The crowd around also felt that such a gambling way has no problem, mainly is that the bet seems to be a little more, at least for them is like this!

Zhu Yu has no words, she said that your men are like gambling, do not want to say more, because Qin Tianlai!

Maybe he really has five million to lose?

"And we can bet more times. If you can make jadeite or more, I can give you a million more!"

Zhou murchen feels that he is in the winning position no matter how, he can't lose!

He did not believe, gambling stone this seven points rely on luck, three on the eye game, Qin Tian such a layman can also take shit luck!

"Well, you say you bet several times, until you take it!" Qin Tian is happy in his heart. He just wants to make this time bigger, but he doesn't want to bet more times on each other. It's cool!

"But everyone is watching the scene, when I am afraid you lose the game, so I let Xiaoyu and other notaries, you won't mind?" Asked Qin Tian.

Zhou murchen looked at Zhu Yu, and a greedy color appeared in his eyes. He was laughed directly: "OK, let Xiaoyu be a notary!"

He felt funny in his heart. Why he cheated Qin Tian and bet with him was not just to show Zhu Yu? Qin naively caters to everything is incredible!

Zhu Yu didn't want to manage it. Now, seeing Qin Tian also wants her to be a notary, she is also angry. The gambling stone in his mind is really blank. So he promised to bet, I'm afraid it will suffer a great loss!

"You don't have to worry. I'm expecting to go shit today!" Qin day to Zhu Yu a smile, a very calm calm appearance!

Seeing Qin Tian so confident, Zhu Yu will not say more, only when Qin Tian suffers losses and then persuade him to turn back in time, otherwise today may lose more than ten million!

This time, the bet is getting bigger and bigger, and there are beauties to hold it. The scene is lively and heard from the mouth. Several people on the floor heard that there was heavy bet, all around. The people on this side of Qin Tians surrounded by a water!

To know that on the spot stone is a very exciting thing, because this can see loss or blood earning, the key is 50 times of heavy injection, emerald above also give a million!

And if the buyer loses, it will give more than five million, such a thing is really incredible!

But many people are with a kind of psychological disaster, they just like to see the gambler who bought the original stone lose money, and then they are angry with heart and regret!

Besides, there is also a beautiful woman with a very good appearance and body around Qin Tian. This makes many visitors have a strong jealousy in their hearts. They want to see how Qin Tian lost everything in front of their women!

The visitors believe that the scene they want to see will definitely appear, because the gambler loses ten or nine games. If the gambler wants to win, it needs not only strong eyesight, but also good luck!

After all, in this line, the risk is really too big!

After the agreement, Qin Tian began to go to a stand to start scanning the original stone!

Qin Tian did not like other people picked up a careful observation, he directly hands behind, just like a walk to see flowers.

Seeing Qin Tian so, many people are shocked, and those old gamblers shake their heads, so that can get the green stone is really bullshit?

But in the back of the exhibition, the stone solver who knew the gambling content, could not help but cast a kind of pity on Qin Tian, shaking his head.

They have been solving stones for so many years, just now they have solved a lot, and ten can not find one out of green. Where have they seen any super powerful raw stones?

Even if it is green is also not much money, I hope this boy can green, otherwise, it is to lose millions of ah!

The scene of the voice of discussion and scorn and ridicule eyes, has not flooded Qin Tianyan, the field of Zhu Yu has been unable to stand, she jogged to find Qin Tian, anxious to remind: "Qin Tian, if you can't see, do you want me to help you choose?"

"Ha ha, cloud big guy, you won't let a girl help you choose stone?" Zhou murchen was on the side and laughed loudly!

The more people around him, the more cheerful he was, the more he wanted to have a long face and wanted to satire against Qin Tian!

In their gambling city, Zhou murchen completely restored his confidence in the past, and forgot the humiliation in the entertainment club. Even if he didn't kill today, he would be punished!

Qin Tian ignored both of them. His eyes now were all on the opposite stone. At this time, he saw a piece and walked straight to get it!

People saw Qin Tian so quickly found the original stone, and with no thinking posture, they were surprised to shout out!

Qin Tian's search for the original stone has not been carefully observed, so he picked up it with his hand? Completely subverted their gambling idea, can be green only strange!

"That's it!" Qin Tian directly took the stone to the stone master who was present.The stone master looked at the original stone, and then he was speechless to Qin Tian, and his eyes were a little disdainful. Because the stone selected by Qin Tian was really a rookie, he said coldly, "do you want to cut it directly or grind it?"

"Grind it, you must grind it!" Qin Tian said.

"What? This is a stone the size of a watermelon. Do you want to grind it? " The stone master is a little speechless. Isn't this to find something for him?

So big should be cut edge, you directly polish, really inside jade have so big?

Other people also can't help laughing, it seems that they have not seen such a, have to face Qin Tian ridicule and disdain.

"What a toad wants to eat swan meat and grind it directly?"

"Ha ha, it's crazy. When will it be grinded?"

"I can only say that some people don't know how to gamble and make do with it. It's really humiliating."

"This business is not everyone can eat, this mouthful of young people or not to come, to buy some lottery tickets are reliable!"

Qin Tiansi didn't care about the sarcasm in her ears, and even drew lines to direct the Jieshi division to start polishing.

Zhou Muchen looked at Zhu Yu, who was full of nervousness, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoyu, don't blame me. The main reason is that Qin Tianfei wants to gamble with me and increase his chips again and again. If you want, I can give him a half discount and let him lose less money!"

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