After hanging the phone here, the golden man dragon and a pair of bull eyes also flickered a bit of the grim color.

Beside him is a rash helper he has only recently gathered. This guy is independent from the martial arts association of Zhang family. Unfortunately, the organization strength is too small. He has to join the Golden Dragon Association and become a hall leader of Jinlong society and keep his own power!

This time Panlong area is very important. Everyone wants to take it down. So jinmanlong also invited his powerful assistant to be reckless, and of course, there are also some experts who have not yet appeared in martial arts.

"This Qin Tian is not a character to be provoked. It is good for us to join Fang Hao and red flag!" "Said the hasty reminder.

"Yes, I didn't think much about it. I asked him to join our camp directly, and I was still free. It was funny when I talked about it. This guy was put together by himself. I had to come up!" Kim was laughing.

"I am not in the same position with Qin Tian. This guy broke my ships in the capital, killed Kennedy, the master I invited from Gabriel company, and made my plan fail. It's shame to have no good to gain from Zhang Min!" "Shout recklessly.

It is because of his recklessness that jinmanlong can cooperate with martial arts. Therefore, for jinmanglong, recklessness is definitely the right arm of strength, which is of great help to strengthen his strength.

From the reckless here, he also learned a lot about Qin Tian, which is indeed a tough master, is not easy to deal with, otherwise, Jiangfeng and Lei qianyun will not be so easily put into his flag.

"Reckless, you can rest assured that it is time for us to fight for tat. We must solve that Qin day tonight, and we can only work with Fang Hao!" "Said Kim, looking straight.

"Well, there is no problem, but we can deter Jiangfeng and Lei qianyun. We have strong martial arts? It's better to talk to the two big guys before tonight, and say they really want to join us, because the deterrent of martial arts is not a joke! " Said rashly.

"Ha ha, this plan is very good, so I will go to him to send them information!" "Kim said with a smile.

"What if they want to work with us? After they have killed Qin Tian, will they obey us at all? " "Laugh recklessly.

"Ha ha, at that time, they will have to rely on their own abilities. Now they have no choice but to obey my threat. Otherwise, they will die tonight!" "Kim said with a smile.

Recklessness also nodded, and a fierce killing appeared in his look. Once Qin Tian died, he could return to the capital. He would be the first emperor to wait for the day in the future. And this time, he must have to beat Lei qianyun again. This is an infinite opportunity!

But not long, the people sent out by jinmanlong came back. Who is Jiangfeng and Lei Qianyao will not talk about this matter with them. They will kill the martial arts and punish them!

"Damn it, dare to say I am a traitor, don't you want to live?" Kim savage laughed coldly.

"Take care of the martial arts and Taoism people, if necessary, they will take care of it. You are responsible for contacting the translator to convey the message!"


Jin barbarian dragon knows that if there is no martial arts, they can never fight against Qin Tian!

Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao who fell on the bed were no longer polite, and they were hugged together.

But nothing to do, but to sleep safely.

"Qin Tian?"

Lin Xiaoyao was held by the man for a while, and then he couldn't help shouting, but where did Qin Tian respond to her?

Qin Tian actually heard, just don't want to answer just, just want to have a good rest.

Lin Xiaoyao has been silent for a while. How many men look at her like this today, but the man in front of him looks down to himself. You say that you are not angry?

She was reluctant to stick it up like a claw fish, but Qin Tian was still as indifferent as a dead fish.

Qin Tian is not the former Qin Tian now. Even if he sees the woman he likes, he doesn't come in such a mess. At least he has become very mature and has strong endurance. It is not the picture that he can't control himself.

In the evening, Panlong area ushered in a huge reform, which is a matter many people know. The big men of the four cities have come, which is a decisive factor determining who controls Panlong area.

If there is a Ming Jun, they can make some benefits. If not, they may suffer. In the past, when they were free, they are different now. What is in front of them is an irresistible situation, because Panlong area is going to welcome their king!

The way to fight is to bet and fight. It is the rules that the four big guys have set before. Nobody can break the rules in the Jianghu!

The place is at the biggest casino. Because of the noon, many people don't go to gamble, but many people come early.Because they are here to witness the battle of gambling, all kinds of gambling king's confrontation, which many gambling enthusiasts like to do, because they can not only see the superb gambling skills, but also see the victory and defeat, and see who can become the king of Panlong!

The time was set at seven o'clock in the evening. Jin Manlong came in with a group of people. He saw Fang Hao and others sitting there and walked directly over.

"What about the river breeze and the thunder thousand rhymes? Haven't you come yet? " Jin Manlong asked coldly.

Fang Hao took a watchful look at the stairs. Boss Yang, whose head was bandaged, stood at the top of the stairs. He kept calling the people in his casino, urging Jiang Feng and Lei qianjue to come here quickly!

"It's too big to ask me to ask for it. It's damned!" Jin Manlong sat on a sofa.

"Don't worry, boss. Just come!" Cao mang squints, but he wants to see what Qin Tian is.

After a while, Qin Tian comes in with Jiang Feng and Lei qianjue. It's true that the gambling table has been placed in the venue.

Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao sit together, with river breeze and Lei qianjue on both sides.

At this time, the whole audience focused on Qin Tian. Jin Manlong and Cao mang were the first to see Qin Tian. He didn't expect to be so young. Moreover, he didn't have that kind of vigorous temperament. He didn't have any vigor. He seemed to have a common feeling.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the game of gambling!" Fang Hao sneered fearlessly. Now that he has the support of jinmanlong, he will not be afraid any more, and there are plenty of areas.

He even felt that today's suspense had nothing to do with it. Qin Tian must die. I'll see how Jiang Feng and Lei qianjue kneel down to beg for mercy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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