Because there are a lot of water droplets on the floor, and it still looks very slippery. This situation is really incredible!

The woman saw that she was about to fall down, and called out a voice of Jiaohu directly. Qin Tian heard such a voice and was worried for a moment. She rushed to the body at the first time!

This is his subconscious reaction, just feel a body suddenly fell directly on his body, and then into his arms.

So weak and boneless ah, so wonderful, it seems that this young, really let people feel incredible!

And a wonderful fragrance came, Qin Tianxia consciousness of a look, immediately also some helpless, because this is still to see is that wonderful to do not want to place!

This slide is really something that Lin Xiaoyao didn't think of. Moreover, when she was showing her figure, they both looked at each other face-to-face. They were shocked and incredible. What kind of immortal opportunity is this?!

"Ah! Help me up first

Lin Xiaoyao subconsciously exclaimed, such a situation is really not what he wants, the matter is like this, Qin Tian also has no way of things, so now this situation really can't blame Qin Tian!

The woman's exclamation also made Qin Tian startled. She quickly picked up the woman who stopped her waist and stopped her from sliding again. Otherwise, it would be difficult to do. After all, everything can happen in this situation, so don't think too much. There is no way to think too much. The more you think about it, the more it happens, the more you think about it of no avail!

However, just before Lin Xiaoyao had a firm foothold, she was suddenly held up by another hand. It was obviously Qin Tian's hand. This time, the man's hand was more powerful, and there was no sense of muddling. It seemed that he was holding up a pillow. He didn't use any strength. It was almost to the extreme!

"Ah, what are you doing? Let me down quickly!" Lin Xiaoyao can't help but make a burst of exclamation.

"Don't yell. I think you are going to fall down, so I just picked you up. Is there any problem? After all, the girl who miss you is really unstable in such a greasy place

Qin Tian looks at a woman like this, really is a little difficult to calm down, seriously if there is no idea, really is unlikely, because this kind of thing is immediately happened, will not give you time to think, that moment, people's mood is suddenly up, do not give you any chance to breathe or let you reason meeting!

Qin Tian put her directly on the sofa, and immediately two people looked at each other again. They didn't know what to do next. Because this situation is not too difficult, many people won't make other choices. Children just make choices, OK?

"No, you'd better let me take a bath. I just want to see when the bathroom is normal. I don't care about other things!" The woman said incoherently.

This situation is really hard to say. After all, the current situation is like this. There is no need to say too much, and there is no need to say too much. What else needs to be said? Now that it has reached such a point, don't say anything more!

"All right." Although Qin Tian doesn't want to say more, he still needs to respect women, because their relationship is really more than that, so Qin Tian didn't have anything at that time, and the whole person's reason suddenly woke up, as if the reality slapped him in the face!

However, after 20 minutes, Lin Xiaoyao finally came out of the bathroom. She was wearing loose pajamas. Her figure looked really good. It was almost as good as an explosion!

When the woman came out, she also deliberately looked at Qin Tian, and saw Qin Tian's eyes incomparably calm, which was a sigh of relief.

In fact, she is calm and a little afraid that this man will not help doing something, which is very bad. After all, she is the first weak woman in front of the powerful ancient martial arts master, she can still easily come!

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Don't think too much about it!" Qin Tian showed a brilliant smile.

After all, some people don't need to smile when they are young. Some of them don't want to smile

"Cough, it's boring. Watch TV!" Qin Tian coughed and picked up the remote control on the sofa. This is to avoid embarrassment. If it is normal, he is not like this.

Qin Tian used to be such a tyrannical person that he would not consider too much, but now it is different. Now the times have changed. Before that, it will definitely not work. Why not?

Don't ask, anyway can't like this, oneself experience!

They just sat on the sofa and watched TV, but the first picture of a man and a woman kissing on the reception, which made Qin Tian feel a little out of control, and Lin Xiaoyao was also scared. The mood that had just slowed down was suddenly tense up, and the whole person's jade face was blushing directly. I don't know what to say!And this seems to be some ethical films in East Korea. It seems to have visual impact and strong hormones. It's very embarrassing to see this. I don't know what to say!

At this time, there is nothing to say, because at this time, people will not think of too many things. What they think of is a kind of thing, that kind of thing, and the kiss of voice!

Hearing this and seeing this, the scene was once very embarrassing!

This is a five-star hotel. The TV is too careless. The first picture is this kind of movie. Is this the hotel's rule or the default, or is it God's arrangement?

Qin Tian didn't dare to think about it. Lin Xiaoyao had hardly seen this kind of thing. After watching it for several seconds, he was also blushing with shame on his pretty face. He quickly lowered his head and played with his mobile phone. He didn't think much about it, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Qin Tian was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly turned off the TV. In his heart, he couldn't stop thinking about whether to go to any hotel to complain to the manager? This is the first picture of the presidential suite?

But the beauty sitting here, he can not go away, so let the embarrassment go away, simply change the channel!

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't expect that this kind of movie would be opened. Really, this hotel bathroom is special, even the TV..."

Sure enough, Qin Tian said, changing hands to look at the stage, is even more embarrassing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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