
There was a thunderclap, and the sleeping night sky opened his eyes blankly.

It was dark in front of him, and countless thunderbolts surrounded the top of his head, making his scalp explode.

Who am I?

Which is it?

What am I doing?

After three consecutive questions, Ye Changkong felt weak for a while, and then fell asleep again.

I don’t know how long it took, the night sky opened its eyes again, and there was still chaos around it.

This time, though, he clearly felt a little stronger.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, and it was dim, but he could vaguely see that endless gray mist surrounded his body.

The night sky subconsciously grabbed towards those gray mist.

The white tender little hand that appeared in front of him made him directly stunned.

“This… This is my hand? ”

The night was long and empty.

Hurriedly looked down at his body, small hands, small feet, and small finches that were not yet full-fledged.

“Hold the grass! What’s wrong with me? ”

The night was long and the sky was anxious, desperately waving his little hands, playing with his life.

Soon, however, he fell into a coma due to extreme exhaustion.

Only this time, he vaguely heard a soft voice.

“A full awakening of host consciousness was detected, and the mother-in-place check-in system began to activate. System loading…”

“Mother’s womb? Hold the grass! ”

The night sky only had time to spit out this national essence, and then fell asleep again.


Flood Barren World, Great Shang Celestial Dynasty, Chen Tangguan General Military Mansion.

Countless people were busy as if they had exploded a nest.

“Quick, quick, Madame has a sharp pain in her abdomen, hurry up and find Granny!”

“Butler, butler, let people go and inform Old Master Li that Madame has moved the fetal gas!”


Shouting, running, clinking of pots and pans…

For a time, in the general army mansion of Chen Tangguan, chickens flew and dogs jumped.

Li Jing, who was inspecting Chen Tangguan, hurried towards his home after hearing the news.

“Forber, how is Madame?”

Li Jing, who hurried back to the mansion, did not have time to take off his armor, so he rushed towards the back house.

Ask the butler who greets him as he walks.

“Back to the old man, Madame Shicai has unbearable abdominal pain, like moving fetal gas, after taking Granny’s anti-fetal pills, she is now asleep!”

Fu Bo was the butler of Li Jing’s mansion.

After more than 20 years of hard work, Li Jing also trusted him very much.

After hearing this, his heart was relieved.

Walking to the back house, just about to enter, Li Jing was stopped outside the door by Wenpo.

“Sir, Madame is pregnant in May, it is when the baby is formed, and it is most unbearable to withstand the bloody killing qi, if you enter now, I am afraid it will be detrimental to Madame and the fetus in the womb!”

When Wan Po saw Li Jingding’s armor, his whole body was still filled with bloody aura, and said with some fear.

“It’s the extreme, it’s the official who is too anxious, and it’s hard to stabilize!”

After that, Li Jing retreated to the courtyard, took out five copper shells, and handed them to Wenpo’s hands.

The housekeeper was ordered to send Wenpo out of the General Military Mansion.

After getting five copper shells, Wenpo was grateful for her kindness and joyful departure.

Leaving Li Jing standing alone in the courtyard.

In the great merchants, copper shells are the high-level currency for buying items in the mortal world, and some low-level ones are shell coins, that is, shells.

Five copper shells are equivalent to five taels of silver in ancient times.

Watching Wenpo leave, Li Jing’s brows furrowed slightly.

“In the past, when I went down to Kunlun Mountain, the teacher once said that I had three sons and a daughter in this life, and all of them were shocking.”

“Especially this third son, who can be called the son of destiny, was born on a mission, but now, Madame’s body is deteriorating, and it is really unsettling!”

Li Jing frowned and glanced at Mrs. Yin, who was sleeping peacefully.

A pang of irritability.

He practiced in West Kunlun and studied under Duerzhen.

It was only because the Immortal Dao was difficult to achieve that he entered the mortal dust and became the general soldier of the Great Shang Heavenly Dynasty.

Enjoy the riches of the world.

However, every time I remembered what Master had said to him before going down the mountain, my heart felt a pang of unease.

Fengming Qishan, Zhou Chamber Merchant!

He is the general soldier of the Great Shang Celestial Empire, guarding Chen Tang Pass, and once the Great Shang dies in the country, then he will definitely be implicated.

“Let’s hope everything is okay!”

Li Jing glanced at his wife, who had fallen asleep, and his heart was heavy.

The sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and months have passed in a hurry, and the Great Shang Heavenly Dynasty is surging.

Even Li Jing, who was far away in Chen Tangguan, had heard about it.

Spring and February.

The princes of the Seventy-two Roads of Beihai rebelled, and Master Wen was ordered to march north.

March 15.

Emperor Xin and the Manchu Dynasty worshipped Nuwa Zhengshen and prayed for smooth weather and rain in the great business.

How nai, seeing that the statue of Nuwa Niangniang is extremely beautiful, the ghost makes the god inscribe a poem on the powder wall, blasphemous.

In the summer of April, eight hundred princes made pilgrimages to the emperor, and Su Hu of Jizhou made calculations because of Fei Zhongyouhun, inscribed anti-poems, and never went to business.

Emperor Xin was furious, and sent Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo, and Chonghou Hu, Marquis of Northern Bo, each leading an army of 100,000 to attack Jizhou.

Now, more than two months have passed since the army was launched.

Inside Chen Tangguan, Li Jing put down the secret letter in his hand.

There was a heaviness in my heart.

“The great merchants are in turmoil, the princes are unstable, I am afraid that the chaotic world in the teacher’s mouth is about to open!”

Li Jing muttered, and then burned the secret letter in his hand.

Get up and walk towards the back house.

At this time, it was already approaching the moon, and my wife was pregnant in October, and according to what Granny Wan said, it should be about to give birth soon.

It was precisely because of this that Li Jing put down all his official duties and accompanied Mrs. Yin wholeheartedly.

Wait for the birth of the fetus.

He also wanted to see what the son of destiny in Master’s mouth was like!

At this time, the night sky woke up for the third time, and this time, he felt that he was obviously much stronger.

Consciousness also became extremely clear.

“Mother’s womb? Am I born again? But it’s really thorough enough, become a fetus, really start from scratch! ”

The night sky muttered in his heart.

How did it become a fetus?

At the same time, he thought of a very serious question, in case he was born, would he drink breast milk or milk powder?

This is definitely a big problem.

He is allergic to powdered milk.

“Didi… The system is loaded, congratulations to the host, activate the mother’s birthday check-in system, check in every day, you can get rewards, and the system validity period expires when the host is born! ”


After hearing the system tone, Ye Changkong’s eyes narrowed.

What do you mean? Rebirth formatted Xiaoye? Also installed a check-in system for Xiaoye by the way?

The night sky is a little awkward to think about.

Especially if this system still has an expiration date?

What does it mean? Don’t deserve to install the Ultimate Edition yourself? Installed a test drive directly?

The face of the night sky is dark.

The joy of the reborn’s own system is gone.

“The system checks in today.”

Ye Changkong pouted and shouted with a small test of the cow knife.

“Ding-dong… Congratulations to the host, sign in successfully, and reward 100,000 origin points. ”

“Congratulations to the host, the first successful check-in triggered the binding event function.”

“Note: After binding the current world event, the host can consume origin points to affect the current event.”


After hearing the system tone, the eyes of the night sky lit up.

This function came in time, it is an opportunity to understand the outside world!

At the very least, let yourself know what kind of world you have been born into.

“System, bind to current world events.”

Ye Changkong took a deep breath and said.

“Ding-dong… Bind big events successfully, current world events, seal the gods and calamities! The day the host is born, the time of calamity comes! ”


After hearing the system prompt tone, the night sky was directly confused.

Myself, this is a journey to the flood world! Or the darkest era of the Sealing God Tribulation?

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