Yancheng City, Qin Tian did not know what happened in Songshan, it seems that these things do not need to inform him to deal with.

In the hotel, Lin Xiaoyao so happily agreed, and then some blushing with Qin Tiantian presidential suite.

Looking at the environment here, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help showing a trace of excitement. He happily sat on a spacious sofa. Qin Tian said with a smile, "are you very tired today? Finally, I can have a good rest

"Not very tired!" Lin Xiaoyao's beautiful eyes were full of vitality, which implied a trace of tension and excitement. After a pause, he asked, "Qin Tian, how do you know the river breeze? He seems to be extremely respectful to you, and why does he call you master Qin? "

"This thing It's a long story. We have a big project in Panlong area, so maybe the situation is not suitable to tell you! "

Even in the face of Lin Xiaoyao, Qin Tian would not say that he had the power of magic power to kill the demon soul.

However, Lin Xiaoyao looked at Qin Tian, but he couldn't help but show his eyebrows and frowned. He still asked politely, "Qin Tian, I just want to know what you think? For our relationship... "

Seeing Lin Xiaoyao like this, Qin Tian laughs helplessly and says, "Xiaoyao, I'll take a bath first."

Seeing the man avoid this question, Lin Xiaoyao is full of it. He pouts his lips secretly, and then says: "Oh!"

One word expressed his dissatisfaction in it.

Although he knew that Qin Tian didn't mean to take a bath, he still let Lin Xiaoyao's heart beat faster, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

When the man came out, he found that he didn't come out with a change of clothes. He was just wrapped in a bathrobe. His strong figure made Lin Xiaoyao feel embarrassed.

Qin Tian is also aware of his own some bad, washing machine to dry clothes out, a green flame gathered in the past, but in a flash of skill, the moisture on the clothes were all dried!

Such a magical scene, let Lin Xiaoyao are startled, this guy's strength has reached such an inhuman situation?

"You're strong. You've been so strong before. I don't know where your strength comes from. It's shocking!"

Lin Xiaoyao is thinking like this. Qin Tian knows that he is very powerful every time he makes a move, but every time he makes a move, he is shocked. This is the strength!

Qin Tian put on a pair of big and square, and then suddenly thought of something and said, "it's not strange. When you have a chance to learn some ancient martial arts, aren't you very jealous of that Zhu Yu before?"

"Well, you know that you are not in love with her, are you?" "I knew you were such a person!" Lin Xiaoyao said

"No, this is absolutely not!" Qin Tian said with a smile, "OK, it's not early. You should go to take a bath."

"Oh Lin Xiaoyao suddenly thought of something. His face seemed to have a fever and said, "my clothes are in the room below. I'll take them."

With that, the woman opened her mouth and went out. Qin Tian also laughed. He thought that the girl would not dare to come up?

Comfortable lying on the sofa, Qin Tian picked up the mobile phone, saw the message from Fang Zhen, frowned, could not help but toward Lin Wanru's phone call in the past!

After a long time there to answer up, the voice seems to be a little hoarse, this is the reason why women cry more!

"What's the matter? Are you so miserable in the Lin family?" Qin Tian can't help but worry and ask, because for a long time did not go back to Songshan, did not know that has developed to this point!

"You think, the situation has changed dramatically, my relatives have come out, they have to get married, and the development of the enterprise is also difficult, so..." Lin Wanru said with some grievances.

"If you have difficulties, you can tell me. If you need money, I can lend it to you." Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Just in time, I'll talk to these shareholders of the group. If I can borrow a hundred thousand yuan, I will be really stable!" Lin Wanru didn't blame Qin Tian for not paying much attention to her recently. On the contrary, she got a little excited. The reason for her excitement was not that Qin Tian lent her money, but that Qin Tian would call for advice.

"Don't worry, and I have nothing to be embarrassed about. If you have any difficulties, call me directly. I'll help you find a way to marry a man you don't like. I'll regret all my life!" Qin Tian said.

"I know But my mother Oh, forget it. It's much better now! " Lin Wanru sighed.

"That's for sure. Fang Zhen, they're fighting. Who dares to move you? Isn't that for death? " Qin Tian said with a smile.

"I'm fine. I can carry it. The company's difficulties will be solved." Said Lin Wanru.

"Well, I'll give Fang Zhen money and ask them to help you solve the problem directly, so that you won't be embarrassed!" Qin Tian said.

"This Li Xinran won't be happy if you lend me so much money? After all, we had a tit for tat last time Lin Wanru said helplessly."There is no way to do it. She won't know about it. And I have so much money. It's not much money. It's my greatest happiness to help you!" Qin Tian said in a proper manner.

"Well, then write more. If it is not for you, I don't know what I should do. Thank you!"

"You woman is really. What do you say to me thank you?"

"Well, I'm a little sleepy. I haven't slept well these days!"

"Take a rest! Good night! "

Qin Tian said a word, only to find behind the standing of a woman, also do not know how long standing, a look at the discovery is linxiaoyao, she carried her own happy clothes up.

Qin Tian looked at it casually and said, "why stand there and be dazed? Don't you go to the bath yet? "

"Which sister are you talking to, believe me or not and tell me happily?" Lin Xiaoyao said with no good will.

"Lin Wanru of Songshan, she suddenly had difficulties in her family, and wanted to marry business, so I helped her solve the first problem!" Qin said.

"One billion? You are so rich! "

"That's sure. Isn't Shen's going to give me two billion? Ha ha, this kind of thing is wonderful! " Qin Tian laughed with a bad heart.

Seeing the man's eyes inadvertently fall on his body, Lin Xiaoyao can not help but blush.

"Then I went to the bath, and I won't disturb you and your sister to chat!" With her white eyes turned, the girl went into the bathroom.

Listen to the sound of the water in the bathroom, Qin Tian has some imagination, the situation may not be able to support tonight!

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