Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 619: Can American companies offend?

In 1995, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar has fallen to 8 to 13, and US $ 13 million is equivalent to 24 million yuan. With an investment of 24 million yuan, it only accounts for 90% of the shares, and also promises to retain all workers, which is really a preferential condition that can no longer be preferential. In that year, the investors were uncles. Who was not a lion and let the local government give in infinite concessions. As a US-funded company, Fermi could show such sincerity of cooperation. What else can you say?

Tian Ruzhi said of course that these conditions were not put forward by her, but were determined by the Daqin Group headquarters after careful consideration. In principle, even if the Daqin Group opened a lower condition, Hongze City would accept it, because being able to transfer Hongze Motor Factory out of Hongze City would be a shame. This is everyone Are willing to do things.

However, both Qin Hai and Ning Zhongying believed that it would be beneficial for Hongze City's operation after the merger of Hongze City to give up some of its benefits. Adopting a joint venture with Hongze City, instead of completely eating Hongze Motor Factory, can tie Hongze City Government to the chariots of Daqin Group. In the future, it will involve land acquisition, recruitment and other things. Hongze City will There was enthusiasm to help solve this, the 10% of the shares is not a waste.

Do n’t be too ugly, this is the credo of Ning Zhongying. As an old entrepreneur with rich experience, he deeply understands the importance of doing a good job in all aspects.

Tian Ruzhi naturally would not tell Zhu Xiaodongming about these things. If one day we want to reveal these considerations, it is also Qin Hai who has come forward and told the leaders of Chai Peide or Hongze City that Zhu Xiaodong's face is simply not enough.

Although Tian Ruzhi's thoughts were not clear, the officials of China Merchants Group were overjoyed to hear the conditions she proposed. Attracting US $ 3 million in foreign investment and retaining a 10% stake in Hongze Electric Plant, this is a remarkable achievement.

Zhu Xiaodong held back the joy. Pretending to be nonsense, eventually accepted Tian Ruzhi's offer. The two sides agreed that the next day they would arrange for Mag and Tian Ruzhi to visit the Hongze Motor Factory, and then commission an accounting firm to audit the assets and debts of the Hongze Motor Factory to complete the joint venture delivery as soon as possible.

"Director Zhu, the signing of the joint venture is only the first step of our cooperation. After Fermi has officially settled in Hongze Motor Factory, we have many other matters that need to be facilitated by the Hongze City Government. I am afraid that this needs to be written Our cooperation agreement is gone. "Tian Ruzhi said.

"This is for sure." Zhu Xiaodong said without hesitation, "you invest in Hongze, you are the guests of Hongze. If the guests encounter any trouble, we are the owners, how can we not help?"

"We will be assured with the words of Director Zhu." Tian Ruzhi said, "We plan to start a staff recruitment activity in the near future to make up for the existing weak talents in Hongze Motor Factory. I don't know if Hongze City can give us this. Provide cooperation. "

"Of course I can!" Zhu Xiaodong said, "Recruiting talents is an important part of business management. Of course we will provide full cooperation. If Director Tian needs to release recruitment notices, whether it is in the evening paper or on TV. We can help coordinate, definitely Get you the lowest advertising price. "

"If the personnel we are recruiting encounters personnel obstacles, can Director Zhu also help solve it?" Tian Ruzhi asked again.

"There are special policies in this province." Zhu Xiaodong said, "For the recruitment of foreign-invested enterprises in the local area, which involves employees of government agencies and former state-owned enterprises, the original unit must not block them for any reason. So ... "

Just talking about this, Zhu Xiaodong suddenly felt a flash of thought, thinking of a serious matter, and his words were stuck.

Fermi makes motors. The joint venture with Hongze Motor Factory is also for the production of motors. Well. Can Fermi have nothing to do with motors?

In Hongze City. Where are the motor talents?

The answer is coming soon, and that is Anhe Electrical Plant.

In other words, Tian Ruzhi's upcoming recruitment campaign is aimed at Anhe Electrical Machinery Factory. What she has to do is to pry into the corner of Anhe Electrical Machinery Factory and grab its talents. As a result of this, it was directly opposed to Ohara Club, which was not a casual thing.

As an official in charge of investment promotion, Zhu Xiaodong knew something about Ohara's acquisition of Anhe Electric Plant. For this matter, several leaders in the province have blushed each other. Can such a big matter be spread in the organs? Because of this, Zhu Xiaodong knew that the vice governor Wang He was standing behind Xiaoyuan Society, and because it involved national policies such as re-entry or accession to the WTO, even the governor chose to support Wang He, the deputy governor of the economy Chai Peide became the loser.

As a Japanese-funded enterprise that could make Chai Peide concede, Ohara Club enjoys a very special status in Anhe Province. If other companies openly pry at its corners, the government may have to mediate. Tian Ruzhi repeatedly asked if Hongze City Government would provide convenience for himself. It must have also taken this factor into consideration. If he nodded and agreed, he would have endless troubles.

"Why, are there any difficulties?" Tian Ruzhi saw Zhu Xiaodong's embarrassment, and she smiled and led Zhu Xiaodong's army.

"It should be ... there is no difficulty," Zhu Xiaodong said in disguise. "However, if the talent that Director Tian is recruiting is an employee of Anhe Electric Plant ... it may be necessary to report to the province, otherwise ..."

"I don't understand this," Tian Ruzhi said, lowering his face. "Is there anything special about Anhe Electric Works? Why can't its employees be recruited?"

Zhu Xiaodong said: "Of course recruitment can be recruited, but ... Director Tian, ​​you have to know that Anhe Electric Works has now been merged by Japan's Ohara Club, which is a Japanese-funded enterprise ..."

"We are American-funded enterprises," Tian Ruzhi reminded coldly.

"Yeah!" Zhu Xiaodong blurted out, only to find out that he was speechless after he finished speaking. It didn't matter what he thought, how could he say it directly in his mouth?

Since always communicating with Tian Ruzhi, Zhu Xiaodong subconsciously regarded Fermi as a domestic company. If a domestic-funded company is digging a corner of a foreign-funded enterprise, the province will definitely favor foreign-funded enterprises. This is why Zhu Xiaodong did not dare to agree with Tian Ruzhi. However, if a US-funded company is digging into the corner of a Japanese-funded company, the province can only remain neutral without pulling back. The reason is simple. Japanese-funded companies cannot afford to offend. Take it lightly?

"Either Anhe Electric Plant or Hongze Electric Plant is an Anhe company. We treat all enterprises equally. If your company recruits employees from Anhe Electric Plant, it will cause conflicts between the two companies. , We will not be partial to any one side, and we also ask Director Tian to forgive me. "Zhu Xiaodong said rightly.

What he said was to let Tian Ruzhi understand, but the subtext was to tell Tian Ruzhi that Fermi had any tricks. Although it was used, we did not favor Fermi and we would not favor Kohara. Which company is willing to go, such as engineers and skilled workers, is the freedom of others, and we will not interfere.

Ohara Co., Ltd. bought Anhe Electric Plant for a large price. What it fancy is the talent team of Anhe Electric Plant and the production tradition formed over the years. Hongze Motor Factory is not worth it, because its technical staff and workers are not as good as Anhe Motor Factory. If the Fermi company conducts open recruitment and gives favorable conditions, do you worry that the people of Anhe Electric Factory will not run to Fermi?

For Fermi, one can be counted as one, and there is no loss if it cannot be recruited. For Kohara, being pulled away is a loss. If there are too many people being pulled, the investment in the previous acquisition of Anhe Electric Machinery Factory is considered to be a scam.

Zhu Xiaodong is not afraid of Xiaoyuan Society's anxious eyes, even if Wang He comes out to interfere, Zhu Xiaodong has something to say. Fermi is an American company. Can you stop me from hiring? Otherwise, you Vice Governor Wang personally go to Mr. Mag to communicate and see if Americans speak better than Japanese, okay?

With this reliance, Zhu Xiaodong's waist can be hardened. He even had a faint expectation ~ ~ I hope to see Fermi Company pry all the corners of the Kohara Club, and the beautiful Anhe Electrical Machinery Factory has been stunned since then, and the half-dead Hongze Electrical Machinery Factory has stood out and replaced The location of Anhe Electric Plant.

You know, Anhe Electrical Plant is a provincial enterprise, and its rise and decline have nothing to do with Hongze City. However, Hongze Motor Factory is Hongze's own enterprise. If it is done well, it will be the achievements of Hongze City, and it is also his strong proof that Zhu Xiaodong has attracted investment. It took so much effort in the province to attract the Ohara Club, and the Anhe Electric Plant was ruined. He Zhu Xiaodong recruited Fermi Company, but rescued Hongze Motor Factory. Comparing the two, who is more capable, can it be clear at a glance?

As for whether the province will lose face because of this, it is not a matter of Zhu Xiaodong. Friends of the dead do not die of poverty, which is the official rule of the official world. Zhu Xiaodong has studied this.

"Director Tian, ​​when do you plan to start hiring? Would you like our China Merchants Office to arrange for you to fight?" After thinking about this section, Zhu Xiaodong enthusiastically helped Tian Ruzhi Zhang Luo, he even wished to personally operate the knife, Help Tian Ruzhi crack down on the Ohara club.

"Thank you very much, Director Zhu. The person Zhu Zhu arranged for us, we will pay according to time. As for the recruitment time, of course, the sooner the better." Tian Ruzhi replied with a smile. (To be continued)

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