Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 601: It's $ 1 to stretch your neck

"If so, then ..."

Hearing Wang Peichao's statement, Gao Cun Wu Yanne stood up and turned to see Tanaka Tanao, meaning that the other party had closed the door to negotiations and should he leave. Also, Tanaka Tatsuo's head was scooped by a connected student. It seems he has to hurry to the hospital to bandage it.

What surprised him was that Tanaka Tatsuo suddenly became quiet at this time. He waved to the police who just came in, motioned them to switch on and off and exit the venue. The police were a bit puzzled, but the foreign guests said so, and they made such requests as victims, and they had nothing to say. So after glaring at Guan Liansheng and warning him not to act lightly, from the venue Back out.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think we should do to win your cooperation?"

Wang Peichao's words sounded very tough, but the implied meaning in the words couldn't be more obvious. Takehiko Takamura was a techie, and he was missing some strings in his head. Tanaka Tatsuo is different. Upon hearing Wang Peichao's words, he knew that Wang Peichao wanted to negotiate a price with himself. As long as the other party is willing to make an offer, everything is easy to handle.

"Three of us, one million each, you are responsible for helping us to leave Changgu." Wang Peichao said.

"What about Super Race?" Tanaka asked.

Wang Pei smiled lightly without a snoring. Chaosai company has become a mess, and he has no interest whatsoever. What he is thinking about now is to use the power of the Japanese to escape from Changgu and become a quiet beautiful man in a place where no one knows himself. In this era. One million is enough for his family to live without food and clothing. As for suppliers and customers, they have the ability to toss.

"The deal," Tanaka answered decisively.

Guan Liansheng and He Shouxiang stared at this scene in astonishment. They couldn't believe it. Especially Guan Liansheng, after hurting Tanaka in an emergency, he was waiting for the other party to break his hair. It was a big crime to hurt foreign guests. He even thought about how many years he would be sentenced. However, all this was so unexpected that Tanaka Tano, whose head was still bleeding, did not care about his injury, but talked to Wang Peichao about the deal, and soon reached a consensus.

Could this little devil be fooled by himself? Guan Liansheng thought secretly in his heart.

A negotiation that was supposed to be violent was ended peacefully. Tanaka Takamura took Takehiko Takamura to leave Super Race Company, went to the hospital to simply bandage the wound on his head, and then left Changgu by car, which was fast. It makes people doubt that the Japanese have never appeared. Shortly after Tanaka Takao left, lawyer Hu Yingjie went to the Changgu City Court and submitted an application for postponement of trial as the attorney for the plaintiff on the grounds that the person the plaintiff planned to appear in court could not appear temporarily for some reason. As to when the trial will begin, further notice is required.

Tanaka Tatsuo and his party were sent away. Wang Peichao and Guan Liansheng and He Shouxiang also left the meeting room and walked outside the company. Several police officers specially arranged by Liu Zhaocheng to "take care of" them followed. Step by step, in case they take the opportunity to escape. Guan Liansheng has not recollected from the surprise. He scratched his scalp and asked Wang Peichao:

"Pei Chao, what does this little devil mean? It's not me who cleans him up, cleans him up, right?"

Wang Peichao looked at Guan Liansheng and wanted to train him, hesitated and gave up. Chaosai Company has closed down and they are no longer partners. It is the same forest bird who is about to go his own way when the disaster comes. At this time, why should he spend his energy to tell the relevant students what the truth is.

"The Japanese are just too lazy to care about you." Wang Peichao said flatly.

"You just told them 1 million and helped us to leave. What does this mean?" He Shouxiang was more concerned about this issue.

Wang Peichao said: "Don't you understand? Cucella was planted hard this time. It's not enough to pull us back because we don't have much weight. They want to pull Qu Tao into the water and make those customers hate Qu Tao. To do this, we have to take the lead. I thought about it, this matter is very important to them, they will be willing to spend some cost to do it. Do not knock their bamboo poles at this time, there will be no chance in the future Now. "

"In this way, we and Qu Tao are dead on the bar." He Shouxiang said worriedly.

"So what?" Wang Peichao said lightly.

He Shouxiang said: "Do you think Qin will let us off easily?".

"Do we have any choice now? Stretching the neck is a knife, shrinking the neck is also a knife. Last time, Qin Hai has given us an ultimatum. We did n’t bow our heads at that time. Now even if we come to the door to give someone a hoe, others I don't admit it anyway. Anyway, why not make a bet? "Wang Peichao said.

"Pei Chao, do you think that the Japanese can fight Qin ... Qin Hai?" Guan Liansheng asked that he originally intended to say "General Qin", and when he came to his lips, he felt that he could not fall into prestige, so he changed it to his first name. However, this change in appellation did not give him more confidence.

Wang Peichao looked up at the sky and said blankly, "What use is it to think of this at this time? Lian Sheng and Shou Xiang, you all go back and prepare for it. When the Japanese prepare the money and say hello to the city, you Let ’s leave with my family, and help me take Mengsha and Xiaoming by the way, to a place where no one knows us. ”

"Why, Pei Chao, won't you go?". He Shouxiang asked.

Wang Peichao said, "Everyone is gone. Who will trip the Japanese? I think so, I will stay hostage, you go first. If the Japanese do n’t keep their promises, I will encourage them to steal tricks. They took it out and made them embarrassed completely. If they fulfilled their promise, then I will sue Qu Tao as they said. As for what Qin Hai would do, let him all come to me. "

To this day, Wang Peichao has completely wanted to understand that his cooperation with Cusella is just dancing with the wolf. When he can still help Cousella, Cousella will not regret giving him a little sweetness. But when both sides were in trouble, he was the cannon fodder that Cusella pushed out to block the gun.

Facing the persecution of Cusella, he had no room to refuse at all. With Tanaka's poison, if Wang Peichao chooses not to cooperate, the other party may cause him to death. The suppliers and customers who come to collect debts are the weapons in the hands of Tanaka. This is a killer and no blood. Guy.

Regarding Tanaka's credit, Wang Peichao couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it. He decided to pay Tanaka with one hand for delivery. Only after Tanaka Tanao satisfies the conditions for his offer, he will do as Tanaka Tanao asks. On this issue, he believes that Cusella is more impatient than himself. After all, Cusella is a large multinational company. If the scandal caused by tool defects is not removed as soon as possible, this company will not be able to continue. .

Sure enough, as Wang Peichao expected, after leaving Changgu, the man didn't rush to return to China, but went to the provincial capital Qingjin, contacted the provincial foreign affairs office, the foreign trade department and other departments, and found the provincial government through these departments. Three days later, Liu Zhaocheng received an oral notice from the province, asking Changgu City to cancel disguised surveillance of Wang Peichao, Guan Liansheng, He Shouxiang, and their families, allowing them to leave Changgu freely.

"Mr. Wang, you left like this, and only the municipal government helped you carry the debt." Liu Zhaocheng said with dissatisfaction when he passed the notice from the province to Wang Peichao. He didn't know what Wang Peichao had negotiated with the Japanese, so that he could let the Japanese intercede for them. It is not a big deal to cancel the surveillance of several people. When foreign guests spoke, the province would naturally agree, and there would be nothing to say in Changgu City.

To be honest, Changgu has no power to restrict the freedom of Wang Peichao and others. The debt of Chaosai Company is borne by the company. As long as Wang Peichao and others fled without the money, the government cannot interfere, let alone put their wives and children under house arrest.

However, China's affairs have Chinese characteristics. Chaosai Company owes a lot of money in various aspects. Those creditor companies can disregard any law or law. They believe in debt repayment and the company has no money. Trouble with company boss. In order to avoid the possibility of debt collection, Changgu City must detain Wang Peichao and others.

Wang Peichao said: "Mayor Liu, don't worry, I won't leave, I will leave things after I finish, and it will not cause trouble to the city."

"You sent your wife and children away. What else can the city use to restrain you?" Liu Zhaocheng said angrily.

Wang Peichao said, "You ca n’t take them hostage in the city, can you? You can watch ~ ~ When they leave, they do n’t take any property with them. They leave it to the city and use it for those creditors. Refund. And this ... "

Having said that, he found a passbook from his pocket and shoved it into Liu Zhaocheng's hands, saying, "This is my family's passbook, 1.2 million, which was saved last year. I wanted to keep it just in case. Now The company made it look like this, it has caused so much trouble to Mayor Liu, and I have no face to leave this passbook, and leave it to the city, Mayor Liu will take care of it. "

"Then ... what will happen to your family's future life?" Liu Zhaocheng took the passbook and asked with amazement.

Wang Peichao sneered: "It was the Japanese who made me miserable. I naturally sought the Japanese to compensate me."

"Well, Pei Chao ..." Liu Zhaocheng was so emotional, he patted Wang Pei Chao's shoulder and said, "Your biggest failure is to be against enemy Qin. Although you are now talking about Sino-Japanese friendship, the Japanese are after all It's unreliable, but I feel that President Qin is creditworthy and can be a friend. "

Wang Peichao laughed with a ridicule and said, "It's too late to say this now, if everything can come again ..." (to be continued ...)

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