"The main purpose of gathering you here today is to discuss this matter. The first thing is to destroy Li's pharmaceutical group. All the forces we will be able to attract are ready, and Shen family is the first one!"

When it comes to the Shen family, the capital of the emperor, all the people present were in a panic. They all showed an incredible look. Unexpectedly, a large enterprise like the Shen family should also deal with the emerging enterprise of Li's Pharmaceutical Group!

"As the largest enterprise in the medical circle of DIDU, we are now facing great challenges. We need your participation and drive. Everyone is responsible for cooperating with an enterprise and taking charge of some suppression project..."

Dongchen group has indeed dominated the imperial medical circle for many years. It has never cooperated with such a large enterprise as Shen family, and has never devoted all its resources to a single enterprise!

If there are big enterprises like Shen family to cooperate with them, the chances of destroying Li's medicine will be even greater. Therefore, everyone feels that this is a big event!

It is precisely because of this that a meeting was held overnight, which really needs to be treated with caution.

Zhong Yaozu, chairman of the board of directors, said in a positive manner: "I have asked people to investigate. After Li's pharmaceutical group took over from Lin's side, it used a lot of marketing methods. All of these were money spent. It was the benefit of advertising that made their recovery pills rise. It was also because of the recovery pills that they achieved success."

"Qin Tian is the key person to restore yuan Dan, so we also need to target Qin Tiancai. This guy is young and vigorous. Although he is young, he still has some skills. Let the vice chairman tell you something about it."

"It's the father!" Zhong Xiao won, and then said, "Qin Tian is a miracle doctor. His medical skills are very exquisite. He can also make medicine and refine pills. Fuyuan pill was developed from his hands. In addition to his status as a medical genius, he also has another identity: Master of Qi State! "

"Is the master Qijing very good?" A high-level enterprise asked.

Zhong Xiao's tone was very serious, and he said, "yes, it's very powerful. The master of Qi state can release some real Qi in the air. All these can kill people. Not only these, but also flying flowers and picking leaves can kill people, everything can kill people. A tall and deep ancient martial arts cultivation is beyond ordinary people's imagination. It's very difficult to be an expert of this level!"

When Zhong Xiao said this, everyone was shocked. They were just masters in business. They didn't know what the modern society was like. There were even some ancient martial arts masters on TV, and the so-called true spirit. It was too terrible. Many senior leaders didn't believe it. At one time, the three outlooks were subverted!

"Vice chairman, do you think that boy Qin Tian is really so powerful? Is he not afraid of bullets? " Another senior official said.

"Bullets? Hehe, bullets can't do anything for a master of this level! " Zhong Xiao had no choice but to smile.

Today, in addition to discussing the targeted plan and the person in charge of the specific implementation of Li's Pharmaceutical Group, they must discuss how to target Qin Tian. In the past, people in Dongchen group would hire killers to deal with their competitors.

So when it comes to the man who moved the gun, he thought of using heavy firearms to target Qin Tian's master at this level!

However, it seems that Qin Tian can't do anything with bullets. It seems that these people have a trace of dignity on their faces, and they are all thinking of ways.

Zhong Xiao continued with a dignified face: "although I haven't seen the master of Qijing attack, I've also talked with several expert friends in the martial arts field. They all said that it's very common for him to come and go freely, his body method is like a God, and he can avoid bullets. Even in the rain of bullets, he can avoid the damage of these guns!"

"Is there such a horror? That's really hard to deal with The high-level man who said that he used the bullet was as pale as death, with an unbelievable expression. Other people were also the same. One by one, they expressed their surprise one after another!

"The master of Qi State, who can't even deal with bullets, is too terrible. If we Dongchen group and he are enemies, the risk is really great, and it may not be able to hurt him!"

"Yes, this kind of abnormal master, under normal circumstances, no one will go to trouble him, because this is really too difficult, and it is absolutely not something that ordinary people can deal with."

"Yes, yes, we'd better discuss some means of commercial repression. As for Qin Tian, who is hard to deal with, he can only give it to some masters who are also at the level of Qi state."

Many of them are still shareholders of the board of directors. When faced with such a high-risk matter, they have to consider some problems, and they all want to protect themselves.

After all, tens of millions of dividends a year is enough, and you can enjoy all the splendor and wealth. Who would like to provoke a master of Qi level? Isn't this the existence of seeking death?

When Zhong Xiao saw that everyone didn't want to fight against Qin Tian or even try to find a way, he frowned and said, "father, do you know any friends in the martial arts circle? Has it ever been said that if you deal with Qi state level masters, how do you come from? ""Yes, as a pharmacist, the chairman of the board must know some experts in the ancient martial arts circle. I think it is feasible to call them and ask them to think about it carefully and work out a plan for jointly hunting Qin Tian." One of the executives explained.

Zhong Yaozu said coldly, "I'll try to do something about it, but the master of Qi state is not worthless. Even if it's dynamite, it can kill him. No matter how hard he goes against the weather, it's just the body. Can you fight us? It's impossible! "

"So you must have the confidence to fight. Even if we can't find an ancient martial arts expert of the same level, we can lead him to a dynamite ring. At that time, he will die no matter how high his martial arts is, isn't he?"

Zhong Yaozu's words are very well thought out, which makes many high-level leaders nod. If so, Qin Tian seems likely to be killed, because no one can stop the attack of these high explosive circles!

Modern society is like this. No matter how high your martial arts are, you have to be afraid of science and technology. They all believe that Qin Tian's body has no idea about these bullets!

"An old friend of mine said that although a master of Qijing's true spirit is powerful, it is only limited. As long as there are enough bombs, the master will be blown to pieces!"

Zhong Yaozu's words, let us finally establish a strong confidence, will no longer fear Qin Tian.

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