When they arrived at the jade, they found many bracelets and pendants. They all looked old-fashioned. The girl couldn't lift any interest in her eyes. But when they saw Qin Tian, who seemed to be in a mood, they laughed and catered to him.

Finally, Qin Tian chose a jade with pig's head, which was worth more than 500000 yuan, and could be engraved on site!

"Why pig's head? Do you think I'm a pig? " The girl asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"No, the pig's head can be engraved on the back. That's the key. It's the luck or the love of life..." Qin Tian winked at Zhu Yu.

"Is this a token of love?" As soon as the girl heard it, she became very interested.

"Of course, if you think so, that's it. If you don't like it, forget it!" Qin Tian had a show.

"If I like it, write Chen AI Yue." The girl couldn't think of any good words, but for a moment, she held Qin Tian's hand.

And Qin Tian saw the girl's emotional expression, lovely big eyes, his heart is also thumping, this feeling is too wonderful!

He looked down with an evil smile, "just can be put into such a pig's head jade!"

Zhu Yu is quietly watching the pig's head jade pendant. The more he looks, the better he finds it. He ignores Qin Tian's words.

After the staff's lettering, Qin Tian paid and solemnly said to the girl, "Xiaoyu, this is the first gift I gave you. I will bring it to you personally."

Zhu Yu saw Qin Tian's serious face and nodded with a shy smile. Although this is a fat pig's head, it is really lovely and unique!

Although I don't know why Qin Tian chose such a pig's head, people hung Jade Buddha, jade Guanyin, or dragon and Phoenix, but Qin Tian bought her a pig's head

No matter what, but the girl can feel Qin Tian's heart in it, this is extremely happy thing!

"I'll bring it to you. How nice the pig is, how well you eat and sleep!" Qin Tian said, directly in the jade pendant pig hanging on the girl's neck.

This has not been used up, he looked down, but also a evil smile: "this jade pendant you fortress inside, you and pig heart, good luck connected..."

This scene happened to be seen by jade salesmen. They all stare at each other, and they are envious!

Rich people are bullies. How can you get a girl like this?

"Oh, Qin Tian, you are really bad..."

Qin Tian got close to the girl's ear, spitting heat and said, "what's bad? I'm serious..."

"Pooh, you are really bad!" Zhu Yu was also amused by Qin Tian. I don't know what to say to him!

And a lot of people are watching, this kind of public feeling is really good shame!

But in shame, she is more happy, that kind of happy feeling can't be said!

Qin Tian looked at the fierce girl before, in front of him that shy appearance, like mature cherry, really like a kiss ah, for any man who can bear it?

Play back to play and make noise, there is no real move.

When he sent Zhu Yu back, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening. It should be an hour after dinner.

Qin Tian and Zhu Yu found that they did not participate in any commercial activities, and played directly in the city of gambling. Speaking of Qin Tian, they immediately felt that there was something wrong with Li Xinran!

He drove the car into the garage and walked upstairs. He found that there was no one in the living room. His mother-in-law and his father-in-law had already gone out to visit the park. But it seemed that there were some voices above. Yunfeng walked to the third floor.

I found that in the living room on the third floor, a TV was turned on, showing some yoga exercises. On a spacious carpet in front of the TV, Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao were on.

Two beauties are wearing a kind of navel exposed vest, and a kind of soft and close fitting sports pants, watching the ball like a sexy female Knight!

The two people's better body, exquisite curve, dreamlike long legs, and the white delicate abdomen, all these are so proud and so attractive!

Qin Tian couldn't help but feel a fever in his nose. He was stunned and stupefied. He didn't know what to say!

The two beauties also saw Qin Tian, but there was no other reaction. The expression seemed to be, just look at it. Anyway, they were all their own people!

Qin Tian smiles and sweeps over Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao's body. He looks as natural as possible and says, "wife, you are pregnant woman, do you also want to do yoga?"

"This is a kind of pregnant woman yoga. Don't think pregnant women can't stretch their hands and feet. I've been working hard recently. The doctor said I need to exercise! Yoga is the best choice Li Xinran said.

"Well, it's hard for your cousin to help you like this!" Qin Tian also saw Lin Xiaoyao's body with satisfied eyes. Compared with pregnant woman Li Xinran, her present figure is obviously more attractive!Seeing Qin Tian's eyes, Lin Xiaoyao can't help but show a trace of shy joy. Before that, her love for Qin Tian is so wonderful, but she also loves her cousin.

Li Xinran did not have a good breath of hum: "look at your acting skills, cheap you this rogue master!"

Li Xinran also noticed Qin Tian's eyes unscrupulously looking at Lin Xiaoyao's body.

"Hey, hey Qin Tian was also a little sad and laughing, "what is the rogue master? Xiaoyao, did you say something to your cousin? Now it seems that I am called evil emperor on the road. What do you think of this title? "

Qin Tian has his own wechat. Some big men in the group call him that way. There are too many masters, but there is only one evil emperor!

Li Xinran was confused for a while, but he didn't know what he meant. Lin Xiaoyao chuckled directly.

"What evil emperor? You're so young. How long have you been here and become emperor? It's a narcissist, a megalomaniac! "

"Cough, I can't think of it. I don't know why they gave me this title!" Qin Tian looked at the mobile phone and said in a funny way, "but my wife, don't call me any rogue master, this misunderstanding can be big!"

Li Xinran showed a chill in her beautiful eyes. She took a look at Qin Tian and said, "sometimes you are just like a hooligan."

Qin Tian was speechless and choked

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