So now, Qin Tian can only release a little bit of Qi, not a strong one. Otherwise, if he gets the attention of some experts, it will be troublesome. He is not afraid of things, but he doesn't want to be in trouble. Who would like to trouble?

After taking Lin Xiaoyao around for a while, on the first floor, he saw many projects that he was still interested in. Qin Tian turned to ask the women around him and said with a smile, "do you want to gamble? Try your luck today?

"I'm out of luck. Can you bet for me?" Lin Xiaoyao said with a smile that her general mind is actually in Qin Tian's body, so it's very interesting for men to teach themselves truth!

"Well, I'll bet. If you win, you'll treat me to a big meal." Qin Tian laughs playfully and takes out hundreds of yuan of cash at will, which is a bet for Lin Xiaoyao.

Now the table they are at is the boss level. Qin Tian took out 300 yuan, and then all the people at the table looked at him directly, showing an incredible look. Is this guy really coming to make trouble or join in the fun?

You can earn 200 yuan in one go, right? They can all come by several thousand, and sometimes even tens of thousands of them are pressed down.

Three hundred and one notes, this is really too much!

One by one they couldn't help but cast a scornful look at Qin Tian. They didn't have money and wanted to soak up girls. Moreover, they dare to take such beautiful girls to pretend to be forced. It's really looking for death!

But in order to give Lin Xiaoyao face, after all, Qin Tian also said to bet on the beauty, so they did not say anything!

One by one, one bet is bigger than the other, which is a bit or even tens of thousands of yuan, which means that Qin Tian will go bankrupt.

However, Qin Tian doesn't care about the boss's sudden Zhongzhu. Lin Xiaoyao also looks at Qin Tian's 300 yuan, revealing a trace of expectation. His beautiful eyes can't help looking forward to it.

Several bosses couldn't help laughing, and they didn't know what they were laughing at, but they knew it themselves. This guy came over with a beautiful woman in his arms and only paid 300 yuan. He pretended to be calm in front of their tens of thousands of Yuan bet. He was really able to pretend that he had to take it!

On this level of beauty, if there is no 10 million at home may not bubble, but if there is a 10 million level at home, Qin Tian is going to dress up again? Would it be a bet of 300 yuan?

Such an obvious thing makes them feel helpless. They all want to exploit Qin Tian fiercely. They want him to make a fool of Lin Xiaoyao, so that he can't get money. Then they'd better take this beauty as a mortgage!

Ah ha ha ha!

But the result is not polite!

Today, I won them twenty or thirty thousand. This result shocked several bosses. If it was not three hundred but thirty thousand, they would be sad!

So fortunately, it's 30000. I despise others for a long time, and I'll be glad when I turn back. It's really fast to hit the face!

Just at this time, several people came to the other side of the casino. It was Ding Hui and their several people!

They have already moved to several casinos. Ding Hui alone has won hundreds of thousands, and scientific research and Zhang Feng have also won 100000. In this way, each other is in a very happy mood, full of red light.

Wu Fei also learned that Wu Hu took the rich second generation to leave after making money in his small casinos. He didn't know what to say. What a shame!

He absolutely can't sit back and ignore it. After all, he will have shares in the biggest casino. How can people do it at will?

At the moment, seeing the Wu Hu enter the biggest casino, Wu Fei's eyes become incomparably guiding the car. You get up and let more than a dozen brothers wait outside, and you take two masters to walk past!

"Brother tiger, is this the biggest casino in Panlong? It's really magnificent. Compared with the world-famous casinos, it's not much worse! " Ding Hui sighed with a smile, his heart is full of complacent look!

Wu Hu did not hesitate to say: "Ding Shao, you have won hundreds of thousands of small casinos, you must not look up to small casinos, so I will take you to the largest casino to play!"

"Well, if you make money here today, I'll continue to reward you and promise that you won't let your brother follow us for nothing!" Ding Hui generously said, just now he has given Wu Hu tens of thousands, can this guy be unhappy?

If he wins more here, it is more than one hundred thousand. He sits on the sofa all day. Where can he earn this money?

So today Ding Hui just sent money to him. It doesn't matter to offend Wu Fei. It's important to make money. Don't worry about anything!

Just when they were elated, they suddenly saw something. Ding Hui said, "let's go. There seems to be some excitement there."

Then they didn't walk in front, let Ke Yan, Zhang Feng and Meng Meiqi follow behind. They made money today. They had no hesitation about Ding Hui's absolute follower!Zhang Feng and Ke Yan both want to get rich overnight. It's really this feeling. It's not impossible to make millions overnight!

What they are going to now is a boss's table, where they can bet tens of thousands, tens of thousands, at the lowest time, they are all three or five thousand. After all, sometimes their own luck is not good, you bet less, but if you are lucky, you have to bet crazily!

The reason why this gambling table is lively is because Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao are here. One is because many people want to see beautiful women. The other reason is that Qin Tian has won a lot, so many people have to place bets and bets!

When Ding Hui sees Qin Tian in the crowd gathering, he can't help looking stunned. How did he meet this boy again?

Ding Hui how can't believe, Qin Tian even dare to come to this boss's table? What qualifications does he have?

What's more, what shocked him was that Qin Tian's side was also closely followed by a beautiful woman, who was really beautiful!

Angel's face, the devil's body, that kind of temperament is more green than Meng Meiqi can't compare, other don't say that face, this is Ding Hui has seen the most beautiful woman!

And from the face down to see that arc towering, is unable to help but swallow saliva.

"No, this boy should have such a girl bubble? No wonder he looks so dismissive of Meng Meiqi? It turns out that... " Think of here, Ding Hui's heart a burst of fire, the expression is also hot, feel oneself this is hit face!

Ke Yan and Zhang Feng were also shocked for a moment. They didn't expect that the biggest underground gambling house in Panlong area could meet Qin Tian. What's more, they said that they would pick up someone like this. It's amazing!

And looking at Qin Tian and this beauty close, intimate appearance, let this Meng Meiqi also feel unrealistic.

The confidence she built up because of her beauty collapsed at this time because she saw Lin Xiaoyao. There was no comparability at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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