Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 656: Let this little monster plant something

Yan Jiamin didn't think of this incident accidentally. It has been tangled in her heart for a long time. She just couldn't find a proper time to talk to the quiet, or she lacked a proper reason. Come and tell the silence.

Her mentor, Zhang Shengying, was prejudiced about tranquility, something that graduate students across the physics department knew. As for Zhang Shengying's development of this prejudice into hatred, and she intends to find opportunities to frame the tranquility, this is limited to a few people such as Yan Jiamin's knowledge.

Zhang Shengying is not an open-minded person. She is arrogant when she is determined, and mad when she is disappointed. This bad character of rotten dynasties has a complete inheritance. It turned out that she was one of the few superconducting authorities in the domestic physics community. Although her achievements and fame were slightly inferior to those of Chen Zong, she was on par with other colleagues. At that time, she applied for a topic easily, but if she had a chance to participate in international exchanges, it was often her turn. She is very successful both in face and in the face.

The appearance of Qin Hai is a gospel for others. The establishment of the Superconductivity Research Center of Beijing University has greatly improved the conditions for domestic superconductivity research, and has led to the emergence of a large number of academic results in a short time. But for Zhang Shengying, the situation is completely the opposite, Qin Hai is simply her nightmare.

Before falling out with Qin Hai, Zhang Shengying and other colleagues were able to get help from the Superconducting Research Center. She also made several very good results because of the good experimental conditions and sufficient experimental funding provided here. However, seeing several other scholars who were inferior to themselves in the past have also achieved good results, and they have a tendency to surpass themselves, Zhang Shengying felt a little unhappy.

In her opinion, the original state is actually better, although China's superconducting research lags behind foreign countries. But her Zhang Shengying is taller among the shorts, and she can enjoy the glory of everyone's attention. Now, everyone's level has improved. Her strengths were less obvious, which made her feel lost.

Further back. Because Qin Hai required everyone to devote part of their time to applied research on superconductivity, and Zhang Shengying pretended to be authoritative, and was unwilling to accept this arrangement, thus clashed with Qin Hai. In order to kill chickens and tamarins, Qin Hai adopted a discriminatory policy against Zhang Shengying and restricted her financial support, which directly pushed Zhang Shengying to the opposite side.

Tranquility discovered the iron-based superconductor under the guidance of Chen Zongze. Opening a new door for superconductivity research, the Department of Physics of Jingcheng University and even China ’s superconductivity research have jumped to a new level and directly entered the first camp of world superconductivity research. The good news for Zhang Shengying was a big hit.

Zhang Shengying was initially dissatisfied with Qin Hai and Chen Zongze, and refused to pay attention to the new concept of iron-based superconductivity. When the results of the peers came out and the international superconducting academic community set off a wave of iron-based superconductivity, Zhang Shengying knew what she had missed and wanted to catch up. It was too late.

Iron-based superconductors burn more money than copper-based superconductors. Without substantial funding support, it is almost impossible to make iron-based superconductors. Zhang Shengying was a bit slower than her peers, waiting until she wanted to apply for funding. No longer competitive. How many and many international authoritative journal papers have been published as a preliminary result. She is a blank in iron-based superconductivity. Why can she win funds?

The Superconducting Research Center also has a large amount of funding, but this is not related to Zhang Shengying. Although Chen Zong did not ban Zhang Shengying from using the center's equipment for the sake of taking care of his colleagues, Chen Zong was powerless when it came to purchasing materials and finding outsourcing companies to make test pieces. The use of the funds of the center is subject to the supervision of auditors appointed by the Daqin Group. Without Qin Hai nodding, Zhang Shengying would not have spent the center's money.

It is not that no one has advised Zhang Shengying. Let her bow her head slightly and make peace with Qin Hai. In exchange for Qin Hai's support. People like Du Xiangwang and Cao Guolin have expressed their willingness to act as middlemen for Zhang Shengying. In such a unit, there is competition and affection among colleagues, especially Zhang Shengying is one of the few female scholars. Everyone has a little love for her.

However, Zhang Shengying has a shameless mindset. As a once-incompetent woman, how could she bow her head to a young upstart? The more she pondered, the more hated Qin Hai was, and the more hated Qin Hai was, the less likely she was to make peace with Qin Hai. Because she hated Qin Hai, she regarded Chen Zongze as an accomplice of Qin Hai. As for Qin Hai's girlfriend's tranquility, it was her nails and thorns in her eyes.

Another reason that is not humane is that the tranquility is so famous that it is recognized as a flower in the physics department. This title once belonged to Zhang Shengying. People who have not experienced such things may not be able to understand how the two generations may have a competitive relationship because of their looks. And that's the truth. An over-aged **** is more jealous of pretty young same-sex than her peers.

In this way, Zhang Shengying went further and further towards the road of "". She hated Qin Hai, hated serenity, hated Chen Zongze, and hated all her peers who were more successful than her, until she hated the new direction of iron-based superconductivity.

More than once, she hoped that iron-based superconductivity was a short-lived one. She hoped that one day, an international authority would criticize iron-based superconductivity, so that Chen Zongze, Tranquility, and other people who became famous through iron-based superconductivity would return to their original form . She has also sneakily analyzed the literature on iron-based superconductivity, hoping to find the flaws in it, and then give everyone a loud slap. Then the reality was so ruthless. Instead of being overthrown, the iron-based superconductor became more and more prosperous, pushing her good copper-based superconductor aside. The tranquility that made her feel uncomfortable was smooth sailing. Nature was published in the dissertation, and she was also awarded a keynote presentation at the International Materials Conference. You know, this was Zhang Shengying's efforts and ultimately failed to obtain Status.

"I must let this goblin stand up!"

Every time I walked through the corridor of the experimental building and saw the color photos of the quiet standing on the big podium of the International Materials Annual Conference on the wall, Zhang Shengying gritted her teeth and vowed again. Especially when seeing the boys in the department lingering in front of the photo, Zhang Shengying's jealousy became stronger. Shouldn't these "small fresh meats" be worshipped under her pomegranate skirt? Although her age is long enough to be the old aunt of these boys.

Zhang Shengying knew that by cursing alone, it was impossible for opponents to follow suit, otherwise countries would not have to expand their armaments, and they only needed to send a few long-speaking women to the two armies to spit and fly. She decided to take some realistic actions to combat tranquility, and it was better to bring Chen Zongze and Qin Hai together.

It is not that she did not want to check Qin Hai's family history and whether there were any unclear economic transactions between Chen Zongze and Qin Hai. However, doing this kind of thing is not her expertise, not to mention that the other party does not have anything unsightly that can be held by her.

What Zhang Shengying was able to do was just to look for flaws in the quiet research results, so as to prove that this rising star is really just a Kong Ming lamp that can't stand the scrutiny. However, even this plan has great difficulty. Quiet experiments and theories are done very solidly, not to mention that her mentor is Chen Zongze, who has rich academic experience. With his control, peaceful research will not What's wrong?

In order to keep quiet, Zhang Shengying had to use the strength of her students. She first hinted to her graduate students and saw that everyone could not understand the mystery. She simply said it out, asking the students to inquire about the tranquility and other teachers and students who are in the direction of iron-based superconductivity. And, of course, the reason she used was to maintain academic seriousness.

Zhang Shengying's students are more marginalized in the Superconducting Research Center. Who made them spread out a marginalized mentor? Because they couldn't produce good results, Yan Jiamin and her teachers and brothers had some complaints, some of which were directed to Zhang Shengying, and the other was directed to the center.

Zhang Shengying knew the students' dissatisfaction, but she could not see the part of dissatisfaction with her, only the dissatisfaction with the center. She took advantage of the dissatisfaction of the students and encouraged the students to find the faults of her classmates in order to prove that iron-based superconductivity is a scam.

Yan Jiamin has also received such instructions ~ ~ and has even thought about this. However, in her daily contact with her classmates, she knows that other people's research is quite satisfactory. The direction of iron-based superconductivity has been recognized by the world. As a doctoral student, how can I find out what is wrong? Come.

She didn't tell others what Zhang Shengying asked her to do, one because she didn't want to expose her mentor's shortcomings, and the other was because she herself had some inexplicable sourness towards the successful classmates. She reassured herself that she didn't do anything to apologize to her classmates. As for revealing her mentor, it was not her business.

Just now, she just talked to Tranquil about her difficulties. Tranquility gave her an idea enthusiastically, and she also expressed her willingness to contact her to study abroad and let her be an exchange student. Based on her understanding of tranquility, knowing that the words of serenity is definitely not perfunctory, but she sincerely wants to help her. Impressed, Yan Jiamin felt that it was inappropriate to keep Zhang Shengying's affairs quiet.

"Tranquility, don't take it lightly, my boss ... something is sometimes unscrupulous." Yan Jiamin reminded Serenity earnestly. (To be continued)

ps: I got up at three o'clock in the morning, and the code was five-thirty ... Did everyone move? Anyway, I was touched and I went to make up ...

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