Li Jingshi inherited the Erzhen people, and he came from a human teaching, and his greatest hope was naturally to let his children worship into the human religion.

It’s just that now that Mrs. Yin has spoken, it’s not easy for him to refute it.

He could only bow to Mrs. Wen.

“In this way, the dog will be in trouble with the master!”

“Hahaha… No trouble, no trouble. ”

After hearing this, Master Wen was immediately overwhelmed.

“Since the two agreed, from now on, we don’t have to be commensurate with official positions!”

“Peer discussion, peer discussion!”

Mrs. Wen was happy, and he concluded that Mrs. Yin’s child was extremely extraordinary.

With his heavenly eyes, he couldn’t see through Mrs. Yin’s reality.

The other party’s whole body was filled with a chaotic aura, and if it weren’t for Mrs. Yin’s move, she would have shown the cultivation of the Earth Immortal Realm.

Mrs. Wen still thought that Mrs. Yin was in the realm of Da Luo!

Now, everything is understood, it is definitely the reason why Mrs. Yin has a fetus in her womb.

Or maybe it’s the reason for the child’s companion gods.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible to take this child in first.

If nothing else, just that stick god has created Chen Tangguan’s almost universal cultivation.

Such a great ability, if you become a national teacher, the whole country worships.

That’s unimaginable.

Great business is prosperous, coercing the three worlds, and the day is just around the corner.

However, in the matter of that stick god, it is better to find out whether it is friend or foe.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wen continued.

“Brother Xian, rest assured, the old man knows that you are worried. However, the old man’s cultivation was shallow, and he could not see through the origin of the stick god. ”

“But My Master Golden Spirit Virgin should be able to, she is a disciple of the saint, the three corpses have been beheaded, and the merit is complete.”

“It is a peerless power at the peak of the quasi-saint realm.”

“After the old man returns to the dynasty, he will definitely repair the book, and ask the master to come and see what happened!”

Master Wen spoke, his voice full of respect for the Golden Spirit Virgin.

“Holy Realm? Peerless power? ”

After hearing these two titles, Li Jing and Mrs. Yin were overjoyed.

“Thank you Brother Wen!”

“It’s okay, my disciple, how can the old man not care, this bead was obtained from that little dragon!”

“If the old man is not mistaken, it should be one of the Zhenhai Spirit Beads of the Dragon Clan, the Ice Spirit Bead, and the Innate Spirit Treasure of the Middle Grade!”

“It should be a meeting gift from the old man to this disciple!”

Mrs. Wen handed over the ice spirit bead without the slightest nostalgia.

“The old man, this apprentice, was born with a yang body, temperament, must be a hot person, with this ice spirit bead, it can also balance the restlessness in his heart.”

“Don’t act recklessly.”

He fought all his life and saw people with great accuracy.

From Li Jing’s telling to the child, he can judge the physique and temperament of the night sky.

The gift of treasure is also a decision made after thinking.

After all, even if it was himself, there was no innate spirit treasure.

It’s just a pair of male and female dragon golden whips, at most the ultimate Houtian Lingbao.

This is not a big deal.

Of course, Master Wen’s cultivation had already reached the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but because of the shock in his heart, he could not break through this red dust world, and could not let go of this splendid Celestial Empire.

So much so that after all, it is stuck in this last step.

Now, on a whim, he accepted this little apprentice, and if he cultivated it carefully, he would definitely be the pillar of the great businessman.

Yourself, you can rest assured to retire.

Thinking of this, this Wen Tai Shi’s state of mind actually improved slightly.

The originally rock-solid cultivation barrier was also slightly loosened at this moment.

It was precisely because of this that he finally decided to give away this Innate Spirit Treasure.

“Cut the red dust, enter the realm of Da Luo, and be sure that there are no regrets in your heart. This little guy is the chance of the old man, and it is also the key to stepping into the Da Luo realm. ”

Master Wen smiled casually, and the distractions in his heart instantly dissipated a lot.

And Mrs. Yin did not shirk, and directly put away the ice spirit bead.

“Brother Wen, you said that this is one of the Dragon Clan Zhenhai Spirit Beads? Are there other spirit beads? ”

After taking the Ice Spirit Bead, Mrs. Yin asked casually.

“Naturally, there are Zhenhai Lingzhu, there are four in total, and each one is a middle-grade innate spirit treasure.”

“Among them, the North Sea Ice Spirit Bead, the South Sea Boiling Spirit Bead, the East Sea Spirit Bead, and the West Sea Snow Spirit Bead!”

“These four spirit beads are a set, if they are fused together, it is said that they can evolve into top-grade innate spirit treasures, mixed yuan water spirit beads!”

“It’s just that although the dragon clan is weak, it is very difficult to get together these four spirit beads! After all, the Dragon Clan is the Heavenly Court God, and if it is suppressed for no reason, it will inevitably collide with the Heavenly Emperor. ”

Speaking of this, Master Wen took a deep breath.

“However, if his dragon clan dares to provoke the old man’s disciple, then it is impossible, the old man can only invite someone to go to the four seas to go to the four seas and put together this set of Zhenhai Spirit Beads for my disciple.”

Speaking of this, Master Wen exuded an iron-blooded killing intent.

Even Li Jing was taken aback.

This smell is too much murderous, but for his own children, it is really good.

Even did not hesitate to face the Heavenly Emperor.

For a while, Li Jing even had a sense of crisis.

This is his own son, he gave it himself, not as much as his son master!

Wouldn’t that seem incompetent?

He glanced at the Qiankun bow in his hand.

Although it is the ultimate Houtian Lingbao, it has not reached the innate realm.

But if the father gives it to his son, he should not dislike it, right?

Li Jing thought a little in his heart.

“Brother Xian, this trip to Chen Tangguan can be regarded as fulfilling a regret in the old man’s heart!”

“If it weren’t for the leading troops, the old man really wanted to spend a few more days in your Chen Tangguan.”

“After the old husband and class master return to the dynasty and make arrangements, I will come and talk to the virtuous brother!”

After speaking, Mrs. Wen directly stepped on Mo Qilin and hugged his fist at Li Jing to bid farewell.

However, at this moment, above the heavenly dome, an auspicious light shone.

Tai Yi Zhenren stepped on the auspicious clouds.

He was also carrying a wine gourd in his hand, his face was drunk, and his mouth was constantly burping.

It’s a complete hangover.

But when he saw Master Wen.

The originally drunken and hazy state instantly became sober.

Directly pressing the cloud head, the wind and fire rushed towards Wen Taishi.

“Kuya, you old man, you are shameless. I actually ran here to cut off the chance of the poor road! ”

“You you you… Quickly break off the relationship between master and apprentice with this Nezha, otherwise, the poor road will not end with you! ”

As soon as these words came out, Wen Taishi’s brows frowned.

“Where is the mad Taoist priest, get out for the old man.”

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