Everyone looked at Qin Tian, but found that this guy was still, even no fear!

This makes the people who want to go up and catch him are also covered, they can't bear to bully him like this!

"Boy, why don't you kneel to beg for mercy?" Fang Hao asked coldly, his eyes were colder than the cold, even full of murderous!

"Why should I kneel?" Qin Tian can not help but some have sneer up, as if to hear a big joke!

His words shocked the people who were present, and they all looked at a strange expression and eyes. Is this guy really looking for death?

Even dare to say such words to such a big guy as Fang Hao. It is really a death!

Fang Hao's face was full of Yin evil spirit. He said coldly: "boy, please kneel down and beg me. Maybe I can make you die a little bit more happily, but now, you have no chance!"

Finish drinking porridge, you must order your own men, on the spot directly Qin Tian's hand to chop down!

But at this time, there was a sound like a Hong Zhong outside the gate of the casino. "Fang Hao, you dare to move my brother!"

The sound of the thick man made everyone on the scene look at the door.

Just after a look, they just screamed, this is the big guy from the emperor!

The talent in this place is crowded, so it is much harder to be a big guy in the capital than in other places. So the Lei qianyun coming in is also famous. Who doesn't know him?

And now leiqianyao also comes with a dark black uniform. These suits, big men, walking in the same way, look like the brave one!

Lei Qianyao's strong air field, let everyone unconsciously retreat several steps back, give the venue to his dozens of people again.

Obviously, this is a strength even some of the big guys who are better than Fang Hao. Fame doesn't know it is more than most times than Fang Hao!

"Fang Hao, this is my brother Tian, you dare not respect him, you still need to abandon his arm?" Lei Qianyao came to Fang Hao and said angrily.

Fang Hao's face has been stiff, hum and say, "what day, I don't know what you say, I want to kill a few small characters who are making things here. What is your business?"? Do you want to take care of me? "

"Little character? Ha ha, I'm afraid it's the main character. You are the little character! " Lei qianyun said with a sneer.

"He's the main character, I'm a little character? I don't believe it! " Fang Hao looks at Qin Tian in plain clothes, and so young, how could he be the leading role of this small role?

"Ha ha, so to say that, you offend my brother Tiange, just offend me, I don't mind to kill you before the four city fight. You are now kneeling to apologize to my brother Tian, you have a trace of living, otherwise, I will not blame you Lei Qianyao is full of momentum, he said in a high voice.

Such voice makes the presence of Wu Fei, Yang Feng, Dou boss, Wu Hu and other people have changed their faces greatly. What is the situation? The big guy comes more powerful than one, and it doesn't make people live?

This moment, the oppression and oppression of the present people all have some fear, their heart feeling has been unbearable, two cities of a big guy appeared, and the meeting is directly wiped out such a big spark, it seems to have to decide the sense of death, let them have some worry!

The discerning, already started to slip ahead of time, because really hit, or spread up, absolutely not they can stand, that is very scary thing!

But some people just look at the excitement and don't abandon the big things. They must see what the situation is. Because such a big guy really has a hundred years of hard to see. Today, it is just good to be a visitor. They will never have any things!

Many are holding a kind of lucky heart, so they have been afraid, but they have been watching.

Although it is watching, but many people have consciously released, give a large area to the front of Fang Hao and Lei qianjue, give her Democratic dog the duel space!

At the same time, I wonder who the Tiange is that Lei qianyun said? It seems that Lei qianyun is still in a higher position than Lei Qianyao. Can someone else fail to be a top-level guy like Lei Qianyao?

Fang Hao's face is a little gloomy at this time. He and Lei qianyun have had a lot of friction, and never get any big bargain, because it is not to fight you and kill yourself. Now this guy directly declares war with him for this boy. Is there anything more shocking to him than this one?

But since today, he is holding the determination of World War I, so Fang Hao is no longer afraid, but sneers and says, "you let me apologize to a young man on his knees? You're afraid you're crazy? Or how did you drop the wrong medicine today? What is the total worth my respect for? What background does he have to make you like a crazy dog? "

Lei qianyun has a little speechless face. Looking at Fang Hao in front of him is like looking at a dead man. He sighed and said, "you are wrong. The person who wants to kill you is not me. I just show you the way to live. You don't understand the truth, that's no wonder!"Said leiqianjue directly went to Qin Tian's face, bowed his head and said respectfully: "brother Tian, I know it relatively late, let you get into trouble!"

Lei qianjue's action immediately shocked all the people present. He looked at Qin Tian in an incredible way. The whole casino was dead and silent. No one spoke. Even the breath was suffocating!

The original Lei qianjue said that this day brother is actually in front of the ordinary dressed by many people coveted, many people want to kill that boy?

First Ding Hui, then Wu Hu, then boss Dou, Wu Fei, Yang Feng, and then Fang Hao. They all want to kill Qin Tian, but they don't treat him as a human being!

But is it that they did not look at the young people, unexpectedly let Lei qianjue such people are awed by seven points?

Their world outlook has collapsed, and they don't know what kind of extended area to look at Qin Tian!

Fang Hao's eyes were extremely sharp, and his eyes fell on Qin Tian's body. He was inspecting whether Qin Tian had Qi, but he found that there was no Qi in his body?

It means that there is no real Qi in his body. He is not an ancient warrior. Since he is not, does he have any terrible background?

Fang Hao himself is not the capital of the emperor, so I really don't know. Is there any powerful force coming from the imperial capital recently that makes this Lei qianjue all afraid?

At this time, kneeling on the ground to put back has been stunned, can not believe his eyes, and Wu Hu is scared like a fool.

As for Meng Meiqi, she opened her eyes wide and her mouth opened slightly. It was as if she had been stupefied. Zhang Feng was stunned, motionless and frightened!

As for Ke Yan behind her, she raised her head and looked up at Qin Tian. In her heart, she had already turned upside down. She had no idea that her poor son-in-law cousin was actually a big man?

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