Qin Tian doesn't care about Ding Hui's threat, even wants to laugh. What is this kind of person?

Just now, it was just a small trial of ox knife. He was not convinced. There would be no good fruit for him to eat!

Wu Hu's mind is no way, after all Today, Wu Fei is here. He doesn't need to provoke this big guy for Ding Hui's sake. After all, he mainly makes money, and Ding Hui even wants to make girls and get angry. So it's good that they have their own purposes. There's no need to provoke someone. Such a thing is a very unnecessary thing for them. They all need to calm down. If you say no, you can't Calm words, the person who has an accident is you, waiting for your result even if bad result!

In fact, this truth is very simple. Everyone knows this truth in their hearts. Therefore, Ding Hui also directly agreed to Wu Hu's suggestion and wanted to go to other places to have a look!

Wu Hu and Ding Hui went out with the four men and set out for another underground field. After all, it was just a change of place, but it was still Wu Fei's field. I just thought that this guy would not follow him any more. That's what this kind of thing is!

I just go to your other venues. After making money, I'll take it as soon as I see fit. What can I do for you?

Wu Fei won't move me because of tens of thousands of yuan, because you don't dare. Unless Wu Hu and Ding Hui want to take over other people's farms and completely make them dare not do business, this may make people feel scared!

Seeing Wu Hu go like this, Wu Fei also showed a trace of proud smile, as if he had just earned tens of thousands of yuan without any idea, and his mood became better!

A master like Wu Hu must be doing something for some big bosses in Panlong area. Wu Fei will not fight against such people unless he has to, because there is no good thing to eat!

If you look at them, they will smile, or they will be scared!

Qin Tian went out quickly and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. This made Wu Hu's soldiers also have some confusion. They even guessed that this guy would not have been captured by turning outside, right?

This makes Ke Yan even want to take out her mobile phone and call the police directly. But what's the use of calling the police if she's caught? Just now Qin Tian has provoked Ding Hui. Now it's impossible for him to ask for mercy, because the other party won't help if he kills him. This kind of person is very cruel!

Once they suffer a loss, they will not help you, it is so realistic!

Qin Tian arrived in the center of the town almost within a minute, where she saw her very bitter Rolls Royce phantom. Such a car also attracted many people's attention. On the contrary, because it was a luxury car, some people who wanted to rob the car did not dare to get close to it!

Obviously, the person who can drive this kind of car is definitely not a person who can be easily offended. This kind of person is very terrible. It is absolutely not something that other people can compare with. The existence of such a person makes them feel afraid. Because many people have heard that there are big events happening today, so many of the people who drive luxury cars today need to consider it!

If you don't pay attention to it, you are provoking a big man, that is, you are looking for death!

And Lin Xiaoyao himself has not been to Panlong area, is also heard of things here, so she has been in the car for safety and never come out!

However, she soon learned that the people here did not dare to get close to him. They all watched because the car was so luxurious that they thought it was a big man!

But gradually, some people saw it clearly, because some of them were holding binoculars. When they saw that there was a beautiful woman sitting in the driver's seat, they couldn't help showing a trace of surprise. They all began to drool and their eyes were widened!

Where Lin Xiaoyao's appearance goes is quite eye-catching. After all, temperament, figure and appearance are all here. It's impossible not to attract the attention of hooligans!

Many hooligans in the city center have nothing to do. They spread their stories from ten to one hundred. They soon heard that there was a beautiful woman in the car. They were looking at each other and even getting closer to each other. They were thinking that if they could win the favor of a beautiful woman in this car, they would be safe in their life. Where else should they struggle?

It's not just hooligans. Many people from outside look at this Rolls Royce and look at Lin Xiaoyao and the beautiful women in their arms. They are so angry that they think about chatting with each other in the past!

after all, you try to be a character, you are a beautiful woman, you are alone in the car Yes, and I happen to be a character, so why don't I chat up? Although some hooligans dare not approach, but some of the status of the big guy is not necessarily!

Soon, several people came, and they kept knocking on the door, but Lin Xiaoyao just waved in the car, saying that he didn't know, didn't open the door, and didn't pay attention to it. Many people shook their heads helplessly."The beauty dare not come out and the windows are not open. What can I do?"

"The one who can drive this car must be the rich lady of some family. It would be great if I could get to know each other!"

"Beauty, open the window, exchange phone numbers and wechat, OK?"

However, despite their hot eyes and enthusiasm, they were all rejected by Lin Xiaoyao mercilessly. Even Lin Xiaoyao did not open the window, which made them feel helpless.

Lin Xiaoyao is determined to wait for Qin Tian to come. If other people come here, she is afraid to open the window and the door. Only hiding inside is the safest!

These people's chatting up must be malicious, so Lin Xiaoyao's heart is actually in a hurry, waiting.

Finally and Lin Xiaoyao panic, do not know how long they can hold up, a burst of knock voice from the window, the girl looked up, can not help but show a little surprise!

Because it's Qin Tian. Qin Tian looks at her with a helpless smile on her face. This kind of danger is just too harmless for human beings and animals!

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao finally rolled down the window and showed a brilliant smile: "Qin Tian, you can come, are you ok?"

"What can I do for you? Who do you think can give me anything? It's you. Don't you know it's dangerous here? Why are you here? It's too dangerous for you to come out like this. Do you know what it means if you couldn't get in touch with me just now Qin Tian is also some speechless, looking at Lin Xiaoyao in front of him!

"I'm not here because of you. If I can't find you, I'll blame you." Lin Xiaoyao said with a coquettish hum.

Such a shy look makes the people around him look envious, envious and hateful. They can't help but look at Qin Tian's body and find that Qin Tian's clothes are very ordinary, which doesn't look like a rich man.

How can such a person win the favor of beautiful women? Moreover, after showing his head, Lin Xiaoyao's vividness and appearance are even more irritated to those who have already had their eyes blazing!

Beauty disaster, that is the moment!

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