"Well, in that case, you can come." Fang Hao also nodded. The red mark was the only one he could take the most out of his own side. Just because he was not there, he ran away in front of Lei qianjue and others. If there was him, the situation would be different, at least the real strength of the first World War!

Although their goal is Qin Tian, they can still defeat the prestige of Jiangfeng and Lei qianjue first, proving that without Bushido, they can also win over their two big men. This is the hard power, and no one wants to lose!

After the red flag came to the stage, he looked at his opponent fiercely. Jiang Feng's GA hand is a black boxing champion. It is said that as long as he stands on the arena, he has never lost. He has met all kinds of masters, and his combat experience is very command!

The strength of internal strength cultivation is probably the level of dark strength, which is already very strong. It is really difficult to meet opponents in the challenge arena.

However, the red mark seems to be no weaker than the black boxer. The murderous spirit in his eyes can't be concealed, and his hands are not sure how many people's blood has been stained with. He is extremely arrogant.

Seeing the provocative look of the red mark, the black and evil boxer was not afraid at all. Even the corners of his mouth curled up in a disdainful arc, he hooked the hook finger to the red mark, indicating that he would take the move first!

Red mark's temper is that kind of very irascible person, don't so despise words, where can you endure?

At present, he directly swung his fist, and the swift and violent fist style with a kind of virtual shadow directly attacked the black boxer Artest in the past!

Black boxer Artest has been underground for many years, and he is the king of the underground. However, the red label is a professional from some ancient martial arts schools. Therefore, the fight between the two has attracted close attention.

Artest looked at the red mark in front of him. He seemed to have a lot of rules. In fact, in his eyes, this guy's boxing skills were mechanically copied, and the actual combat effect was not so good. After all, he is an experienced master. At a glance, he can see some flaws and shortcomings!

So at the moment, after seeing the red mark's key point, Artest, the black boxer, did not hesitate to take a direct shot. The latter attacker avoided the red mark's crazy double fists. A simple and fast straight punch passed by, hitting the rib of the red mark and breaking one of his ribs. The red mark screamed with pain.

Even if you can see the red mark in Artest's body, you will know that if you can catch up with Artest from time to time, even if you can see that there is a red mark in Artest's body.

On the contrary, he was directly hit by Artest several times. Rao's body was very strong and hard, but he still couldn't stand it. Finally, he suffered serious internal injury and directly vomited blood and fell to the ground!

"Ha ha, if you go on fighting again, you will lose all your internal organs!" Artest smiles calmly.

"Ha ha, Fang Hao, do you understand me? My people in Jiangfeng are better than your first master. What are you doing?" River breeze at this time can't help but look at the past, look very arrogant proud!

And Fang Hao also just cold hum a, in the heart is very uncomfortable, but had to accept such an outcome, can only say that their own people are inferior to people!

Black boxer Ron Artest continued to face the demonstration and said, "grass, come on, I know you are an expert in ancient martial arts."

"Ha ha, no, no, no, I won't do it. I'm also a big man. How can I go up in this situation?" Grass mang sneered coldly.

Hearing the name of Artest, Qin Tian couldn't help frowning. The last time the three masters of Bushido were on board, they were sent by this rash, and the Kennedy who met in the school was also this rash invited. I didn't expect to meet him here today. It seems that the enemy family is narrow!

Now that they're here, he's welcome!

But now is not the time. After the grass laughter fell, a strong man with bronze skin ran up and looked proud!

"Twist the horse The ancient Thai Boxer said in a very poor Chinese language.

See him, Artest can't help but look a little gloomy, because he can feel the guy in front of him is not simple guy, strength will be very strong, strong to the kind of explosion.

As a matter of fact, horse twisting is one of the best in Thai boxing, and its status is very high. When I hear the other side say that he is a horse twisting horse, Artest's face is certainly not good-looking.

Other people and all secretly exclaimed. Unexpectedly, Jin Manlong invited such a character as kinma. What a surprise!

As expected, he is a big guy. All the experts of this level can be invited. It can be seen that this Jin Manlong is still very related overseas. You can find some unexpected masters!

Although the strength of the other side is very strong, but Artest did not admit defeat, did not dare to trust the big, a pair of face like an enemy, slowly put his hand on his chest.

All of a sudden, he snorted, and then he hurled at the horse. The speed was faster than before. I don't know how much. It was almost twice as fast. Obviously, he began to play his real strength now!

Soon, the two two masters hit each other directly in the arena. Artest's fist was just as fierce as the wind. He hit the horse with his superb gutai boxer's meaning!After a round of all-out attack by Artest, a light that was not easily perceived suddenly broke out in his eyes. He began to turn his defensive into attack and hit it directly towards the key of Atai.

His ancient Thai boxing has reached the peak. He can calm down in the face of Artest. If he attacks with all his strength, it will soon come out!

As expected, Artest was defeated by a fierce elbow fight, and was kicked out of the arena by a whip leg that was very aggressive.

Seeing that Artest is defeated, Jiang Feng has no expression. After all, the other party is so famous and stronger than him, just let people carry Artest and go to the treatment!

Looking at the expressionless appearance of the river wind, Golden Dragon thought he was deterred, and he burst out with a proud laugh: "why not shout, just now you were very happy with your hands waving?"

"Ha ha, you spend a lot of money to invite Nanyang experts, what is it to win me? My blackboxing hand has been with me for years. Is that different? You're nothing without this gutai boxer! " Jiang Feng said politely.

"Ha ha, win is to win, you don't mind so much, we still have to follow the rules!" Jinmanlong's heart is happy, his money really has no white flowers.

"Lei Qian Jue, it's your turn!" Jin Manlong looked at Lei qianyun with high spirits, and looked at Qin Tian with disdain.

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