Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Are world-class problems

The research on iron-based superconductor hosted by Tranquility has benefited from Qin Hai's investment regardless of cost, and has made rapid progress. The results have been published one by one in international journals one after another, making her even more famous than her mentor Chen. Zong Ze. + Xiao, two months ago, when Tranquil and Qin Haitong talked on the phone, they reported that a new material with a critical temperature higher than 77 had been found, but the preparation method was not mature and could not be made public for the time being. Once a breakthrough is made in the preparation of this new material, the research on superconducting machines will usher in a new stage of vigorous development.

77 is the boundary of the liquid nitrogen temperature zone, and the critical temperature is higher than 77, which means that this material can produce superconducting performance under the condition of using liquid nitrogen as a coolant. The cost of cooling with liquid nitrogen is very low, and it is very operable in reality. In the case of room temperature superconductors, the superconductivity in the liquid nitrogen temperature zone has been the goal of engineers.

"The problem of superconducting coils, we put our hopes on our siblings." Zhou Linlei said with a smile. I heard that Qin Hai's girlfriend is an expert in superconductivity. Zhou Linlei's evaluation of Qin Hai suddenly became much higher, regardless of his own At the age of over 50, he actually called up his brother and brother with Qin Hai.

"In addition to the problem of the coil, the permanent magnet material is also a big problem. Now the most used NdFeB magnetic energy accumulation is high enough, but the Curie temperature is too low, the temperature of the working environment is slightly higher, and the magnetism disappears. This is not enough for the motors we need. "Zhou Linlei raised the second question.

Qin Hai pointed at himself with a smile, and said, "This problem, Zhou Gong has to pin my hope on me."

"You?" Zhou Linlei wondered, "Why, Xiao Qin is engaged in magnetic materials?"

"I don't have any major, and I have been exposed to all kinds of materials." Qin Haidao. "However, we have now come up with a new permanent magnet material based on cerium, with a higher magnetic strength than neodymium-iron-boron, and a Curie temperature of 600 degrees Celsius or above. Does Zhou Gong feel enough?"

"A new type of permanent magnetic material with a Curie temperature of 600 degrees Celsius?" Zhou Linlei asked in surprise. "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"This is probably because Zhou Gong is too busy with his work and didn't pay attention to the relevant literature? We have been publishing this material for more than half a year." Qin Hai said.

Zhou Linlei patted his head in annoyance and said, "Yes, yes, I have been thinking about the steam catapult for the past six months. I really haven't paid attention to the information about magnetic materials and superconducting materials. I can't think of technological development So fast, I knew so ... "

Having said that, he suddenly got stuck and looked at Ji Mingchu with the light of the corner of his eyes. Ji Mingchu has been listening to their conversation. For this small movement of Zhou Linlei, naturally also see in the eyes. He smiled and asked, "Why, if you knew that, would you stick to your original idea?"

"It can only be said that there are more reasons than the original idea, but the obstacles are still very large." Zhou Linlei answered honestly.

"Why don't you tell your thoughts to Xiao Qin? You see, you just left, I told you to stay, and you were still unhappy. What happened, don't regret staying and chat with Xiao Qin? "Ji Ming asked early.

"How unhappy ..." Zhou Linlei's face was slightly red. Just now, he did feel that it would be a waste of time to stay and chat with Qin Hai. He had obtained such important information in a few words. He had known this before, and he would not reveal his intention to leave. Now being exposed by the Ji Ming early, he is naturally quite awkward.

"Tell your ideas to Xiao Qin, maybe your problems. They can be solved with Xiao Qin." Ji Ming Zhou encouraged Zhou Linlei again.

"Well ... okay." Zhou Linlei hesitated for a moment, then he accepted the suggestion of Ji Mingchu at the beginning, he turned his head to Qin Hai and said seriously: "Xiao Qin, in fact we are outside the idea of ​​steam ejection. The idea is electromagnetic launch. I wonder if you have heard of it? "

"Electromagnetic ejection?" Qin Hai smiled. "Of course I heard that. So, what you said just now is that the motor with extremely high instantaneous power is used for electromagnetic ejection?"

Electromagnetic ejection is another ejection method besides steam ejection. Its principle is to use electromagnetic force to eject an aircraft on an aircraft carrier. Compared with steam ejection, the structure of the device used for electromagnetic ejection is simpler, no complicated pipelines need to be laid, and problems such as storage and leakage of high temperature and high pressure steam need not be considered. In addition, the power of electromagnetic ejection is determined by the magnitude of the current, so it is more controllable than steam ejection, which belongs to a more promising aircraft ejection method.

However, the technical problems of electromagnetic ejection are also more complicated than steam ejection. First of all, it is necessary to accelerate an aircraft weighing several tens of tons to take-off speed in a few seconds than at rest, which has extremely high power requirements for the motor. Zhou Linlei told Qin Hai just now that a motor with very high instantaneous power is needed, referring to the motor used to drive the catapult. The two major bottlenecks in developing such a motor are the ability to support high-power coils and strong magnets that can work at high temperatures.

In addition to the motor, the power supply device is also a big problem. If the catapult works on land, it can naturally be connected to a line with a voltage of 100,000 kV or higher in order to provide powerful electrical energy in a very short time. However, it is very difficult to find such a high-power power supply device on an aircraft carrier. Even a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, its generator cannot provide such a high instantaneous power.

There is only one kind of equipment that can perform high-power discharge in an instant, and that is a super capacitor. This kind of capacitor, which can reach several thousand farads, can store abundant power and release it in a very short time. Compared with the rechargeable batteries that people use every day, super capacitors have several advantages: first, their power storage capacity is stronger, and the same amount of super capacitors can store dozens of times the power of rechargeable batteries; second, they can support dozens of It has been repeatedly charged and discharged 10,000 times, and ordinary rechargeable batteries have been scrapped once or two thousand times. The third and most important is that the charging and discharging times are very short. This is exactly the electromagnetic ejection. What you need most.

As a motor expert, Zhou Linlei was arranged to conduct research on aircraft carrier catapults because the military's original idea was to use electromagnetic catapults. However, after a thorough examination of the existing technical reserves, Zhou Linlei had to regret to abandon this idea and began to preside over the design of the steam ejection device. Early in the Ming Dynasty, Ji Lin knew that Zhou Linlei had been obsessed with electromagnetic ejection. With this opportunity today, he asked Zhou Linlei to bring this problem to Qin Hai.

"Supercapacitors, superconductors, and permanent magnet materials are the biggest problems we face in developing electromagnetic ejection devices." Zhou Linlei introduced to Qin Hai, "Yes, there are high-power semiconductor components, especially high-voltage and high-power density b Chips, which is also a technology that is monopolized by Western countries and banned from selling to China. "

"Sure enough, every item is a world-class problem." Qin Hai sighed. The last type of b-chip that Zhou Linlei said was called "insulated gate bipolar transistor", which is a semiconductor element for power management in high-power circuits. It is also a blank technology in China.

"Listening to Xiao Qin today, our country's superconducting research has made breakthrough progress, and permanent magnetic materials have also made great breakthroughs. This has solved our two problems at once, it is really not easy." Zhou Linlei Le Hehe said, "At such a speed, maybe within 20 years, we may really overcome the difficulty of electromagnetic ejection."

"20 years ..." Qin Hai froze his tongue, "Zhou Gong, wouldn't you be joking?"

"I really have this confidence." Zhou Linlei said seriously.

"Uh ... I mean, actually 20 years?" Qin Hai couldn't help crying. Zhou Linlei obviously misunderstood what he meant, thinking that 20 years would not be enough to solve these problems. In fact, Qin Hai has some understanding of these technologies mentioned by Zhou Linlei, knowing that if there is sufficient capital investment and correct research ideas, it only takes five to ten years at most, which is enough to cover all these issues. solved.

"Xiao Qin, don't underestimate these technical issues. Several research institutes of the Ministry of Electronics are engaged in the research of super capacitors. So far, no satisfactory progress has been made. As for b, the difficulty is even greater ... Zhou Linlei explained.

At the beginning of Ji Ming interrupted Zhou Linlei's words, he looked at Qin Hai and asked, "Xiao Qin, you said it didn't take 20 years. How many years do you think it will work?"

With a bitter smile on Qin Hai's face, he said, "If I say 19 years, will Ji Lao fan my ears?"

"Of course it will fan!" Ji Ming threatened with a smile at ~ ~ I knew that your Xiao Qin had potential, and related to the construction of national defense, you must not lurk. "

"At most ..." Qin Hai thought about it for a period of 10 years. When he reached his lips, he suddenly saw the white hair in the beginning of Ji Ming, and he blurted out: "Five years!"

"Five years!" Zhou Linlei got up from the sofa, leaned in front of Qin Hai, stared at him, and asked, "You mean five years?"

"Yes, five years." Qin Hai gritted his teeth and agreed.

The two technologies of supercapacitor and b, for China at the time, were still beyond expectations. But after entering the 21st century, with the spring breeze of high-speed rail technology development, China's scientific and technological personnel achieved a breakthrough in only five years and reached the world's advanced level. Qin Hai understands some of the key elements of these two technologies. He believes that if the Daqin Group can provide sufficient funds for investment, it will be completely possible to develop these two technologies within five years.

Of course, if you can give him more time, maybe you can greatly save on the investment of funds. However, he can't wait, can he wait for his age? (To be continued ...)

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