Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Professional things for professional people

Although Qin Hai can be regarded as a very clever person, it is difficult to analyze Zhang Shengying's possible actions without a clue. ∷∷ǎn∷Xiao∷ said, he did not dare to ignore the information provided by Yan Jiamin. After all, this involves quiet graduation, which may even affect her future academic prospects. Qin Hai must eliminate any hidden dangers that exist. In the bud.

After knowing nothing, he asked Tranquil to go back to school first, and at the same time told her to be careful and pay more attention to the clues around her. After leaving Tranquil to return to the office, Qin Hai picked up the phone and dialed Xiao Weihao's number. Xiao Weihao is a person doing intelligence work. It is very difficult for Qin Hai to change into Xiao Weihao's hands. It may not be worth mentioning. It is Qin Hai's principle that professional people do professional things.

"Hey, is it Xiao Bureau, I'm Xiao Qin." Qin Hai said very lowly.

"Oh, it's President Qin, it's been a long time." Xiao Weihao said grinningly over the phone. He has not dealt with Qin Hai very much, but the relationship is very good. He knows that Qin Hai has done a lot for the defense military industry system, and has won the appreciation of Ji Lao and other important military figures, so he is quite polite to Qin Hai.

Qin Hai laughed a few words with Xiao Weihao, then turned to the topic, and said: "Xiao Bureau, I called you today, there are things I want to trouble you, I don't know if it is appropriate or not."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Weihao asked subconsciously. As soon as he finished speaking, his professional sensitivity became effective immediately. He thought of several serious matters in his head, and quickly corrected: "No, don't be busy first. Then I will go to you right away. "

"Let me go to Xiao Bureau and you ..." Qin Hai said quickly, apparently asking Xiao Weihao himself. How can Xiao Weihao come to the door in person.

But Qin Hai's words were late, Xiao Weihao had put off the phone and did not hear the words behind Qin Hai. Ten minutes later, Xiao Weihao came to Qin Hai's office. Qin Hai let him into the room and was about to say something. Xiao Weihao raised his hand to stop him. Then he pulled out a small instrument from his pocket and began to inspect the walls of Qin Hai's room.

"... Xiao Ju, are you looking for an eavesdropper?" Qin Haiyou couldn't laugh or cry. Xiao Weihao has done this thing once before. That was when he was in France, and he wanted to report to the faraway country, Ji Mingchu, on the purchase of filter membranes by the United States. As a result, he sent two military attachés from the embassy in France at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. A thorough inspection was conducted in the room and it was determined that there were no devices such as monitors and sneak shots. Xiao Weihao is the same now. It's just what Qin Hai wants to say, it really isn't worth him to be so cautious. Zhang Shengying could not go to the Beijing Office of the Daqin Group even more powerfully, and then installed a wiretapping device in Qin Hai's office. Xiao Weihao did all this.

Xiao Weihao didn't answer Qin Hai's question immediately, but waited to check all the places before putting down the equipment with relief, and sitting on the sofa with one hip. He said, "Well, check it out. Your room is safe now ... something you can say."

"Actually you don't need to do this at all ..." Qin Hai said, and then he simply told Xiao Weihao the quiet thing. Regarding the basic knowledge of iron-based superconductors, copper-based superconductors, etc., he also took some popular science, and heard that Xiao Weihao was a little stunned.

Wait for Qin Hai to say the whole thing. Xiao Weihao's face was also a little embarrassed: "You are looking for me for this matter?"

"Um." Qin Hai looked at him, but he thought it was funny, but he couldn't laugh out. After all, Xiao Weihao was also kind.

"I thought it was a matter of industrial espionage." Xiao Weihao said. "You said that it was the university thing, I just can't come. The phone talk is enough, this kind of thing is not worthwhile to eavesdrop."

"You don't listen to me to explain." Qin Hai said grievously, this matter really did not depend on him, Xiao Weihao himself was too anxious to even give Qin Hai an opportunity to explain.

Xiao Weihao knew that he had put up an oolong, but he said with a strong word: "Ji Lao specifically explained that some of the things you Daqin Group has done are of military value. We must treat you as a monitoring unit. However, I It's also a good trip. I had always wanted to help President Qin to check the confidentiality of the office, and I did it together this time. "

"That's fine, thank you Xiao Bureau." Qin Hai said respectfully. He never thought about checking if there was an eavesdropper in his office. After Xiao Weihao's tossing like this, he felt it necessary to do so. There are too many secrets involved in the Daqin Group, and it is also a terrible thing to eavesdrop on him if someone has an eye on him. Xiao Weihao helped him check the office again, and he was practical.

"The serenity you just said is your fiancee?" Xiao Weihao got rid of the previous embarrassment and started to work.

"Yes," Qin Hai said.

"The direction of her research is iron-based superconductivity?" Xiao Weihao continued to ask.

"Yes." Qin Hai still said yes.

Xiao Weihao asked a few more questions, then patted his head, and asked Qin Hai: "Do you worry what this teacher named Zhang Shengying will do to her?"

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "I can't guess right now, otherwise I won't ask you for help."

"Please ask our security department to manage this kind of security police affairs ... Thank you for wanting it." Xiao Weihao muttered.

Qin Haidao: "I'm not familiar with the security police, and I'm more familiar with you. Besides, I don't want to ask you to manage this matter, but I want to ask you to see how this kind of things should be investigated. "

"That's not easy, first investigate the target's phone records, communication records, recent whereabouts, and people who have been contacted, and then survey some relevant people from the outside to see what the target has said and taken. And, We need to analyze what the weakest target of the protected target is, because our own weak target is often the opponent's attack ... "Xiao Weihao talked bluntly, and said it lightly.

Qin Hai was thundered by the word "goal" used by Xiao Weihao. He said, "Xiao Ju, can we not use such a serious word? This Zhang Shengying is also a professor at Beijing University, regardless of whether her name is" goal ". Isn't you respectful? "

"Professors are also people, and people can be targets," Xiao Weihao said arrogantly. "We have investigated a professor in a university in the past. He sold top-secret information that he learned while undertaking the country's major tasks. To foreign intelligence agencies, so he is no longer a professor, but only a target. "

"Okay." Qin Hai decided not to be entangled in a single word. He said to Xiao Weihao, "However, I have no way to investigate Zhang Shengying's information in all aspects. Can Xiao Bureau introduce me to someone with this ability? mechanism?"

Xiao Weihao said: "Our unit has the ability in this regard. Why, don't you believe it?"

"Of course I believe." Qin Haidao, "I just think that this kind of thing can trouble your unit to do?"

Xiao Weihao said: "You don't have to worry about this. We have autonomy in what we investigate and what we don't investigate. Ji Lao explained that what happened to President Qin is our thing. We have to consider everything without any detail. . This matter involves your fiancee, and of course we have to step in. "

"This incident is not just for me." Qin Haidao, "Tranquility is the discoverer of iron-based superconductors. Iron-based superconductors are also one of the few research directions in China that can enter the international forefront. Zhang Shengying To start quietly, it will affect the development of China ’s superconducting scientific research and superconducting industry, and superconducting research itself is of strategic significance. "

Xiao Weihao said: "With such a big meaning, we will become even more famous. You don't need to worry about the later things. After three days, I will inform you with or without results."

"That would be too much trouble for Xiao." Qin Hai said sincerely. The energy of the security department is unthinkable by ordinary people. Since Xiao Weihao agreed to intervene, then Zhang Shengying's small movements will definitely fall into Xiao Weihao's eye. If Zhang Shengying's threat could be eliminated once and for all, Qin Hai would be relieved.

"By the way, our investigation also requires some cooperation from President Qin. You said that Zhang Shengying and Liu Jun are both members of the Superconducting Research Center. They have laboratories and computers in the center, right?" Xiao Weihao asked Road.

"Yes ~ ~ Qin Haidao.

Xiao Weihao said: "Then we need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the computers they have used. President Qin, you must assist us and give us an opportunity to inspect. During this period, we must not let them notice."

Qin Haidao: "It's easy. They have their own routine. They don't stay in the laboratory for 24 hours. After they leave, you can check it. If you don't have enough time, I can let the research center send a notice. Let ’s just say that the lab is going to conduct a test, and let them not use it for the time being, so that you can free up three or four days. ”

Xiao Weihao said: "This is not necessary. We need to check it. It only takes an hour or two."

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you right away." Qin Hai agreed quickly.

Zhang Shengying could never have imagined that the national security department had come to investigate himself for the dispute over the spirit. If she knew in advance that Qin Hai had such great energy, would she still think about revenge on Qin Hai?

It's a pity that many things can't be said "if", Zhang Shengying was thus unknowingly caught in a crosshair. (To be continued ...)

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