Ding Hui feels his kneeling down really white kneel, this mood is really better than roller coaster, this is also too incredible?

Wu Hu also breathes a breath secretly. He has been in Panlong area for so many years, and has never met this posture today. It is really cruel!

Fang Hao said coldly at this time: "Lei qianyun, I have more people here than you now, and the support of boss Dou. If you dare to protect this boy, you will force us to kneel and apologize, so you are going to die. Will I be afraid of you?"

Fang Hao recorded the voice, the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly became extremely fierce, the people on both sides gathered directly unconsciously, and the anger was fierce. An invisible murderous gas broke out from them, which scared many people around them shaking directly, and almost couldn't support it directly!

"Ha ha, Fang Hao, you are looking for death today. I'm afraid that the four city fight will become one or three cities directly before tonight. You should leave the game ahead of time!" Lei qianyun said with a cold smile.

"Is it? Ha ha, you don't understand the situation now? I also want to say to you in such a way, you are finished. You will never go out of this casino today. I guarantee with my head that you will die today! " Fang Hao was drinking cold, at this time he had already moved to kill gas, there was nothing to say!

But his voice just fell, a more bright, proud, overbearing voice came out of the gate.

"Fang Hao, you want to die. You are a rat shit in the eyes of master Qin. You want to kill him? It's a big joke! "

All looked at the door, and saw a muscular man coming in, with a lively look. The expression on his face was very overbearing, and it looked like a rhino entered the site, and many people couldn't help shaking!

Behind this muscular man, there are a group of powerful men, and dozens of people. Looking at the momentum of these people, it is really not lost to Lei Qianyao and Fang Hao!

Seeing this person Fang Hao can not help but to shrink his pupils, his face is startled, and he directly shout out: "Yancheng river wind? Is this guy going to be against me, too? He has been in consultation with Lei qianyun? "

Fang Haosheng has doubts about the fact that Jiang Feng and Lei qianyun are jointly involved.

At this time, the people are not who, it is the river wind, he led everyone, is high spirited into the inside, walked to Fang Hao's front, full of anger at him.

The people who came are the Yancheng big guy Jiangfeng, he brought out today is his own strongest team master, fighting independence will not lose to Lei Qianyao and Fang Hao and other people.

See such a person come, the person who is present dare not speak directly, one by one hide far away, look at this scene in horror, what is this all? The first big guy in Yancheng has come. This Panlong area is going to change the sky!

Fang Hao looks at the river wind in front of him and takes a look at the corner of his mouth: "shameless, Jiangfeng, you and Lei qianyun cooperate with me? Is that interesting? "

"Ha ha, that is your own way to death. I didn't cooperate with Lei qianyun. I just came for one person!" Jiang Feng looked at the past in the direction of Qin Tian with great respect. "You are the one who seeks death by yourself, and you must provoke Mr. Qin. Therefore, I can only find you to settle the account!"

The dialogue between the two people shocked the people present again. What is the big thing that these three big guys come to Panlonghe?

It seems that the dragon is going to be crazy. It can't be too terrible.

Many of them just come here to gamble money, but today they met such three super big guys gathering, and are also the main figures in their cities. It seems that Panlong area is going to change the sky!

Dinghui and Cowan, Zhang Feng, mengmeiqi and others are even more appalling. Because Jiangfeng is the super big guy in Yancheng, this guy has heard about it many times. They are also very real about the horror of river wind. Even the children in their family know that Jiang Feng is the kind of person who frightens children to cry!

But such super big guys came, which makes them all feel incredible place, it is just a bit of strange!

Ding Hui is also a little excited to see the river wind, because they once had to apologize for the people who caused the river wind. I didn't expect to see the big guy again now. I don't know why I am about to scare my urine!

The words of Jiangfeng made Fang Hao feel gloomy. He said in a cold voice: "even if we are looking for death, there is no king of Yan who dare to accept me. Jiangfeng, since you and Lei qianyun have manual me, then you can tell me clearly and openly. Why should you cover it up?"

"Union? I really don't have a joint. I really find you in trouble because you have caused Mr. Qin. Lei qianyun and I are the rivals. Our people have played countless times. How can we join hands? And I don't need to work with other people against you! That's what Lei thinks, compared with big thunder? " The river wind said with a gloomy look.

"Ha ha, yes, I love this words from Jiang eldest. We will not join hands. We are sitting on our own affairs. Do we need two hands to deal with Fang Hao? But we did come here because of this, we all did things for him! " Lei qianjue reached out to the Qin Tian zhengse nearby.Boom!

The audience was shocked, one by one looked at Qin Tian in front of him. Jiangfeng, the super big man of Yancheng, was bullied because of Qin Tian? This is so terrible!

They don't want to believe this fact, because Qin Tian is young and dressed in ordinary clothes. At most, he has the protection of Miss Lin, so he seems to have a very profound feeling!

But it's just like this. After all, what kind of identity background can Lei qianjue and Jiangfeng fear? This is obviously impossible!

But looking at Jiang Feng's flattering attitude towards Qin Tian, they had to feel their eyeballs were shocked again!

No one thought that the super big men of Yancheng and the imperial capital were so respectful to Qin Tian, who seemed to be a small hand, respectful.

Is this plain looking young man of great success?

At this moment, gradually, many people's brain has been a blank, especially will and Wu Hu, stupefied, just also nearly scared of urine Ding Hui, thoroughly feel his next came a smell of urine.

Ke Yan just felt that suddenly, as if it had been unrealistic, was she dreaming? I really met my cousin. Is this my cousin?

In fact, Lei qianjue's heart is also a little depressed. How does the river breeze know Qin Tian? He also called Qin Tian Mr. Qin, which made him confused for a while.

But he didn't dare to ask, he could only accompany the river wind to compliment Qin Tian!

Wu Fei and Yang Feng are also sweating on their foreheads. Today's scene scared them to death. So many big men have come. What's more, it's all because of the boy from qintian. This guy looks ordinary, but he doesn't want to be so promising!

Their intestines are blue with regret.

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