Material Empire

Chapter 381: Industrial structure

The newly established Jintang Chemical Materials Group Company did not have a separate office location, but borrowed a small building as a temporary office space in a factory area called Shuanggang Synthetic Fiber Factory on the outskirts of Jintang. The factory has its own guest house, which can arrange Qin Hai and others to stay.

This Shuanggang synthetic fiber factory is also one of the companies merged by Qinhai. Its main product was polyacrylonitrile fiber material, also known as acrylic fiber. In the past two years, due to the backward product technology, the acrylic fiber produced by Shuanggang Synthetic Fiber Factory had suffered from severe unsalable sales, causing the company to fall into losses. After Qin Hai merged with this company, Xia Yangjie was instructed to bring experts from Haijie Company to help improve the production process, and finally turned the company into a loss.

Qin Hai and his party left the Municipal Government Guest House and drove for nearly an hour to the Shuanggang Plant. Before the car entered the factory door, Qin Hai heard the crackling firecrackers, and even saw the director of the Shuanggang Factory, Chi Jian, Yu Kezhen, Liu Jie and others standing at the factory door, applauding cheerfully. And welcome them.

"What a fame!" Qin Hai muttered in dissatisfaction, stopped the car, and pulled out the door to drill out. Chi Jian ran two steps tightly, trying to help Qin Hai drive the door first, but he was one step behind.

"Mr. Qin, look ..." Chi Jian rubbed his hands, embarrassedly supporting me.

Qin Hai frowned, and said, "Lao Chi, what are you doing? We are enterprises. How can we make our heads look like an institution? It's unnecessary."

"Er, President Qin has just returned from the Soviet Union and worked hard all the way, so we did a little ceremony to express our heart." Chi Jianne said neatly.

"Lao Chi, I said you've done too much? Qin is always an easy-going leader. I don't like those of us as subordinates. You don't listen to me. Eat me, right?" Liu Jie stepped forward, He smiled at Chi Jian and extended his hand to Qin Hai, welcoming him. His words sounded like a gloat, but in fact they were justifying Chi Jian, who also knew it well.

Qin Hai and Liu Jie shook hands. I went back and took a photo on Chi Jian's shoulder again, and said, "Lao Chi, I came in a hurry last time. We had little contact. You do n’t know me, so I do n’t care about this today. However, if I later If there is such a messy thing, I can only consider changing to a more pragmatic person to take the helm of the Shuanggang Plant. "

"No. No ... No, hey, my old ponder is stupid, and President Qin shouldn't go in my heart." Chi Jian smiled wistfully, but sweat dripped from his back. This is not the time to be a factory director in the system. In a private enterprise, the boss sent a word and you have to get out of office, if that is the case. But it was too tragic.

At this time, Yu Kezhen, Xia Yangjie and others also came up. Qin Hai shook hands with them one by one, and said some shameful words based on the distance of the relationship. Xia Yangjie asked: "Xiao Qin, are you tired? If you are tired, go to the guest house to rest, and wait for you to rest. It is not too late for us to meet again."

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "It's okay. I was just entertaining with a group of officials over the city government, and I didn't use my brain. It wasn't tiring. Everyone waited for a long time, let's go back to the meeting."

"Okay, let's go to a meeting." Xia Yangjie was not polite with Qin Hai. He immediately accompanied Qin Hai and walked towards the company's office building.

Although the house was temporarily rented to the company for use, Chi Jian, as the factory manager of the Shuanggang Plant, arranged for people to carefully pick it up, repair the doors and windows, and repainted the room. Many office furniture also Replaced with a new one. Qin Hai walked into the office building and saw a new look everywhere, and nodded slightly.

"General Manager Qin, I originally wanted to decorate an office for you, but President Ning and Xia Gong disagreed, so ..." Chi Jian followed Qin Hai and explained quietly.

Qin Hai waved his hand: "They are right. I rarely come here for a few days a year. It is absolutely unnecessary to empty an office. Lao Chi, after the company's affairs, Mr. Ning and Xia Gong can talk, You just do what they arrange, you don't have to think about me. "

"I see. President Qin is assured. I must obey the instructions of President Ning and Xia Gong." Chi Jian said.

For Chi Jian's cautious attitude, Qin Hai also felt helpless. The Daqin Group will soon be established. At that time, he will be the chairman of the group, and corporate leaders like Chi Jian will be in awe of him in two levels. People such as Song Hongxuan and Xia Yangjie have had troubles with him and will relax in front of him, but it is not easy for the next level of cadres to talk and laugh with him.

Entering the conference room, Qin Hai met Zhou Dongyi in a wheelchair. Because of the inconvenience, Zhou Dongyi did not go outside the factory door to meet Qin Hai, but stayed in the conference room to wait. Seeing Qin Hai coming in, Zhou Dongyi pushed the wheelchair two steps forward, smiled and reached out to shake hands with Qin Hai, and said with regret: "General Manager Qin, sorry, I didn't go to meet you."

"Zhou Gongyan said, I'm not a kid, why should someone pick it up?" Qin Hai laughed and said, he turned to the others and said, "Take advantage of this opportunity today, let's set a discipline In the future, within our Daqin Group, we are not allowed to conduct various welcoming ceremonies and reception banquets. All entertainment must be simplified. Please follow the instructions. "

"I see, President Qin!" Everyone answered in unison.

Everyone sat down at the conference table according to the level of their duties, and Qin Hai took the seat without letting him down. Seeing that all the people who had attended the meeting had arrived, Qin Hai cleared his throat and began to speak:

"Dear everyone, our Jintang Chemical Materials Group Corporation has been formally established a few days ago. In about two months, we will also set up Daqin Industrial Group Corporation as the parent company of Chemical Materials Corporation. By then, we and Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Plant, Beixi Second Steel Plant, Haijie Company, Quwu Ceramics Group, etc., have become enterprises under the same parent company, which can form a group advantage and become stronger and larger together.

After the establishment of the Chemical Materials Group Corporation, I came to Jintang for the first time. I did not discuss the company's development prospects with you. Taking this opportunity today, I would like to share my thoughts on the company with you, and also listen to your thoughts. "

The crowd in the conference room had already condensed their expressions at this time, and each took out their notebooks and began to record Qin Hai's speech solemnly. They know that this is a meeting that sets the direction for the Chemical Materials Group. What Qin Hai said at this meeting will affect the development plans of the Chemical Materials Group in the next ten or twenty years.

"According to the industrial development concept of the parent company, Jintang will be a chemical material production base under the Daqin Group. It will mainly produce basic chemical raw materials mainly composed of ethylene, three major types of polymer materials such as plastic, rubber, and synthetic fibers, as well as high-performance materials. Molecular materials, composite materials ... "Qin Hai eloquently described his overall vision to the public. A magnificent blueprint for the chemical industry was slowly unfolded in front of the audience with his remarks.

According to Qin Hai's vision:

Based on the current production of polyvinyl chloride at Jinnan Chemical Plant, it will also develop general plastic raw materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, epoxy resin, and polyurethane in the future, and on this basis, produce plastics that meet the needs of different fields Modified products.

Hongguang FRP plant will take engineering plastics as the development direction, and produce a series of products such as polyamide, polycarbonate, polyoxymethylene, polyphenylene ether, thermoplastic polyester and so on.

In addition to acrylic products, Shuanggang Synthetic Fiber Factory will also develop general-purpose synthetic fibers such as polypropylene, vinylon and polyester fibers, and also enter the field of high-performance synthetic fibers and functional synthetic fibers. Among them, the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber developed by Haijie has been settled in the Shuanggang plant, and the first products have come out. Qin Hai came to Jintang this time, and one of the tasks was to inspect the production of this new product.

In addition to the above-mentioned enterprises, several other companies and the two new chemical plants to be newly built will also undertake various types of products such as general synthetic rubber, special synthetic rubber, conductive polymer materials, ion exchange resins, and light-emitting polymer materials.

In terms of technology, Haijie Company and Anhe Material College will continue to develop new products according to the technological strength and production capacity of various enterprises to maintain the chemical materials group's competitive advantage in the market.

"Qin ... General Qin, according to your plan, the scale of our Jinnan Chemical Plant must at least be ten times larger." Yu Kezhen was stunned by the scene described by Qin Hai, and interjected neatly.

Qin Haidao: "If it is planned as a long-term plan ~ ~ It is not enough to expand the Jinnan plant ten times, at least it needs to be expanded 100 times. Not to mention anything else, only polyvinyl chloride, Jinnan plant's future production To achieve an annual output of 200,000 tons, how many times do you count? "

"200,000 tons ... 2,000 yuan per ton, this is ... 400 million yuan." Yu Kezhen's eyes were confused, he could not imagine what it would be like to create an output value of 400 million yuan a year. When he met in the industry in the past, he had seen the looks of the directors of big factories with annual output value of hundreds of millions. At that time, he felt that they were particularly powerful and unattainable. I did not expect that in my lifetime, there was also hope of becoming a local tyrant.

"Haha, older than that, in the future, you will wait for counting the money to cramp your hands." Qin Hai smiled and made a push down gesture to Yu Kezhen, meaning to make him a little calm, not to be overly excited.

"In order to achieve this development goal, we must continue to strengthen in terms of technology, personnel, equipment, management, etc. In terms of technology, Zhou Gong, Xia Gong, as well as Haijie Company and Materials College will give us strong support. In terms of equipment, We will base ourselves on domestic and foreign sources. First, we will introduce foreign equipment to form our own production capacity, and then we will support domestic equipment companies to increase our efforts in domestic equipment and achieve import substitution. "Qin Hai continued to tell everyone To achieve the goal. (To be continued ...)

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