Do they need to advertise in their restaurant? Local first western restaurant!

And netizens are all over the country, there are several emperors? These advertisements are not to be hit, because restaurants eat local stream, eat so many people every day, kitchen is busy, and appointment will take half an hour, still need to advertise?

If they are allowed to eat tyrant food, it is their responsibility. If the boss turns to blame, they will certainly not be good, and these people will destroy the restaurant's image among other customers. Ten of them will be punished by the boss!

If they don't want them to eat tyranny food, this flying brother on the spot live broadcast on their restaurant a bit of black, on the news will not be easy to do, after all, the media bad news spread thousands of miles, the negative impact is more than the positive impact, not worth losing!

After a comparison of the two situations, the restaurant manager still thinks that they should eat it first. Then he will explain the strong relationship with the boss. I hope to be forgiven!

The manager who wants to come to the restaurant has to wave, let the security guard go away and let them sit in the restaurant!

Seeing these people sitting down, the other customers in the restaurant turned white eyes, searched one after another, and each other's eyes were filled with a kind of contempt.

But at this time, the officer fly where still manages others to say what, satisfied smile, to his several followers said: "brothers, although order, today please eat a big meal!"

"Thank you, brother Fei!" Several of the small follow-up also spit directly to deal with, shouting to let the waiter quickly to take the menu up.

Although the waiter's heart is very disgusted, but also can not reluctant to send the menu, the restaurant manager in one side of the view of a silence, Ba can not hurry these people to go, so also hurry to serve them!

But these people are really greedy. They want the most expensive wine. The restaurant manager and others have to say no, but give them some ordinary red wine. If they drink Rafi in 1982, they will lose a lot of money!

At this time, some customers can't see it. They are not satisfied when they wait for dinner. Besides, these are all rich people who are negative generation 2. They can't afford to look down on the hosts. Some people can't help shouting at the restaurant manager and goes over: "do you want to do it? Put this kind of unqualified person in, and still eat for free, and join the team. We can't get the food? "

What said this is that people are a person in bright clothes, and is so pressed by a host, it is impossible to see it. But the upper officer fly is not afraid at all, because they can fight the Lord, and then they walk towards the speaker in a moment!

The rich generation just came with a girlfriend. They saw the posture of shangguanfei and others. They couldn't help getting cool in a moment, but they didn't encourage them. Pointing to the manager of the restaurant, they said, "is there a host in such a big restaurant? Your security really doesn't care? "

"Don't think you have millions of water friends. If you dare to move me, I will find your host platform directly, seal you up, and let you go to jail for several years!"

Hearing the rich generation's complaint, the officer Fei didn't fear, but he laughed coldly. "Since you are the rich rich generation, you have nothing to fear, then I will let you live to be famous!"

He pointed the camera to the second generation of the rich and said to the audience, "everyone, the rich generation has money and potential in their own home. They don't want to eat for me. They despise me as the host!"

In a moment, countless bullet screens rushed out, and exploded directly. In a moment, a burst of explosion occurred on his mobile phone, and they scolded the rich generation two in succession!

"What a rich second generation, dare to look down on our brother Fei, come in and eat what? You have to get rid of a meal? "

"It's so powerful. I thought I was who I was when I found a sister. I also want my brother Fei to go to jail?"

"Ha ha, we have seven million fans' attention. Do you want to seal it? You think you can do whatever you want with more money? "

"Our brother Fei is paid tens of millions a year. He is just a waste by his family. Why is it compared with our brother?"

"Brother Fei, ask you what the name of the rich generation 2 is. We are human flesh and he makes him famous!"

These screens are read by robots. When they hear the sounds of these screens, the rich generation in their seats are very angry, but they are also afraid.

He doesn't want to be flesh and soul. After all, he is not a very clean person. If anything ugly is exposed, what face will he stay in the circle of friends?

Finish saying he ran his girlfriend directly covered face with hand, fear of being given flesh to these netizens, then in the net direct hair and exposure, that is not good!

Seeing the appearance of the second generation of rich, shangguanfei and others laughed, and they laughed at them: "know the mistake, shut up quickly, you one by one, don't hinder me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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