Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 587: To calculate the opportunity cost


Hearing Qin Hai's words, Xie Yunfeng, who was drinking water, sprayed a sip of water directly on the body and the table in front of him. 》 Small, he couldn't help but want to laugh while rising up and rubbing the water. The waiter standing at the corner of the room quickly stepped forward, holding a rag to help Xie Yunfeng clean the table, and the scene was a little chaotic.

When I first heard Qin Hai's sentence after sentence to Kokura Kojima, everyone felt that Qin Hai was deliberately looking for differences because of his anger. In fact, it wasn't just Qin Hai who was angry, but everyone was a government official. Naturally, it was inconvenient to use this kind of tricks to embarrass foreign guests. Qin Hai is an entrepreneur with a young age. Adding a block to foreign guests in this way can also be regarded as helping everyone out. However, everyone is inconvenient to directly support Qin Hai's behavior. They can only drink water, write and write, pretending not to know what happened.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hai's original intention was not at all disgusting, but a set for opponents to drill. Ohara Club made up its mind to postpone it. According to their ideas, it would not be impossible to drag it on for a year and a half, and it would flatly not agree to complete the merger within a short period of time. But Qin Hai just drilled a hole: Aren't you still unable to accept it? Then let Anhe Electrical Works do the work for us first.

Officials did not understand what kind of beam the Daqin Group had formed with the Ohara Club, so much so that the Ohara Club had so resolutely refused to cooperate with the Daqin Group. It stands to reason that Xiaoyuan Society has just taken over the Anhe Electrical Machinery Plant, and it is difficult to find enough business for the Electrical Machinery Plant at once to be able to help the Daqin Group OEM, which is a good thing. However, this kind of thing seems to be a win-win situation, but was met with the cold treatment of Ohara Club. Everyone's brains turned a little and they came to understand that these two are somewhat uncomfortable.

Ohara was reluctant to let Anhe Electrical Works do the work for Daqin Group, but Qin Hai found a reason. It is said that Anhe Electric Plant can use the time before the handover to contract the Daqin Group, which is equivalent to the army of the Xiaoyuan Society. How can this not make Xie Yunfeng feel coke.

"I think Chairman Qin's proposal is good. The Japanese side is very cautious about merging a company. This is worthy of our study and understanding. During this time, Anhe Electrical Plant cannot just blindly wait. Instead, it should Continue to develop business. The motor foundry of Daqin Group is a good project. Director Zheng, you can arrange it as soon as possible. "Chai Peide spoke without delay. In the last word, he was to the side of Anhe Electrical Plant. Zheng Jietian said.

The deputy governor spoke. Zheng Jie dared to hesitate. He immediately agreed: "Province Chai, please rest assured, I will arrange this matter as soon as I return."

"No, it's not like this!" Kokura Masahiro was anxious. The instructions I received were to stop the production of Daqin Group's electric motors and merge the Anhe Electric Works under such high conditions. The purpose was also to destroy the cooperation between the Daqin Group and Anhe Electric Works. If the Anhe Motor Plant produced a permanent magnet motor for the Daqin Group in these three months, all the efforts made by it would be wasted. What would it be useful to merge the Anhe Motor Plant by then?

Of course, Qin Hai knew that Ogura Guangzheng would not let go of his word. Only he knew the grudge between Daqin Group and Chunshan Company, so he could also know Chunshan's determination to block Daqin permanent magnet motor. He seized the loopholes in the other party's words and put forward a suggestion to let Anhe Electric Plant perform foundry. It's just a means of running Kokura Kojimasa, of course. If Kokura Guangzheng wants to realize the purpose of destroying Daqin Group's motor production, it must pay a price.

"Mr. Kokura, the translator Liu said just now that Ohara will absolutely not complete the merger of Anhe Electric Machinery Plant within three months. You also agree with this statement." Qin Hai said with a smile.

"This may be a misunderstanding." Kokura Masahiro can only take his own face, "We do need some time to complete the process of merging Anhe Electric Works. But in the meantime, we still hope to be involved in the management of Anhe Electric Works ... ... well, I mean, we will have other arrangements for Anhe Electrical Plant. "

"Oh? What do you mean, you will arrange some production business for Anhe Electrical Plant?" Qin Hai returned to step by step.

"I'm afraid this is not easy." Of course, Kokura Masahiro did not dare to promise this. If there is a production business, he has already completed the merger procedure. Why is it such a delay?

"We just need to rectify the motor plant, such as training some employees, which takes time." Kokura Masahiro said.

"Who will bear the cost of the motor plant during the rectification?" Zheng Jietian asked, and this question also fits his identity as the plant manager.

"Of course, it is the motor plant itself." Liu Xuping rushed to answer, "The Xiaoyuan Society has not completed the merger. How can it bear the costs for the motor plant?"

"Mr. Liu, this request is too strong to be difficult?" Xie Yunfeng sneered. "We bear the cost ourselves, but we have no right to undertake the business. How can there be such a rule in this world?"

"Director Xie, Ohara Co., Ltd. agreed to annex the Anhe Electric Plant in person. If you do this, you will destroy the arrangements in the province and artificially create difficulties for the merger activities. If this happens, we can only raise it with a The complaint asked a to investigate the extent of China's opening up. "Liu Xuping once again offered the magic weapon for reopening customs. He said that a was the abbreviation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which was also a fashionable term in that year.

It's a matter of national interest, and only Chai Peide was qualified to speak. He looked at Ogura Guangzheng and said verbatim: "Mr. Ogura, the Anhe Provincial Government has shown a high degree of sincerity regarding the merger of Anhe Electric Works by your society. This is obvious to all, even if it is expensive. Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Industry of the People's Republic of China also expressed their approval. At this time, it would be purely a crime to say that our province violates the rule a.

Our attitude is very clear. We hope that your club will complete the acquisition of Anhe Electrical Machinery Plant as soon as possible, and ensure that the wages and benefits of the entire plant's 3,000 employees and all retirees are not affected. Mr. Ogura just said that you have some specific procedures that cannot be completed in a short period of time. This statement is inconsistent with your previous commitments, but for the sake of friendly cooperation, we have also expressed understanding. At the same time, your club Delay in acquisitions.

However, during this period, your club did not agree with Anhe Electrical Plant to undertake foreign business, and was unwilling to bear the price, which made us unacceptable. Which international organization's rules are such unreasonable conditions? "

Chai Peide was already irritated. At the time, the original Yuanyuan Club interrupted a bar, which made Chai Peide annoyed, but the Governor's office meeting made a decision, and he could not oppose it. Now that they have agreed to the merger of the Ohara Club, they are pushing three by four, and want to disrupt the situation, but do not want to bear the necessary cost. Isn't this an fool in Anhe Province? Chai Peide even felt that after a year and a half of tossing, Ohara would suddenly announce that he did not intend to merge with Anhe Electric Plant, leaving Anhe Province with a chicken fly. If that's the case, Chai Peide felt that his old face had to be buried in the soil.

After hearing Chai Peide's reprimand, Mr. Ogura was silent. Of course, he knew that he was in a bad position, but he still hoped that by virtue of his Japanese business status, he would suppress all the people in Anhe province. You know, this was the privilege of foreign businessmen in China. But who would have thought that there was such a Qin Hai in this group who did not play cards according to common sense, and he pushed him to the corner with words. And Chai Peide is obviously not an official who is accustomed to foreign businessmen. After confirming that he is justified, he will be tough enough.

Regardless of Liu Xuping's temptation to hang a around his mouth, Kokura Masahiro knew that these things he did couldn't stand it. It is true that the GATT is controlled by Westerners, but it is not easy to say that it is bold to say black as white. An international mechanism, everyone understands the various transactions under the table, but those truths on the table must be justified, otherwise they will become rogue gangs, not international organizations. Although the rules of conduct of some international organizations are not much different from those of rogue gangs, anyway, they are also a group of cultural rogues, and the necessary face must be maintained.

"How much does it cost to maintain the necessary monthly expenses of Anhe Electric Works?" Kokura Masahiro asked.

"1.2 million yuan ~ ~ Zheng Jietian answered without a hitch. He is the director of the factory. Every day he counts the expenses in the factory. Can he still be familiar with this figure?

"Director Zheng, you can't count like this." Qin Hai said with a smile. "I heard that the director Zheng has studied enterprise management in the School of Administration. The concept of opportunity cost should be familiar?"

"Um, of course, familiar, what does Qin always mean?" Zheng Jietian responded. Some time ago, the Daqin Group was about to merge the motor plant. Zheng Jietian and Qin Hai have not dealt with it. Zheng Jietian is also very respectful to this future boss. Although it is said that the Daqin Group has already been out, Zheng Jietian will not stupidly offend Qin Hai. In case Xiaoyuan does not buy it, Daqin is back in the game again? Zheng Jietian couldn't help but consider such a possibility.

Qin Haidao: "Originally we wanted to ask Anhe Motor Factory to produce permanent magnet motors for us, with a monthly profit of at least 2 million yuan. Now that the motor factory abandons this business, it is equivalent to bearing an opportunity cost of 2 million This cost ... is it necessary to bear the responsibility of the responsible party? "

"Well ..." Zheng Jietian didn't know how to answer. He looked at Ogura Kosei, and then looked at Chai Peide, and finally smirked and said, "I don't really understand what to do, please Chai Province. Chang He and Director Xie decided. "(To be continued ...)

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