"Ha ha ha, you talk so frightening, I'm so scared! I also want to let me go out crosswise. I'm afraid you are crawling out! " Shangguan Fei immediately patted his chest and shook his mobile phone in front of Qin Tian with a strange smile, "what is this? Millions of fans and millions of viewers are watching. I just want to criticize the restaurant. Why is it so low? Do you have to hit me? And let me go out across the street? "

"Do you know the consequences of what you do to me? You're going to let me go across the country. Don't you believe my friends come here from all over the country to settle accounts with you? "

His live mobile phone seems to be a gold medal, just like a royal sword. Once it is sacrificed, its power will be infinitely powerful. Even if it is a person of any identity, it should be regarded as a confession!

So now shangguanfei also sacrificed this thing that made him famous for thousands of miles. This is the magic weapon of his sudden wealth. Who dares to provoke him?

After that, he became very greedy. After a white look at Qin Tian, he suddenly remembered that if the fans saw themselves molesting this beautiful beauty, it must be the fans who can fly up?

At present, shangguanfei directly aimed the camera of the mobile phone at Li Xinran!

Li Xinran's face has been very ugly, as if shrouded in a layer of frost. Seeing that the anchor wanted to shoot her, he immediately called out, "husband, don't let him shoot me!"

Qin Tian almost does not need Li Xinran to open his mouth, an invisible force of Qi crossed, his live mobile phone was smashed directly in his hand, turned into slag and fell on the ground!

This scene made a lot of people can't help but cry out, they did not see clearly what happened, all of this disappeared, it is incredible!

Looking at the fragments of the mobile phone, many people feel as if it is a ghost, but also like magic, do not understand what is going on!

Shangguanfei is more like a ghost of the same attendant, looking at the destroyed mobile phone, and a look at Qin Tian, full of shock and incredible!

They didn't see clearly how Qin Tian made his move at such a close distance, but they had already seen his mobile phone broken directly. It was like hell.

Shangguanfei is 100% sure that he broke his mobile phone. Although he doesn't know what evil means Qin Tian used, his live broadcast was destroyed, and he must be furious. He yelled at Qin Tian in a burst of anger: "draftsman, do you dare to break my mobile phone, you dare to destroy my live broadcast, you know how much I live a minute Money? Can you afford it? "

"Come on..."

Before he finished the word, a bright red finger print appeared on his face in an instant, which made him show his teeth in pain!

Qin Tian took back his hand slowly and gracefully took out a paper towel from the dining table and wiped his hand casually and elegantly.

As if this slap is a dirty hand, there are not too many thoughts and thoughts.

See Qin Tian such a move, Li Xinran immediately some can't help laughing, this guy really can't play cool?

Teaching a person is just lifting their hands. It's really amazing that such a simple thing is!

Shangguan Fei looks at the palm print on his face and feels that his skin on his face is going to be hit and exploded. Is this the rhythm of direct disfigurement?

He felt half of his face was going to lose consciousness, which was really painful, as if he had no face!

Shangguan Fei is really angry and explodes. The family slapped him. He can still pretend to be forced like this. He can't bear it!

"Brothers, I'll kill him directly and make his face pig face. It's better to beat him in the face even if he doesn't know who his mother is!"

When some of the attendants saw their Feige being beaten like this, they all depended on Feige live broadcast to support their daily life. When their bodyguards saw that their master was beaten, they must be directly angry.

With the order of shangguanfei, they all rushed to Qin Tian directly, which is bound to cost Qin Tian a lot for this slap!

But how can goose qintian let these bastards destroy their dinner?

With a few slaps, these people flew directly out of the bridge. They all hit the open space of the front desk. They fell so badly that they couldn't get up. Either their legs were broken or they were broken, or their tears and noses came out. They were spitting fresh blood.

They didn't see how Qin Tian did it, but it was so terrible to beat people like this. Is there anyone more terrible than this?

Is there such a powerful master in the world? It makes a lot of people blind. It's amazing!

Many of the audience, as well as the manager of the restaurant, were stunned. They were not fools. They could see that the boy was a master, not a common character, but a martial arts master!

This is not just an underground big guy. Are they short of money? Is there a lack of power? Are people afraid of your exposure?That water friend dare to provoke an ancient martial arts master. Isn't it a death hunt?

Even if the mobile phone of the upper official fly is not smashed, it is live broadcast, and they can play their bullshit. Because in front of these ancient martial arts masters, any rich generation 2, any Internet red, is just cloud floating. How can you compare with others?

"Brother Fei, we really have a good chance to meet the hard stubble. This man is not simple!" A sister did not hand, has been watching, she just saw Qin Tian waved, and hurt people, it is beyond imagination!

The official Fei also can see, the face is also a little suspicious, the corner of the eye can not help but a fierce beat, fierce shouting: "what are you afraid of? Is there any more than three or six arms left in this boy? Come on, everybody, kill him for me! "

After that, he said he said that his people stood up and then he flew up towards Qin Tianfei. He didn't believe it. So many people were in the scene, he couldn't deal with a bad boy?

Qin Tian's eyes were extremely cold, shaking his head, and he was no longer caring for the officer flying. He slowly raised his fist!

This action is slow, slow let all the people in the field see very clearly, but in the moment of sudden hand, but let a lot of people directly stay, one by one incredible look at her this fist!


The officer Fei squints his eyes and bites his teeth and takes a bottle of wine to hit Qin Tian, but the man is still a meter away and is hit and flies out!

This time, a perfect parabola was flying directly in the hall of the restaurant, and then it fell on the ground and made a killing pig call again.

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