He thought, wait for his own people to teach this man, he will get in the car, then drive away the car, directly ride the beauty of the car, how cool is it?

Can you think about it all makes people drool about this kind of thing, and is it more exciting?

After a command, their own people immediately surrounded them, and then stopped talking, and they rushed to smash their fist directly towards Qin Tian's head!

That momentum is like a fist to kill Qin Tian, it is really cruel!

Qin Tian's eyes can not help but flash a trace of impatient look, these people in Jiaozhen idle, really too many too stupid!

One by one, he was not sick or not aware. He decided to let them understand with his own extraordinary means how big the outside world is, there are many masters in the world, which you can't imagine!

So dealing with these elder brothers' follow-up, in a sense, can play an example role, Qin Tian does not feel that Lin Xiaoyao said that, a batch of come up.

Unless their means can not frighten them, it may happen, but Qin Tian obviously will not let this happen!

Looking at the current several follow-up rushed up, Qin Tian's eyes in a flash, with a very fast speed to hand, the extreme!

He deliberately took a quick hand so that these people could not see clearly and then they were shot and flew!

Indeed, it was just a blink of an eye. The three or four followers who were first hit were directly hit and flew out. They didn't know how to fly by themselves!


After several screams, everyone was surrounded. Don't know if this guy has done anything, it's horrible, and there is such a person?

Is this guy a master?

Next moment, Qin Tian changed his style again. This time, he slowed down the speed deliberately, so that they could see clearly!

In everyone's very incredible eyes, Qin Tian's fist is extremely rapid, fast and ruthless, almost every move is hit on their hands and feet.


This kind of voice is constantly heard, let a lot of people outside the crowd secretly shout out the sound, this is a master!

A lot of listening has felt the ear is cold, what is this situation?

But in a dozen seconds, a dozen people were hit and flew out, and it was a terrible cry of pain falling on the ground. It was a situation that made them feel scared!

Qin Tian's fist speed is not fast, but the strength is very sufficient, a blow can fly a person more than 10 meters away, it looks very spectacular, also very terrible, this kind of force fell on the ground, almost half dead, not disabled is also to die!

The people around the crowd, unconsciously retreated a little, looking far away, because the picture is too shocking, too frightening, many people are staring at it, and their hearts are appalling.

The young man looks like he is not. He is very ordinary in all kinds of clothes. He doesn't have a little smell of the ancient martial arts. But he raises his hands and gives a sense of the great master!

Is that not wrong? A young man of young age is still such a great master. They have never seen such a level of master appear, so their mood is a fear, shock, unspeakable!

Who can think of a young man who looks plain and strange, who is such a Qin and Han Dynasty, and his hand is still so cruel!

The hair of a dozen men just blink time is gone, the people around have been very scared, the field immediately stood a dazzled yellow hair brother, he held in the corner of the mouth of the smoke has solidified, almost fell directly on the ground, because he now looks dazzled!

He wanted to escape, but his feet were like lead, how can not move away, this feeling is too uncomfortable, there is more difficult things than this, more frightening situation? He knows that today is the real master!

This level of master, is not the guard of the big guy, even all kinds of big guys to worship their existence!

"My brother looked at Qin Tian in front of me, and said with some trembling voice:" young man, I can't think you are so strong, but in this town, can you play anything casually, you offended me today. After I go back, I invite experts, and you can't eat and go! "

"You think your brothers are down, can you walk back?" Qin Tian sneered coldly, then step by step towards this hair brother close!

I was scared. I didn't think this kid was so scared?

He could only continue to tremble and say, "what do you want? If I dare to beat Laozi, I will not die, you can not walk away from Jiaozhen. Your car will be finished. Do you know the price? "

"Ha ha, I don't know!"

Qin Tian ignored the threat of this elder brother completely, and had come to him, and then he suddenly directly recorded a strong and aggressive whip leg, swept past, kicked on his feet!"Click!"

Only heard the sound of two broken legs, Fage fell directly on the ground and screamed out!

And he is still a kneeling posture, the mouth issued a kind of miserable and incomparable cry, listen to many people are secretly gnawing teeth, too terrible!

Many people are already looking at the facial contortion, even if they are not beaten by themselves, it is a kind of invisible deterrent!

They now understand that this man is so cruel that he is not the existence they can provoke.

The notorious character Fage of Lijiao town has been knocked to the ground and severely disabled. This man is really cruel and cruel to the point of explosion. It is absolutely impossible for them to provoke him!

Qin Tian's eyes were domineering and cold. He glanced at the whole audience. Although he didn't speak, many people were stunned and trembled!

However, within a minute, all the ideas, discontent and desire in their hearts were gone, and they became cold and abnormal, as if they had been driven into the depths of the cold pool!

All of a sudden, the bustling Lijiao town center was quiet, just like watching a pantomime. No one made a sound!

Doodle! Doodle!

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao in the car, no wonder to press the horn, block in the intersection of the little men, just flustered to get out of the way, because they were really shocked!

Qin Tian also returned to the car and said to Lin Xiaoyao, "see? Where there are batch after batch, these are people, not zombies! "

"Pooh Lin Xiaoyao's beautiful eyes looked at the man in front of her, and was excited to the extreme.

Whenever there is trouble, this man will rush out, this feeling is really good, this is a kind of security that girls need!

She didn't think Qin Tian's right hand was so cruel and cruel. Instead, she felt that his way of protecting himself was too manly and handsome.

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