are not purposeless. His purpose is to disperse Qin Hai's attention and make Qin Hai feel that he did not help Jintang and feel guilty. In this way, Zhu Yichen's return to fate will be easier. Without Shen Chuanming's juncture, Qin Hai would think that investing in chemical companies in Jintang has already made a lot of contributions to Jintang and has no obligation to do other things.

I have to say that when it comes to money, officials' wisdom is infinite and their thinking is extremely meticulous. All they have to do is set up the next round and slowly introduce Qin Hai into the trap.

After hearing Rao Ronggen's call, Zhu Yichen rushed over, pulled a chair, and sat beside Qin Hai. In order to perform today's play, Zhu Yichen also worked hard. He changed his old clothes specially and made people feel that he was a mighty poor mayor.

"President Qin, Mayor Rao didn't call me, I dare not come to bother you. In fact, I really want to express our gratitude to President Qintang's 38,000 teachers ~ ~" Zhu Yichen Speak in a sincere tone.

"Mayor Zhu, don't say that. I didn't do anything. I can't stand your thanks." Qin Hai waved his hand.

"Why didn't you do anything?" Zhu Yichen said with a stare, and he pointed to Ning Mo next to his finger. "Ning can always testify. Last year, several companies including Jinnan Factory and Hongguang Factory donated 100,000 jointly Yuan, which is used for education in Jintang. President Ning said that you have deliberately explained it. "

"Oh, this is what we should do. Mayor Zhu doesn't have to worry." Qin Hai nodded and said.

He did account for the donation of education. Not only are several companies in Jintang, including Qingfeng Factory, Quwu Ceramics Company, etc., Qin Hai requires these companies to extract a certain percentage of the profits each year to fund local education. The purpose of his doing this is because he felt that the current investment in education is insufficient and hopes that he can do his best. The other is to use this method to bring closer the relationship between the enterprise and the local government.

After all, an enterprise must deal with the government at the local level, and bear some local social responsibilities, which can improve the image of the enterprise in the eyes of the government, which is also beneficial to the development of the enterprise. (To be continued)

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