Material Empire

Chapter 391: Diaphragm supplier

"At what price are your diaphragms intended?"

After being silent for a while, Modikin asked Qin Hai. Downer will also use outsourced diaphragms to meet the needs of different types of users. Qin Hai is willing to be a diaphragm supplier, and Modicon is also willing to accept it.

"Headphone diaphragm, a pair of $ 380." Qin Hai replied. This price is the result of discussions with Qiao Zihe and Gao Linqi, referring to the price of top international headphones in advance, and taking into account the profits of manufacturers.

Of course, Da Qin Group's own profits can not be ignored. Xia Yangjie now also learns to spend a lot of money. Qin Hai instructed him to develop the diaphragm at the expense of work. He spent millions of yuan at a stretch and took out A diaphragm that is enough to make Modiken's heart beat. Qin Hai must earn this investment again through the sale of diaphragms.

"This is impossible!" Modiken said flatly. "Sir, you should know that the diaphragm is just a small part of the earphone. Our best earphones are only sold for $ 1200. How could it be one? The secondary diaphragm pays $ 380? "

Qin Hai replied calmly: "After using our diaphragm, you can sell a pair of headphones for $ 1,800, I believe users will still snap up."

"This includes our marketing costs," Modiken explained with a little negligence. He has to admit that Qin Hai's statement is reasonable, and the earphones using this diaphragm are definitely the darlings on the market, let alone $ 1,800, which is higher. It is also possible to sell. In the world of music enthusiasts, there is no concept of price at all, as long as it is a good thing. The more expensive you sell, the more people like it, because then you can show your obsession.

"380 US dollars is a relatively reasonable price. Our investment in developing this type of diaphragm is very high, and we must recover the initial investment." Qin Hai said.

"For such a price, I can't convince the board of directors." Modiken adopted a euphemistic statement. In fact, Downer's board of directors is only symbolic. Modiken is a major shareholder himself, and the board is very optimistic about his market experience. The decisions he makes are generally not rejected. He had the intention to directly reject Qin Hai and play a trick of trying to escape, but he was also worried that the three young Chinese in front of him would be too paranoid, and maybe he would walk away without a word. Then it's a bit troublesome.

Qin Hai saw the meaning of Modiken, and he laughed: "Mr. Modiken, you can consider it again. We learned from Mr. Qiao Zihe that you are a very strategic entrepreneur and also Very clever music connoisseur, so when we developed this world ’s best diaphragm, we made a special trip to the United States to introduce you. I swear, you are definitely the first audio manufacturer we contacted ... Of course , I can't promise to be the last. "

"Thank you for the compliment, in fact. I am very interested in your diaphragm." Modiken hurriedly stated that Qin Hai's last sentence was very clear if he pretended. People are going to find other manufacturers.

"Mr. Modiken, you have two days to think about this. But I need to state in advance that the price of $ 380 a pair cannot be changed. In addition, if your company wishes to use our diaphragm exclusively, We hope that the annual purchase volume cannot be less than 100,000 pairs. "Qin Hai said.

"100,000 pairs!" Modiken stood up instantly. There is no calmness like that just now, "Mr. Qin. Do you think the headset is a hamburger, how can it sell 100,000 pairs a year? All the headsets produced and sold by our company in a year are only 30,000 pieces, we need 10 What is the million diaphragm? "

Qin Hai shrugged his shoulders and said, "This is the break-even point we have calculated. If we can't sell 100,000 pairs a year, we will lose money on this project. You should know that once this diaphragm Appeared on the market, there will be countless manufacturers to imitate, and similar diaphragm materials may appear within 3 years. "

"..." Modiken no longer said a word. Although he was not engaged in materials research, he still knew a little about the current state of scientific research on acoustic materials. The diaphragm developed by Qin Hai is nothing more than an opportunity to seize the opportunity. Once this diaphragm is put on the market, those professional acoustic material research institutions will definitely buy it in the past for research and crack the technology in it. Mysteriously, it is quite possible to have a similar technology diaphragm within 3 years.

By that time, the price of such diaphragms will drop significantly, and everyone will be unprofitable. Suppose Qin Hai has invested tens of millions of dollars to develop this type of diaphragm, then if they can't earn 10 to 20 million a year now, this project will really lose money.

"If we can't accept 100,000 pairs, what are you going to do?" Winant interjected timidly.

Qin Haidao: "Then we can only find other partners. Of course, we will still supply you."

"I think ... maybe we can consider accepting 100,000 diaphragms," Modiken said hardly. Qin Hai sold the diaphragm to a second company, which was definitely not the case for Modiken. Once other headphone manufacturers have obtained such a diaphragm, high-end headphones will have to fight a price war. This result is worse than the 100,000 diaphragms he ate. In fact, if Downer can reduce the price of headphones with new diaphragms to a certain level, it is entirely possible to increase shipments to 100,000 a year.

"Well, we can leave 10 sets of diaphragm samples for you to test. After you have considered it, please contact us to determine the specific supply method. If you cannot accept our conditions, please inform us as soon as possible We. "Qin Hai stood up and said to Modiken.

"We must be sure of this as soon as possible," Modiken vowed.

Downer employees have never seen boss Modiken so diligently accompanying guests out of his office. In their impression, the boss has always been extremely arrogant. Anyone who comes to him to negotiate business, at best, stands up and watches. Even this treatment is limited to a few guests who can be appreciated by the boss. But this time, several Chinese people were treated by the boss to accompany them to go out, which made them wonder about the sacredness of these Chinese people.

"Wynant, you just went to the boss's office. Do you know what happened to these Chinese people?" An employee quietly asked Wynant who had returned to his seat.

Wyanant's face had an excited smile, but he didn't dare to reveal the secret. He just smiled mysteriously and said, "Everyone is ready. We will be busy in the next two months. However, I can guarantee that everyone will get more than five times the bonus this year."

Leaving the office building where Downer was located, Qin Hai and others did not call a taxi immediately, but walked slowly along the street. They have to digest today's income, otherwise, so many surprises will make them difficult to restrain themselves.

Prior to the domestic emergence, the company had discussed the market prospects of the new type of diaphragm. Qin Hai's original idea was to produce headphones, audio and other equipment, but after contacting several audio companies in Pujiang, he gave up this unrealistic idea and instead sought to be a separate diaphragm supplier.

At that time, from the perspective of music enthusiasts, Qiao Zihe and Gao Linqi proposed the possible price of this diaphragm, and also made an estimate of about 50,000 to 100,000 sales a year. However, Ning Mo and Yu Haitao are quite skeptical, because they do not believe that such a small thing can have such a large market.

Unexpectedly, this trip to Downer's company actually turned what they dared not think into reality. Although Modiken still talked about thinking about it, Yi Ningmo and Yu Haitao's market experience knew that the result was inseparable.

"If Downer can accept our conditions, then we can earn 38 million US dollars in sales of diaphragms every year, which is something I can't believe in dreams," Yu Haitao said in a snap. He is in charge of the financial affairs of Haijie Company. Naturally, although the development cost of this diaphragm is very high, the manufacturing cost is almost trivial. It can be said that if there are 38 million US dollars in revenue, the profits account for at least 90%.

Ning Mo stretched out his hand and put it on Qin Hai's shoulder, and laughed: "Qin Hai, you are really a god. Sending Xiaoling to learn vocal music, you can even figure out a new product. The most successful thing in my life I just knew you, a god-man. "

When Yu Haitao heard this, he also said with emotion: "Yes, Qin Hai, do you remember how we met? Alas, it's shameful to say that in the past, we had to quarrel with others for 3 yuan a hoe, now Looking at more than 30 million U.S. dollars, it feels normal. "

Qin Haidao: "Don't mention the past things ~ ~ However, for more than 30 million US dollars, it is still a waste of money for what we want to do. If you think about it, you can just build an ethylene plant. With a billion yuan investment and 30 million dollars thrown in, I ca n’t even hear the sound. Let ’s go and see more in this trip in the United States, analyze what markets can be developed, and everything is to make money aims."

"I don't care about this with Hai Tao." Ning Mo said with a grin, "We'll just listen to your commander Qin Hai anyway, and you won't let us starve."

"Hungry ... That's a long way to go." Qin Hai said with a grin.

"Speaking of this, I'm really hungry." Yu Haitao felt his stomach. "Qin Hai, let's find somewhere to eat, right?"

"Yes, find a place to eat and celebrate." Ning Mo said with pride, as a fat paper, he has always been passionate about eating.

Qin Hai looked around, and then pointed with one hand in front of him, and said, "I see that it looks like a restaurant in front of me, and go and take a belly there. As for what to say, I do n’t think it ’s a big deal. American food is really nothing. Edible. "(To be continued)

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