In an instant, the three elders were suddenly free, no matter how many, one by one, as if they were killing people with red eyes, just fight!

Their voice is like a wolf howling and howling. Their murderous spirit and fighting spirit have been released to the extreme, and their anger has also risen to the extreme. Their eyes are red with blood, just like fierce beasts!

Three super big men, inspired their strongest fighting power, the body's state is also directly improved to the strongest state, once again toward Qin Tian impact in the past!

Their knives are just the distance between blinking eyes. They have reached Qin Tian in front of them. They are just the distance between blinks.

Looking at these ferocious faces and ferocious murderous spirit, it seems that Qin Tian was devoured alive and alive by medicine in an instant. Their body methods and moves are such tyrannical, and the power contained in them is such, which makes Qin Tian dare not be careless at all!

He is not envious of being led by three super masters. He has his own talent to understand the strength of ancient martial arts. He doesn't think that their ancient martial arts are more powerful than Chinese ancient martial arts. This is a nonexistent thing!

In thousands of years of practical combat and understanding, the ancient martial arts of human beings have been comprehended by the heavy movements of birds and animals, such as snake boxing and eagle claw fist.

Even some Xingyi boxing, Golden Rooster independence, Bagua palm and so on, as well as black tiger digging out the heart. These are all learned from the ancient birds and beasts. These are the essence of ancient Chinese martial arts!

The natural and magical thing is that the martial arts of human beings can communicate with each other secretly. Once they become Zhou, they will be more powerful than ordinary ancient warriors!

Qin Tian looked at the three strong men in front of him, and knew that although they were not the dark force or the Huajin or the Dan force classified by the martial arts circles, the reason was reasonable, but the level division was not used!

So now Qin Tian is just testing and training himself in the face of these three strong men, because in fact, he has less chance to fight against this level of ancient martial arts masters.

"Are you doing your best?" Qin Tian smiles, but his voice doesn't fall. Facing these tiger and wolf attacking moves, the backhand is to attack at any time, or punch, or hand knife. Even if all of them are attacked and beaten back, it's OK to read occasionally!

Because even if Qin Tian doesn't use immortal spirit, his foundation is stronger than them. He can dodge and move quickly. This is talent!

The three Bushido elders are now full of the idea of killing. They don't care how Qin Tian resolves their attack. They just keep beating out, using their legs, feet and body, and everything that can be hurt, with the knife and body, they all attack Qin Tian!

Their attack routine is not limited to the samurai sword. The three men are more and more crazy and dense from every corner. They directly set off a gust of wind on the challenge arena. Even on the ground, they have been trampled out one by one, and their strength has also been exerted to the extreme!

The three elders are like tigers, hungry wolves and lions. They are embarrassed to find out that any of their moves can't hurt Qin Tian, and they don't even touch the corner of their clothes.

Although Qin Tian didn't use any immortal spirit and didn't use his own strengthening eyes, he could see that there was a kind of attack loophole in each attack. Qin Tian would not be interested in their attack any more. He started to attack directly and wanted to finish the battle quickly.

The attack power of the three elders reached 1000 kg, but Qin Tian's fist power was OK. When all three of them found out one of the flaws, Qin Tian quickly and accurately hit one of the elders' bodies!

Only a click was heard, and the powerful force made the elder fly out directly, and then he made a violent scream. Even though his arm was as strong as steel, he was crying out in pain. He couldn't bear the pain because his arm was broken by himself. How could he fight?

Three people's attack is a kind of encirclement attack routine. After one of them is repulsed, the strength of 20000 two people is greatly reduced. Qin Tian is more comfortable to deal with them!

Soon, Qin Tian took advantage of the remaining two elders' attack flaws and began to attack their meaning, breaking their arms or kicking their legs without any mercy.

In only five seconds, all three elders were defeated by Qin Tian, and they were all broken bodies, hands and feet, and also suffered serious internal injuries. This is a living and a disabled person. There is no room for any use of the energy of the whole body!

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiaoyao, Lei qianjue and Jiang Feng on one side are finally relieved. Their worries are finally gone. A big stone has fallen in their hearts!

On the other hand, Zuo Lang, Cao Mang and Jin Manlong, on the other hand, are as pale as death. Their self-confidence is broken by Qin Tian in the challenge arena. Finally, they become unresponsive, leaving only shock and panic!Huangpu Jiro is also a pupil suddenly shrink, he did not expect this Qin Tian can in such entanglement, put in and out freely, there are more cruel men than this? He has never seen the ancient Chinese martial arts have a very powerful side, even in front of their east island martial arts master, so wanton?

He was shocked, surprised and replaced by uncontrollable anger!

Because this is a kind of shame to him, which makes him unable to control. It is the pride in his heart that makes him have this strong emotion!

Zuo Lang's face is pale. The three elders are dead. Several books mean that their Bushido will be finished. If you want to rebuild it, it will take decades to cultivate the next generation of masters, but he has no time for it!

Now it's not the end of Bushido, his life is all pinched in the body of Huangpu Jiro, so are all their lives!

I didn't want to come and take over this small Panlong area. I thought that I could take Pan Long and kill Qin Tian slowly when I came to China. Now it's better. It's easy!

On one side, jinmanlong and Fang Hao have been silent. They dare not speak out for fear of being attacked by the anger of zuorong and Huangpu Jilang.

"Little Lord, it's up to you, because we can't do anything about this boy!" Zuo Lang helplessly said that they could declare defeat in Bushido.

Huang Pu Jiro's eyes slightly flashed a surprised color, and then nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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