Two black flashes from the night sky, not slanting, just landed in the place where Qin Tian and Gu Yiming stood!

Qin Tian fixed his eyes on it. It was actually two throwing knives tied with red silk thread!

"What kind of hero are you holding grass and stabbing people in secret?" Gu Yiming scolded and pulled out the throwing knife!

"Don't move!" Qin Tian shouts, but it's still half a beat late. Gu Yiming has already held the Throwing Knife in his hand!

"Brother Tian..." Gu Yiming wanted to say something, but before he finished, two shadows flew towards him from the middle of the sky.

"Throw it away!"

Gu Yiming did not dare to hesitate and threw away two throwing knives.

Qin Tian looked at the two shadows flying in the air. They flew along the red silk thread on the throwing knife!

"God, no, there are people on those two shadows." Gu Yiming called out in a hurry.

Qin Tian is also a startled, fixed eyes to see, those two ghost body, is actually a woman wearing black clothes!

"She is!"

Qin Tian frowned and recognized the man at a glance. He was one of the two people who tried to harm Jiao Jie!


With a slight sound, Chen Lei jumped from the air to the ground.

"It seems that there is a narrow road for enemies." Qin Tian sneered. Last time he didn't root them out, it has always been a criticism of Qin Tian's heart. If we meet today, we should leave them behind anyway!

Chen Lei looks at Qin Tian coldly, without the slightest desire to speak. With a move of her hand, two ghosts fall down in the air, and she follows the girl with a low voice, "attached to the body!"

Two dark shadows with lightning speed, one after the other rushed to the girl's body!


As if something vibrated, Chen Lei's body seemed to be wrapped in darkness, surrounded by black gas!

Qin Tian saw this scene and his pupils shrank!

This is... Martial arts!?

In Qin Tian's memory, there is an introduction to martial arts, but sadly, the ancestors didn't seem to leave anything for themselves!

I didn't expect that when I came out today, I came across an expert with martial arts!

However, let Qin Tian depressed is, the other side seems to have no intention to start, just standing there, as if in procrastination.

"Not good!"

Qin Tian's face changed and suddenly thought of the man who had been seriously injured! I'm afraid that man has reached the critical moment of restoring the original spirit!

In other words, the purpose of the girl in front of her is not to kill herself, but to drag herself!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian pushes aside Gu Yiming and rushes towards the girl with a kick at his feet!

With the help of green energy, Qin Tian's strength of legs has exceeded the limit of human body. Under a kick, he actually flew out like a shell!

The target is the girl's chest!

Chen Lei is also surprised. It seems that Qin Tian's speed is so fast. In a hurry, she can't avoid Qin Tian's attack completely, and her fist falls firmly on her shoulder!!


When the huge noise came, Qin Tian threw Chen Lei out more than 30 meters with all his strength. He hit the waste machine in the factory building and even made a hole in the iron sheet!

"Good!" Gu Yiming couldn't help calling out! He never thought that Qin Tian was so powerful!

Qin Tian stares at Chen Lei in the distance and frowns slightly!

Although the blow hit her just now, it was like cotton, but it made him feel powerless!

Sure enough, Chen Lei swayed two times, then stood up from the ground, a pair of beautiful eyes to Qin Tian, full of cold, "you... This is the ability?"

Before the words fell, Chen Lei's body suddenly appeared in front of Qin Tian. A long leg wrapped in black breath suddenly kicked Qin Tian!


Another big bang!

Qin Tian flies in response to the sound!


a series of sounds came, and Qin Tian's body shrank into a ball, until he collapsed more than ten boards!

"Damn it!"

A curse from Qin Tian!

If it wasn't for wrapping yourself with green energy just now in an emergency, just this foot would have killed me!

This woman, what a strong strength!

What to do!

Qin Tian stared at the black figure in the distance and began to think quickly!

But at this time, Qin Tian's mind suddenly flashed a pile of messy information, it was actually green energy began to re engrave the girl's martial arts!

But... Why is the information so messy!? So slow is reprinting!?

Qin Tian didn't understand and didn't have time to think about it, because the girl had already rushed to her again!"Boom

Again, Qin Tian was beaten to fly out again!


At this time, a tremor, Qin Tian's mind, again a pile of messy information!

"What's going on here?"

Qin Tian swore in a low voice. If you want to engrave it again, can you be a little bit simpler!?

Qin Tian carefully observed the two heaps of information in his mind and found that the information appeared twice was slowly merging!

This discovery, let Qin Tian shake!

In the past, Nie Zhiyang's fighting skills were unconsciously carried out in the battle, because their fighting skills were relatively simple, so the re engraving was extremely rapid!

But this time is different. What we re engraved is a high and profound martial arts. Green energy needs to collect information constantly to sort it out, and finally succeed in reprinting!

Want to understand this point of Qin Tian spirit, even take the initiative to rush to the girl!

"Madman!" Chen Lei cursed, mercilessly toward Qin Tian.





again and again, Qin Tian was hurt even under the protection of green energy!

"Brother Tian..." Gu Yiming looked at him with worry on his face.

Finally, after more than ten times of being blasted, Qin Tian finally stood firm and hooked up his mouth!

"Reprint... Successful!"

Martial arts: Soul attached!

After taking over the ghost, use the powerful strength of the ghost to strengthen itself, speed, strength, defense, depending on the strength of the host and ghost!

Qin Tian a look silly, this special. Code is need to cooperate with ghosts! Where are you going to find ghosts!?

All of a sudden, Qin Tian had an idea and looked at the big black dog not far away. On his back, he was carrying a white soul calling banner!

That's her!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian quickly ran the green energy, took out a large number of blood stained copper coins from his pocket, and threw them at Chen Lei as Wan as tiannv scattered flowers!

All over the sky, Chen Lei suddenly took a breath of cold air!

Although she has some strength, she still relies on ghosts. She has a natural fear for these things that have just reached the sun. When she sees the golden light rushing towards her, she does not hesitate to retreat!

Qin Tian borrows this gap, a cat waist Kung Fu rushed to the black dog side!

At the moment, because of the seal of Kuiba, it seems strange in the middle of the night!

If you want to complete the enchantment, the first thing is to get the submission of the ghost. Thinking of this, Qin Tian tries to communicate with her with green energy.

At first, the ghost struggled desperately and would rather die than be a servant of Qin Tian.

"Be my servant, and if I have a chance, I will avenge you!" Qin Tian said solemnly to the soul calling banner.

Sure enough, that Kuiba listen to Qin Tian willing to revenge for her, immediately no longer struggle!

Qin Tian guessed that this woman was killed by a group of thugs. That's why she seduced some ignorant people at night and took their lives!

"Do you really want to avenge me?"

Lead Qin Tian's surprise is, this kuibao unexpectedly still has some spirit!

"If I have a chance, I will!" Qin Tian's eyes are bright and bright, without any affectation.

"Good! I believe you! I will be your servant

Qin Tian listened to a smile and quickly explained. Opening the seal of the soul calling banner, the female ghost was like a white cloud, floating out!

Qin Tian looked at the ghost in front of him, a little bit stunned!

She put away the appearance of harming people before, and it was pretty good!

"Bang, man!" The female ghost disdains to hum a, again changed the appearance into that gloomy terror appearance!

"Cough..." Qin Tian coughed twice to ease his embarrassment.

At this time, the star light brought by the copper coins has dissipated, and Chen Lei rushed towards Qin Tian at an incredible speed! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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