

Heavenly power descends, and chaos bells ring.

The collision between the mythical Da Luo and the eyes of the Heavenly Dao made everyone’s hearts jump.

Endless chaos flooded Chen Tangguan.

Even the Golden Spirit Virgin and the others raised their hearts to their throats.

However, Mrs. Yin, who was in the center of the storm vortex, showed a strange meaning in her eyes.

Originally, she had already shaken the Chaos Bell, wanting to fight against the Eyes of Heaven with her ultimate mythical combat power.

But how nay, a golden light permeated his body.

Let the mighty heavenly power that was originally poured on him disappear in an instant.

Even the expression of the Heavenly Dao Eyes became a little complicated.

Disgust, helplessness, coldness, decadence!

All kinds of complex emotions were intertwined, but they never burst out the power that destroyed the world again.

“Don’t fight?”

Mrs. Yin glanced at the eyes of Heavenly Dao with a strange expression, however, the latter was faintly hidden. “Four Nine Zero”

“If you fall, the destiny of heaven will not be revealed, the calamity will not be calamitous, and the way of heaven will not be smooth!”

There was a hint of helplessness in the indifferent voice.

This made Mrs. Yin’s expression become more and more strange.

She looked down at her belly.

I really didn’t expect that it was the fetus in my womb that saved me.

“Destiny man, hey… Wu’er is a man of destiny! Even the Heavenly Dao can’t contradict itself and behead the person who has set his own destiny! ”

For a while, a touch of pride appeared on Mrs. Yin’s face.


The heavenly thunder was exhausted, and the chaotic qi in the sky dispersed.

Above the ruins of Chen Tangguan, the Chaos Bell shrouded the heavens and the earth, and Mrs. Yin stood proudly under the Chaos Bell.



After seeing this scene, everyone present gasped.

That’s the eye of heaven.

When Tianwei descends, even a Heavenly Dao Saint can be directly killed.

Now, it is difficult to help Mrs. Yin?


For a while, the expressions of everyone present became strange.

However, the eyes of the human emperor were full of fiery meaning.

A mythical Da Luo who can withstand the calamity of the Heavenly Dao, that…

“Come, build a temple for Mrs. Yin, the Terran is the most holy!”

The voice of the human emperor spread, and suddenly some officials rushed away.

Terrans are holy!

How revered is this?

You know, even if it is a human emperor, it is also a human emperor.

This Terran Supreme Saint represents the second Terran in addition to the Human Emperor, with a mortal body, comparable to the existence of the Heavenly Dao Saint.

Mythical Da Luo, the most holy of the Terrans.

The existence that allows the Heavenly Dao to retreat.

For a while, the entire flood was boiling.

The expressions of countless strong people all carried an inexplicable taste.

Heavenly Dao retreated.

That’s a lot of significance.


Heavenly Court, above the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

The breath on Haotian God’s body was messy, and the terrifying momentum was oppressive, and many immortal gods were all numb.

“Why is that?”

Haotian God’s voice had a hint of gritted teeth.

Heavenly Dao, all retreated.


The terrifying coercion stirred above the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, and for a while, the gods bowed their heads, and did not dare to look at the furious Haotian God.

After a long while, Haotian God walked towards the depths of the Heavenly Court step by step.

Until it disappeared from everyone’s sight.

The gods breathed a sigh of relief.

The face of the Antarctic Immortal Weng has a dignified meaning, and the Heavenly Dao retreats, the meaning of this is very big.

After a slight hesitation, the Antarctic Immortal Dragon followed straight behind Haotian God’s back.

He wondered why Heavenly Dao would retreat?

On the side of the heavenly abyss, the power of endless laws escaped, and the terrifying coercion, even if the quasi-saint powerhouse arrived here, he would be pressed to kneel on the ground.

Haotian God, wearing the Nine Dragon Treasure Armor, came to the shore of the Heavenly Abyss step by step.

“Dao Ancestor, why is this so?”

God Haotian did not bow down, his eyes were full of cold meaning.

There was even a hint of reluctance on his face.

“Myth reappears, she, can’t survive!”

Hao Tian’s almost roaring voice spread throughout the abyss, however, what responded to him was a pair of eyes that were extremely cold.

“Mother of Destiny, body death, Destiny does not show, Heaven’s Dao self-destructs, can you afford this consequence?”

The indifferent voice and piercing killing intent made Haotian God’s face instantly pale.

“Destiny? This…… Impossible, how is this possible? ”

Hao Tian’s voice was full of disbelief.

He had long speculated about the destiny of heaven, and Jiang Ziya, the person who should be robbed, was now in Xiqi.

Only wait for the manifestation of the Mandate of Heaven and the calamity to come.

All sentient beings can step into the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

At that time, the human emperor was killed and his personality collapsed.

The flood and desolation restored order, with the Heavenly Court as the mainstay.

However, those who should be robbed care about being ready, but the destiny of heaven has not been manifested.

“Now, you tell me that the mythical Da Luo is the mother of destiny? If this is the case, is the destiny in my heavenly court or in the great merchant? ”

Haotian God’s voice had a tremor in it………

What is destiny is to follow the heavens. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If it is contrary to the destiny of heaven, then… If you go against heaven, you will be punished by heaven.

At this time, Haotian God, the whole person was trembling.

The mother of Heaven’s destiny, that is Mrs. Yin, Li Jing’s wife, and the wife of the general soldier of the great merchant Chen Tangguan.

He even became a brother and sister with that Wen Taishi.

Is this special, let her submit to my heavenly court?

God Haotian didn’t even think about it.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

In addition, before herself, she wanted to compete for the Chaos Bell in her hand.

The grudge has been forged.

In this case, the God Sealing Tribulation that he had in mind in his heart, in the end, he became the one who should be robbed?

The clown turned out to be myself?

For a while, Hao Tian’s face turned livid.

However, he finally understood why Heavenly Dao had retreated.

The man of Heaven’s destiny is determined by the way of heaven.

Heaven’s Dao naturally will not destroy the other party, otherwise, Heaven’s Dao will inevitably self-destruct.

But now…

What to do?

God Haotian walked out of the abyss step by step.

The Antarctic Immortal Dragon directly greeted it.

“Your Majesty, how?”

Antarctic Immortal asked casually.

Haotian God’s sudden headache.

“There is no solution, unless I can let that Mrs. Yin return to my Heavenly Court, otherwise, this calamity, perhaps, my Heavenly Court is the existence that should be robbed.”

As soon as these words came out, Antarctic Immortal Weng’s face suddenly changed.

He knew that Haotian God’s words were definitely not a release of emotions.

Rather, it is.

“Then Mrs. Yin, is it so heavy 3.6?”

There was a hint of unwillingness in the voice of the Antarctic Immortal Weng.

If you want to let Mrs. Yin enter the Heavenly Court, it is more difficult than dreaming.

Just fell out with someone, and it’s already okay if they don’t kill you directly.

Still want people to mess with you?

It’s simply not possible to be good or bad.

“Mother of Destiny, you say, is it important?”

Haotian God opened his mouth with a slight depression, and for a while, even the Antarctic Immortal was silent for a while.

Well, if you want to be destined, it is almost impossible.

What’s more, he knew that Nezha was a disciple of Master Wen, and the relationship with humanity was intricate.

The Heavenly Court, perhaps, is really about to fall into disaster.

“Your Majesty, that Mrs. Yin, there is more than one child! If her other children are on our side, then…”

Antarctic Immortal Weng did not continue, but Haotian God’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

Ask for the whole order, ask for the self.

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