It was because of this scientific research project that Lin Xiaoyao wanted to seek refuge in Songshan at that time. Did anyone come to join in the fun?

It's incredible, these people are really not afraid of death or how, too cow!

This is the case now, because you are sitting here and you never know when your opponent will come, which is a very serious matter.

Qin Tian wanted to like to build his own power. He had this idea since he subdued Fang Zhen and suppressed Chen Kaige. Now he comes to the imperial capital, it is the same!

"In this way, the dispute between the underground tycoons turned into a struggle against Bushido?" Qin Tianxia laughs, but also feels some meaning!

"Yes, this time the Golden Dragon association is really bold. They even received Bushido people and became traitors. These people are really damned!" Jiang Feng said impolitely.

"What do you think? Is it the same fight or fight against the golden dragon club together? " Qin Tian asked with a smile.

"Of course, it's to follow Mr. Qin's ideas. As long as Mr. Qin says something, we'll never give up!" Said Jiang Feng.

"Very well, you follow me, I will not treat you badly. I don't know if you know that I will be shameful?" Qin Tian smiles with a strong pride in his words.

This is a skill that he developed recently. It was only after he got to know Lao Chen. For many ancient martial arts practitioners, pills are extremely precious, much more precious than money!

"I heard Jiang Heng say that master Jiang Heng is one of the top experts in Yancheng. He is preparing medicinal materials for you. Did he ask me about the source or clue of medicinal materials!? Does Mr. Qin want us to find it? " Jiang Feng asked.

"Yes or no, I'd love to have resources, but if you don't have resources, I won't be able to force you. I have two Shenyuan pills here. Shenyuan pills can help you break through. For example, Lei qianjue, you are now a great success of dark strength. If you take Shenyuan pill, you will probably advance to the peak of dark strength. If you take Shenyuan pill, you will reach the peak of dark strength Yuan Dan can reach the realm of "Dan Jin Xiao Cheng"

Seeing the three pills in Qin Tian's hand, Jiang Feng and Lei qianjue couldn't help but brighten their eyes. They have never had such a strong desire and curiosity for such a thing for many years. Today, they are shocked!

"I heard that Chen Fu was good because he took Shenyuan pill. I think it's Tiange's pill?" Lei qianjue sounded the scene of three cities meeting at that time.

"It was natural, including Zhu Yu, who was seriously injured. I also cured him with Shenyuan pill! Although there are tens of millions of these pills on the market, they will be sold for 100 million yuan. I think some people will buy them! " Qin Tian laughs.

"It's master Qin's pill. It's not available." Jiang Feng's voice trembled with excitement. He knew that Qin Tian took out these three pills, and the meaning was obvious!

"I want to give these three pills to xuanyuanzi. After all, I promised that tomorrow is the deadline for returning to him. The other two pills, if you help me destroy Bushido and defeat these masters from Dongdao, and the hospital is willing to listen to me, I will give them to you free of charge!" Qin Tian is not vague, said directly.

Are you kidding? This Shenyuan Dan has been sent to Zhu Yu several times. He is not young and pays more attention to his friends. At least, facing Lei qianjue and Jiangfeng, he is worthy of such a sincere respect!

Jiang Feng and Lei qianjue looked at each other and got excited. They all knelt down on the ground with a smile!

"God! There is no return for great kindness

"Master Qin, that's very kind of you. You are really my second parents!"

Both were excited voices and devout attitudes.

At their age, it's really hard to make a breakthrough again, but Qin Tian is a Shenyuan pill that can help them. What a rare thing?

In addition, Qin Tian will have numerous Shenyuan pills in the future, and even more pills. Although Shenyuan pills may not be as effective for those who are above Dan strength, for example, only when they are about to break through will they be able to achieve a certain level.

But in the dark strength is different, no matter what level you are, as long as you take Shenyuan pill, you can directly reach the next level. This is something that many people dare not think of. It's too terrible!

On one side, Lin Xiaoyao is also a little excited. How could she not want to practice martial arts? But her own positioning is not here, so there has been no strength and opportunity, but there is such a strong person around, and still such a level of master, she does not use it, is not a waste of money?

"Get up, I said you'll suffer if you follow me! And I don't want your money, I don't charge you interest. I just hope someone can help me do things. It's so simple! " Qin Tian said indifferently.

"You're welcome, brother Tian. If you want you to go through fire and water, I'm not afraid to go through fire and water!"Seeing Lei Qianyao so eloquent, Jiangfeng is welcome, "Mr. Qin, Jiangfeng will be your person in the future. You let me go to the west, I will never go east. You let me go south, I will never go north!

Seeing these words, Qin Tian also smiled and took up the Shenyuandan and asked tentatively, "but were you not the enemy before? Can you really get along and do things for me? "

Wen Yan, Lei Qianyao and Jiangfeng looked at each other awkwardly. Now they all have the taste of competition in front of Qin Tian.

Jiangfeng said without words: "among the four cities of Qin Zongshi, Jinmen, Yancheng, Linhai and emperor, all underground organizations had fought each other. I and Lei eldest and Jiangfeng and jinmanlong of jinlonghui were competitors. Everyone wanted to go to their city to swallow their industries, but everyone was not allowed to let each other. This is no way!"

"Yes, I have been competing with Jiangfeng since the City martial arts school and the night court was opened. It has been ten years!" Lei qianyun is also helpless to say.

"Well, since you are my man now, are there any other solutions? "Qin Tian said in a casual tone.

Lei Qianyao and Jiangfeng looked at each other. Although Qin Tian's words were light and floating, they knew what the implication was.

After a while of silence, Lei qianyun first said, "I only know today that Jiang Feng and Tiange you know each other. I will not fight with him in the future. Jiangfeng, you and I will be brothers' League in the future. Would you like to?"

"Boss Lei, I can't eat your old opponent. It's time to cooperate with each other for so many years! Now we are all Qin Zongshi people, and each in their own cities, complementary violations, and mutual cooperation why not? " Jiangfeng is also a way of laughing.

Two people in Qin Tian's face, kneeling and shaking hands, this picture is afraid tens of millions of people in the city can not believe the picture? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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