After Zhu Yu's Bentley, Qin Tian started the engine and said with a smile to Zhou Muchen in front of him: "Zhou Shao, lead the way!"

"Hum, that place is in the scenic resort. It's far away. I'm afraid your driving skills are too bad to keep up with you!" Zhou Muchen snorted coldly, opened his Lamborghini, and then started the throttle and drove out!

These friends of the second generation of rich people are not surprised. One car seems to want to get rid of Qin Tian's embarrassment, and they all roar their cars out of the car!

Because Zhu Yu lives in a place that is definitely not the center of the city, so no one really knows!

However, Qin Tian didn't follow them recklessly. He drove the car out smoothly and passed safely. All of a sudden, he was far away from the rich second generation luxury cars.

Zhu Yu looked at the little companion in front of him, but Qin Tian was still slow and leisurely. He not only asked anxiously, "Qin Tian, let's speed up a little bit. I know you're good at driving. You're left behind and laughed at when you get there."

"Don't worry. When they get to the crowded section, they will slow down by themselves." Qin Tian said calmly.

Zhou Muchen, who was driving in front of him, looked at Qin Tian's car from the rearview mirror. He was very proud. You boy, you also drove a beautiful woman. I made you lose face and embarrassment!

Sure enough, cars from the south to the north of the city need to pass through the city center. At this time, there are more and more vehicles on the road. No matter how hard these rich second generation drivers are, they have to slow down!

And Qin Tianping even caught up with him, and got closer and closer. Finally, he was as light as Zhou Muchen!

"How could it be!"

The smile on Zhou Muchen's face suddenly solidified. He watched Qin Tian's car overtake like flowing clouds and flowing water. There was no sense of stagnation. Such elegant driving skills made him sound the scene of racing in the movie, even natural and unrestrained!

And Zhu Yu was also very happy: "Wow, Qin Tian, you drive very comfortable ah, the speed does not look fast, but actually can get rid of them!"

Qin Tian indifferent smile way: "I said, don't worry!"

At the same time, while driving, he said with a leisurely smile out of the window: "Zhou Shao, you can't fall behind. Don't invite us to play. When we arrive, you haven't arrived!"

"No way, stinky boy, you wait for me, I will never lose to you!" Zhou Muchen was so angry that he began to speed up overtaking and honked his horn!

Honking is forbidden in the urban area, and he is constantly accelerating and decelerating in order to overtake, without any sense of stability.

The reason why Qin Tian can overtake smoothly is that he can make a prediction in advance. When driving, he opens the perspective eye to see clearly the traffic flow in front of him!

The original fast traffic flow in his eyes naturally slowed down, and his action also accelerated, the mastery of the car almost reached the point of arbitrary!

In a few minutes, Qin Tian opened the distance directly, which made Zhou Muchen a group of rich second generation people worried and felt shameless one after another!

Zhu Yu's heart is really more and more happy to see, just now the repressed emotion was finally released, excited to continue to praise and said: "I'm surprised, you don't usually drive, car skills are so good, or an old driver?"

Qin Tian said with a smile: "what experience do you need, because I am a genius after all!"

"It's a genius indeed. Even professional drivers can't be so relaxed and smooth on such a road." Zhu Yu commented seriously.

After leaving Zhou Muchen behind, Qin Tian directly turned on the car navigation system, and then searched the gehuang entertainment club. As he walked out of the downtown area, the speed was faster and faster!

Seeing the distance from gehuang entertainment club getting closer and closer, there are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road, and Zhou Muchen finally has the opportunity to fight back. Regardless of any traffic lights and speed bumps, he runs like a racing car!

The other local tyrants saw Zhou Muchen so fast that they rushed forward with hatred, like a runaway wild horse!

Seeing the distance from Qin Tian getting closer and closer, Zhou Muchen's eyes have nothing inside, crazy acceleration, almost to a state of extreme terror.

However, his anticipation was not enough. He didn't have time to slow down when he turned. He ran into the guardrail on the side of the road!

A burst of bang bang sliding friction sound, heard a burst of exclamation, almost turn over, fortunately, Zhou Muchen car skills are not bad, a little bit elegant!

But before this friction, the car had changed beyond recognition. When he drove the car to the gehuang entertainment club, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu had already leaned on the side of the car to chat!

When they saw Zhou Muchen's car driving over, they were shocked and cried out in succession!

"Wow, Zhou Shao, do you want to pursue my life? If I had made a bet with you, I would have known it would have been better! " Qin Tian said with a smile.

Zhou Muchen is full of embarrassment, looking at his car, this return to the first time to drive, now half disabled, at least have to spend hundreds of thousands of calls to go?Today, he lost a lot in racing with Qin Tian, and his anger rose suddenly. Looking at Qin Tian, he shook his head and glared at him angrily. He said, "Qin Tian, don't be complacent. Isn't it a car? I can still afford to lose it!"

Zhu Yu laughed at them because of the strong smell of gunpowder. However, he said in good faith: "Zhou Shao, you should be careful. What if you drive into someone else like this?"

Zhou Muchen is also a burst of anger, this school flower is not worried about how he bumped into, but worried about others how to do, that tone makes him almost crazy!

However, seeing Qin Tian's smiling face full of complacency and evil charm, he still held back. Today, he came to play and wanted to govern Qin Tian. He didn't believe that he would lose to Qin Tian!

After saying two words, the second generation of rich people finally came. They were shocked to see Zhou Muchen's car so dilapidated.

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