At this time, Huang Pu Jiro's whole body strength became incomparably strong, murderous, many people felt that the air seemed to be solidified, many people's deep experience began to tremble, this feeling is really too strong, it is a little uncomfortable!

It's just a look. The onlookers feel uncomfortable. But how miserable is Qin Tian standing opposite?

This cold air is because his concentrated killing moves have reached an irresistible level. This kind of murderous spirit seems to be the essence, or the reason of a kind of air pressure.

Qin Tian is also slightly squinting his eyes, which is a kind of precursor that he is prepared to be most serious. He thinks in his heart that if he conceals his strength again this time, it is not like words. After all, this guy has begun to break out all the strength, which can not be ignored.

"Boy, if you only have that little cultivation, you are still provoked by me. Your strength is not enough to hurt me. You can only wait for death like a target. I think you can resist several times!" Huang Pu Jiro's anger and murderous spirit have reached a very violent point. This kind of murderous spirit is as cold and oppressive as it is solidified in the air!

Then, without giving people space to think, his third hand began to hit out!

This time, he directly used about 89% of his strength. Before Qin Tian's hand power reached Qin Tian's body, he began to make a sound, manic and violent to the extreme.

Qin Tian looked at the hidden strength of this palm so huge that he didn't dare to agree, but he also laughed, "good to come, this palm is fierce enough!"

"Hum, boy, you are dying. If you dare to cheer me up, you will die!" Huangpu Jiro's cold words seem to be like the tip of a sword, passing through everyone's throat, making people feel very uncomfortable!

"This is our thousand crack hand, can you resist it?"

"Eh? Isn't this a basic palm technique? What's so good about that? "

Huangpu Jiro didn't talk nonsense with Qin Tian any more. He directly slapped Qin Tian on his chest.

Qin Tian has held his breath at this time, with a trace of dignified color in his face, and once again hit his fist!

This fist probably used 70% of Qin Tian's power!

Suddenly, the fist and palm were handed over, and a burst sound broke out again in the air. A more powerful force collided with each other, making the whole casino tremble for a moment, and a strong wind was blowing directly.

Many unconsciously retreated back, because they were unable to withstand such attack routines. He was so strong that they were not qualified to see it!

Lin Xiaoyao is also behind the two big men, can not help but cover his skirt, afraid of preparing for the wind to lift up, her look worried, but her eyes have never left Qin Tian's figure.

She looked at the man in front of her and felt beyond her imagination. What was his strength like? I've never seen two people play such a powerful force. It's much more exaggerated than what's shown on TV!

And this time, she saw that Qin Tian didn't solve the opponent at once, which showed that the Huangpu Jiro was really powerful. Moreover, she also saw that the Huangpu Jiro was attacking at the beginning, while Qin Tian was on the defensive, so in a sense, the strength of this Huangpu Jiro seemed to be stronger!

This time, the two men almost tied, and they both stepped back two steps, but both were undamaged.

It's just that Qin Tian used 70% of his skill, while Huangpu Jiro has used 80% of his skill. Will he have any killing moves?

Huangpu Jiro was shocked at this time. He couldn't believe everything in front of him. He used eighty-five percent of the immortal spirit, but he didn't get the upper hand. What's the matter?

He couldn't believe it, because it was totally impossible, but it was like this. How could he not resist such a thing when it really happened?

Compared with his fear, Qin Tian felt his whole body's blood boiling at this time. As expected, the battle of releasing immortal spirit was the most refreshing fact!

"You're very good. You're the best person I've met so far!" Qin Tian smile, very casual and relaxed activities of their own hands and feet, seems to have not yet enjoyed the appearance, appears very relaxed!

In the face of Qin Tian's praise, Huangpu Jiro felt great shame. He should have said this. This guy even dared to rob his lines. What is it?

He was always in awe of others since he was a child. In the war, he always despised others. But this guy even said praises to him. This is not contemptuous of him. What is it?

I can't bear it. Does he need such praise? What a joke!

But now he has to admit the fact that when Qin Tian said this sentence with laughter and talking, he didn't use all his strength. It shows that this guy still has arrogant capital. This is a kind of absolute self-confidence!

He will be the most powerful young man in the next generation.Looking at the more relaxed Qin Tian in front of him, Huang Pu Jiro's mood is very anxious. He has lost his talent's contempt and calmness. He starts to panic.

"Are you in the dark? Is the true Qi of xuanjing? Beyond Dan Jin? " Huangpu Jiro knows that if the true Qi reaches the xuanjing level, it is close to the level of immortal Qi. Although Qin Tian conceals something, how can he not feel that the things released by Qin Tian are not as simple as true Qi?

Seeing that the other party was curious and could not see his own appearance at all, Qin Tian laughed. This guy seems to know Chinese ancient martial arts very well. They must have studied the ancient martial arts skills here since they were young. Otherwise, there would not be such a situation that we all know.

"I don't know what level I am. It's very chaotic. I don't care about it!" Qin Tian casually perfunctory smile way.

Hearing this, Huang Pu Jiro's face is more gloomy. How can anyone devote himself to practice and not care about his achievements? Isn't this guy a different kind of guy?

"Boy, in this case, you and I have tried our best. I want you to understand a truth, and I will tell you when you are defeated!"

With that, Huang Pu Jiro had already begun to gather the surging murderous spirit. This time, his immortal spirit was rampant to the extreme, and the whole casino was like falling into an ice cave. Everyone was trembling and shaking all over.

On his two palms, the vigorous and violent immortal spirit is constantly gathering, which is all his strength!

In front of Qin Tian, he felt that he met the strongest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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