Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 585: It's for Daqin Group

"This old man is so roundabout!"

In a high-grade restaurant in the city of Hongze, a group of young people in their early thirties are entertaining. Sitting on the main seat is a man dressed in a decent suit and gold glasses. He is exactly what Chen Hao said was a student studying in Japan and the initiator of this party today. Chen Hao sat next to him and was talking about the process of negotiation with Hu Zhizhong.

"Xu Ping, I talked with the old man, and said, in the end, he said nothing about selling conscience. You said that it was ridiculous. The last time I raised funds in the factory to build a house, I borrowed funds for him to help him find someone. He also What kind of conscience do you say? How much can conscience be worth? "Chen Hao said with disdain.

The man studying abroad, named Liu Xuping, with a reserved smile on his face, said: "The Chinese are this kind of problem, and they don't know how to be flexible. Otherwise, a country with more than one billion people is not as developed as Japan. I Tell you that the Japanese do things differently than we do. You say that the United States threw two atomic bombs in Japan. Is this hatred big? But Japanese people don't care at all. They still learn the United States so they can develop so fast. . "

"Isn't it, especially our Anhe people, their thinking is too rigid. Still Xu Ping has a vision and did a good job in the Foreign Affairs Office of the province. I have the courage to quit my job and go to Japan to study. What is the situation now? Come! "Said a man named Li Rongning next to him in a compliment tone, and raised the beer glass in his hand, saying," Xu Ping, come, I respect you. In the future, you will be a leader of Japanese companies. No matter how much we care about our old classmates. "

Liu Xuping's mouth twitched when Li Rongning talked about the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office. The slight smile on the face suddenly froze. If you don't know the truth of the other party, Liu Xuping would really think that Li Rongning was ridiculing him. Why did he have the courage to quit his job? The position of the Foreign Affairs Office was clearly removed.

original. This translator Liu Xuping was the translator of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office that had had friction with Qin Hai in Pingyuan and Beixi a few years ago, because it helped Kawashima Ichiro, who helped the so-called Great East Asia Sharing Green Foundation, cheat more of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. With regard to the metal slag, Liu Xuping was severely punished. He was removed from his post of Foreign Affairs Office and sent to the provincial library for Japanese cataloging.

Because I feel faceless, and because the treatment and status of the Provincial Library can't be compared with the Foreign Affairs Office. After Liu Xuping worked for a few months, he resigned resolutely, borrowed money from relatives and friends, and went to Japan to study at his own expense. After getting his degree, he found a job related to Japan-China economics and trade in Japan. Not only did I pay off the money I had borrowed while I was studying, but I quickly saved up. He changed his dress from the inside out, and suddenly felt that he had become a higher Chinese.

This time, Ohara went to Anhe Province to merge with Anhe Electric Works. Because Liu Xuping was a native of Anhe and worked in Anhe for many years, he was hired as the project manager's translator, and at the same time inquired about various news. Task.

As the saying goes. Wealth does not return home, such as Jinyi night walk. Liu Xuping planted a head in Anhe and ran out of the country dimly. Now that I have mixed up my personal style, it is natural to show it when I return. He initiated today's party and invited all his classmates, the purpose is to let everyone see his scenery. The hateful thing is that Li Rongning, the boy, ca n’t open a pot of favoritism. He has to talk about foreign affairs. Make Liu Xuping embarrassed.

Among the classmates, half of them knew the events of that year. Because Liu Xuping was in front of his classmates all day long when he was doing foreign affairs. Pola pulled some hatred. When he was demoted to the library because he made a mistake, everyone didn't say it in person, but celebrated several times in his back. Now listening to Li Rongning, who was in the drum, slaps on the horse's hoof, many students feel funny in his heart, but it is inconvenient to show it.

With a bit of resentment, he touched the glass with Li Rongning, and after drinking half a glass of beer, Liu Xuping finally concealed this unpleasant episode. He turned back to Chen Hao and continued the topic just now: "Hu old man, That ’s it. After all, these things he did not set up projects in the motor factory, it is hard to say that it is something of the motor factory, and it is not interesting to hold him accountable. However, Chen Hao, you have helped me to be optimistic these days. The Daqin Group took away any information from the electrical plant. "

"Relax, I will stare at the old man." Chen Hao quickly nodded and agreed. At that time, he was also one of the people who could not see Liu Xuping in his heart. But the situation is different now. Liu Xuping accompanied the Japanese representative and crooked his mouth in front of the Japanese representative. In the future, how can he flatter himself.

"Xu Ping, you don't need to worry. In fact, Daqin Group has nothing to do with taking away the data. I still have a backup of the data about the permanent magnet motor. When the Kohara Co., Ltd. completes the merger of the motor plant, it wants to engage in permanent magnets. When it was a motor, I was able to get the technology out myself. "Chen Hao patted his chest and boasted.

Liu Xuping sneered and said, "What kind of permanent magnet motors do you have in your motor factory? Only the people of Xiaoyuan Society despise your permanent magnet motors. They have the most advanced technology in Japan. You just need to follow the production."

Hearing Liu Xuping's disdain for his technology, Chen Hao was anxious. He also expects to rely on these technologies to impress the Japanese in order to find a better position for himself. He is inconvenient to directly refute Liu Xuping's words, and can only accompany the smile: "The Japanese technology is definitely very good, but the permanent magnet motor we have this time is still somewhat interesting. Our motor, which is used A new cerium-based permanent magnet material developed by Daqin Group, this material ... "

"The Daqin Group?" Liu Xuping's teeth squeaked. Of course, he knew what the relationship between the Daqin Group and Qin Hai was. In his heart, the hatred of Qin Hai had been backlogged for seven or eight years. The description is not overstated. Chen Hao didn't say that the Daqin Group would stop. As soon as he mentioned it, Liu Xuping's emotions could not be controlled.

"The Daqin Group is a bird!" Liu Xuping said fiercely, "Isn't it because of a little relationship in the province, that Chengtian fools you with a hammer and a stick? You may not dare to mess with them, and the Japanese are not afraid of them. I also want to give you a thorough understanding. This time, the Kohara Co., Ltd. merged with Anhe Electric Plant for the Daqin Group. The purpose is one, and that is not to make the Daqin Group succeed, do you understand? "

"Ah? Why is this?" All the guests were stunned. It turned out that there was so fierce material. When did the Daqin Group offend people and offend to Japan?

As Anhe people, especially those who have a bit of position in the government and enterprises, I am afraid that none of them knew the Daqin Group. A private enterprise has achieved a net worth of two or three billion yuan, which exceeds the number of large state-owned enterprises in the province. Who hasn't heard of various legends about the Daqin Group? But now Liu Xuping made it clear that when the Xiaoyuan Society came to Anhe, he came toward the Daqin Group, which meant that he wanted to meet each other. Anhe Province's number one private enterprise, against Japanese-funded enterprises, this kind of excitement has never happened.

Liu Xuping rushed to say such a sentence, and felt regret as soon as he finished speaking. Facing the eager eyes of the classmates, he could only smile with a smirk and said, "This ... uh, I will not be able to tell everyone, anyhow ... just wait and see."

If Liu Xuping wanted to cover up better, he should have denied the words he had said. But in front of his classmates, he can't punch his own mouth, but must show the mystery of grasping the internal secrets in exchange for the worship of everyone. However, this matter is indeed the core secret of the Ohara Club that cannot be circulated. Ogura Mitsumasa has reminded him more than once that he must not be circulated.

Ohara Club has always been planning to enter the Chinese motor market. A year ago, it had negotiated with Anhe Province about the acquisition of Anhe Electric Plant. However, at that time, Xiaoyuan Society hoped to get this piece of fat at the price of Chinese cabbage. Anhe Province was not stupid. Seeing that the other party's bid was too unreliable, it did not continue the discussion.

This time, it was not Ohara Club itself ~ that made Ohara Corporation re-initiate the merger and acquisition issue, but Chunshan Company. Knowing that the Daqin Group was in contact with a motor factory to prepare for the production of cerium-based permanent magnet motors, Chunshan Company was panicked and hurriedly asked about the causes and consequences of the matter. After learning that the Ohara Club had contacted Anhe Electric Works, the president of Chunshan Company, Miyagawa, personally contacted the president of the Ohara Club, and expressed his willingness to take out some money to complete the merger and acquisition of Anhe Electric Works with the Ohara Club. There is only one purpose, which is to delay the progress of Daqin Group in launching cerium-based permanent magnet motors, and to earn time for completing the research and development of cerium-based permanent magnet materials.

This is why the Ohara Club suddenly proposed to the Anhe Provincial Government to improve the conditions for mergers and acquisitions. In order to ensure that the Daqin Group can be eliminated, Miyagawa also contacted officials from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry to greet the Chinese government, implying this. The merger and acquisition case will be related to China's resumption of negotiations. In this way, Anhe Province will have to give in.

As a translation of Ogura Mitsumasa, Liu Xuping naturally knew the joints, but how could he reveal them on such occasions?

Everyone glanced at each other, and quickly turned away, talking about some interesting things when they were studying. However, everyone did not forget the words that Liu Xuping gritted his teeth. Someone had been silently thinking about how to contact the upper-level people of the Daqin Group and sell this important information. The Japanese have power, but Daqin Group is also in the province after all. It is also very valuable to hug this thick leg. (To be continued)

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