Chen Tangguan, deep in the Zhenguan Building, Rui Qi is all over the sky, and the divine light gushes.

On the altar in front of Li Jing, one bow and three arrows exuded extremely strong coercion.

At this time, Li Jing’s expression was solemn, and his brows were slightly locked.

His eyes looked at the bow and three arrows in front of him without blinking.

This is the heritage of Chen Tangguan, the treasure of the Terrans, the Qiankun bow, and the heaven-shaking arrow.

When Li Jing took over as the commander-in-chief, he was told that unless Chen Tangguan was broken, he could not use this treasure, otherwise he would suffer great calamity.

This is also the reason why Li Jing’s face is embarrassed.

On one side is Chen Tangguan’s taboo, and on the other side is the life of his wife and children.

How to choose, it is really difficult.

“The emperors of the Terran race of the past generations are above, and the subordinate Li Jing wants to borrow the most precious treasure of the Terran race to suppress the evil invasion of the body for Wu’er.”

“I also hope that the emperor of all people will agree, if there is a calamity in the future, Li Jing is willing to bear it all!”

After speaking, Li Jing seemed to have made up his mind, and kowtowed three times to the Qiankun bow and three heaven-shaking arrows.

Immediately strode forward and grasped the Qiankun bow.


The Zhenguan Building trembled, and the entire Chen Tangguan also shook.

This Qiankun bow seemed to be integrated with the entire Chen Tang Pass, and the moment he held the Qiankun Bow, Li Jing seemed to hold the entire Chen Tang Pass.

It was precisely because of this that no matter how he urged Xuan Gong, he could not pick up the Qiankun bow.

“This… This…”

Li Jing was stunned, if he couldn’t pick up the Qiankun bow, then how could he use the luck of the human race in this to protect his child?


Li Jing tried several times in succession, and the entire Chen Tangguan trembled because of this, and hundreds of people thought that there had been an earthquake and rushed out of their homes in a hurry.

It’s terrible

The shaking just now was terrible.

It was as if the heavens and the earth were shaking with it.

“What happened? Was there an earthquake? ”

“Such a weird vibration, shouldn’t it be a demon beast button?”

“The stick god blesses, I Chen Tangguan demon beasts are constant, I beg the stick god to show his spirit and protect me Chen Tangguan people.”


For a time, the people of Chen Tangguan all bowed down in the direction of the General Military Mansion.

One by one, they are very religious.

“This… How so? ”

At this time, Li Jing sat on the ground in a daze.

He also wanted to protect his child with the power of the Supreme Treasure, but now, he couldn’t even take the Supreme Treasure.

That’s ridiculous.

“Sir, sir, it’s not good, Madame has an accident!”

At this time, Fubo rushed up the Zhenguan Building with a roll.

The anxious voice immediately sobered up Li Jing.

“Madam, something happened?”

In Li Jing’s eyes, the divine light skyrocketed, and the next moment, he directly grabbed the three heaven-shaking arrows next to him.

Heaven, earth, man, three heaven-shaking arrows.

Qi Qi burst out with terrifying power and directly flicked Li Jing’s hand away.

This made Li Jing anxious in his heart.

“Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chen Tangguan, has guarded the pass for our Terran town for fifteen years, slaughtered endless demon beasts, and protected the people of my Terran race.”

“Now, my wife and children are being invaded by evil, I beg Zhibao to show the spirit, protect my wife and children, Li Jing is willing to protect me Chen Tangguan and protect my Terran race with his life!” Please. ”

Li Jing was anxious in his heart, but he still bowed to the three heaven-shaking arrows.

Seeing that the three heaven-shaking arrows still did not move.

Li Jing’s heart sank.

Bye bye!

Just when Li Jing was already dead, a long golden arrow shook slightly, scattering endless divine rays.

The next moment, he came straight through the air and levitated in front of Li Jing.

Seeing this scene, Li Jing was overjoyed and took the long arrow with both hands.

Boundless Rui Qi rose, protecting Li Jing’s whole body.

An indescribable sense of security surged in his heart.

“Li Jingding will not forget his promise, protect my human race, and never give up!”

Li Jing worshipped the heaven-shaking arrow three times, and his heart was stable, and with this arrow to protect him, his wife and children would be safe.

Hurriedly returning to the General Military Mansion, Li Jing rushed into the bedroom and opened up the stable mother.

She looked at Mrs. Yin’s abdomen with a solemn expression.

The purple-black lines shrink and are constantly compressed by the golden light.

It seems as if two forces, one good and one evil, are constantly colliding.

“This… Does Madame feel unwell? ”

Li Jing was also a little confused, not understanding what was going on.

After thinking about it, I can only attribute this situation to the child of destiny.

This child of his own is not ordinary.

“There is no feeling of discomfort, but when the golden light suppresses the purple and black lines, the concubine can feel the child’s breath.”

Mrs. Yin said with some excitement.

“Sir, the concubine heard that some children have extraordinary lives, but their fate is bad, our third son is like this before he is born, do you say he will …”


Li Jing interrupted Mrs. Yin’s words categorically, and then took out the heaven-shaking arrow in his hand.

“Madam, with this arrow, the Terran Emperor’s luck is blessed, and the heavens and evil retreats, and the child will definitely be safe!”

Li Jing said with a hint of solemnity in his expression.

Seeing the golden heaven-shaking arrow, Mrs. Yin suddenly looked excited.

As the wife of the chief soldier, she naturally knew how extraordinary this heaven-shaking arrow was, and it was the most precious treasure that the human emperor Xuanyuan shot and killed the demon god Xuanyou in the original battle of chasing the deer.

Carry the will of the emperor and suppress all evil.

Since the husband was able to invite the Heaven-shaking Arrow, it was equivalent to receiving the affirmation of Lingbao.


Li Jing did not hesitate and directly urged the Terran Supreme Treasure Shocking Heavenly Arrow.

Rui Qi steamed, wrapped Mrs. Yin in an instant, and the Terran Imperial Dao Qi Luck Protective Body, even if there was a great calamity coming, it could be calmly avoided.

It’s just that the purple-black pattern is too strange, and the rich purple qi that rises up even blocks the luck of the imperial road.

This shocked Li Jing and the two.

“It’s not an evil power, it’s like a spiritual power! Husband, our children, there is big trouble! ”

After seeing this scene, Mrs. Yin’s face directly became ugly.

This is also the case, at this time, the night sky is in big trouble.

His whole body was shrouded in pillars of Yang Qi light.

Scorching breath, igniting golden points of faith and burning against the sky.

However, this blazing flame was always blocked by the purple mist emitted by the Chaos Gourd.

Golden flames, purple mist, froze together, forming a delicate balance.

The night sky did not dare to put away his power, and only blessed the golden faith light point continuously.

“Powerful, it is worthy of being the ultimate innate spirit treasure, even if no one urges it, it has such power.”

“But it’s okay, Xiaoye has time, let’s spend it slowly!”

Ye Changkong gritted his teeth and said.

Soon, the day and night passed.

“System, check in!”

The night sky blessed the golden faith light point while roaring lowly.

A day and a night of torture made his eyes red.

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