Zhong Xiao even wants to find an organization called dudiexiang to target the wife of a master of Qi state. This is something that many people have never thought of. This is really a matter. Now it is such a situation. If you don't consider the quality, you can only strike at sex!

However, Zhong Xiao just posted the task to dudiexiang, who replied directly in seconds and directly accepted such a gift. This made many people feel that they must have absolute confidence. That is 100% of the success. After all, dudiexiang is the most successful of all the top killers, because they have never failed!

Zhong Yaozu had studied medicine refining, and naturally he had heard about dudiexiang. He said with a smile: "maybe dudiexiang is not an S-level organization, but it is definitely the most powerful and powerful organization in this A-level organization. Even if the master of Qi State meets them, they are all doomed, because no one knows better than them It's killing! What is poison? "

Their poison diexiang is the most extraordinary poison in the world. Even if the master of Qi State hears it, he will immediately fall down!

"In that case, we're going to make sure that it's poisonous, isn't it? Because this thing can really play a protective role for us. The stronger the choice is, the more we can protect ourselves! "

"No mistake, the truth is like this. If poison diexiang is not so powerful, or the mission fails, it will be a fatal blow to us. This matter must be considered clearly."

"Yes, this time to help Sister Li Xinran can only be a success, not a failure, otherwise, it will be a fatal blow to us!"

"Give them another 50 million chips, let them kill Qin Tian and see if they want to? Because this is related to the fate of our Dongchen medicine! Xiaoxiao, you are responsible for contacting them and sending the detailed information of the task. You must not make mistakes! "

Smelling speech, Zhong Xiao also nodded, and quickly sent the information and contact information to the contact person on the side of poison diexiang, conveying their requirements and the increase of remuneration!

Soon, Du diexiang replied again. When she knew that she was going to target a master of Qi State, she refused this additional task!

When people heard Zhong Xiao say such words, they couldn't help but muddle up. They all showed an incredible look. What's the matter? Why does this happen?

Is there anything more outrageous than this? I really don't know what these people think, because of such a big reward, they refused to accept the task at first?

"What is the reason?" Zhong Xiao continues to communicate in English on the Internet. He wants to see what he thinks and what happens there?

After all, this is a mysterious female killer organization. It is because women's concealment is very hidden, so it can have a higher success rate. If they do, they can even kill Qin Tian directly. This is really too easy!

"We can kidnap the family members of Qijing, but we can't help you kill the master of Qijing. After the kidnapping, you can handle things by yourself. We are not responsible!"

The other party replied, hearing the news, Zhong Xiao also helplessly sighed and said: "they are really not willing to accept the additional task of killing Qin Tian, just want to do the kidnapping task!"

"Well, we'll have to find explosives to set up the scene. That's another thing." Zhong Yaozu said with a sullen face that they had really thrown out the matter and had no room for maneuver. What should I say about this matter?

It belongs to the things that don't need to say more, because what is waiting for them is a very terrible thing, and also a very fatal ending. What is waiting for them is a very terrible result and starting point!

In a word, this kidnapping must need a professional team, and then some other teams must be used to decorate the explosives. These are all expensive!

But there is no way, in order to target Qin Tian, they can only be free to go, will not care who they are aiming at, because they are already crazy!

They only want to revenge and destroy the Li's pharmaceutical group. This is like a roadblock for them. Only by killing this obstacle can they have a chance to be reborn!

This truth is actually a very simple thing, everyone can even understand what is going on in this, because their plan has been very detailed, what they want is a helper, a reliable helper!

If the helper is not reliable, it is also a very difficult thing for them, because waiting for them may be Qin Tian's crazy revenge, so they can only be successful, not failure!

Because they know that the current result is like this, they must comply with the requirements of these underground organizations, otherwise, they will not be able to succeed, because what is waiting for you is a very bad thing, and it is also a matter that can not be satisfied!Now the situation is like this. It has come to a very serious time and there is no need to delay the situation. This is not why they will gather in the middle of the night. In fact, it is because of this thing!

"In that case, you can ask when the relevant person in charge of dudiexiang will come to China!" Zhong Yaozu has nothing to consider. The top killers don't want to do anything extremely dangerous. They only do what they are sure of. No one is willing to die for money!

Soon there was a reply to the message that we could arrive at the imperial capital tomorrow!

There are direct flights all over the world, so it is really a very convenient thing to come to DIDU, which is also the reason why many people are willing to accept this task!

"That's good, Qin Tian and Li Xinran's end of the world is coming!" Zhong Yaozu said coldly.

"As for explosives with large equivalent, it is not possible to research and develop them in China in a short period of time. Try to find some powerful smuggling logistics groups to help."

"How did this come about? After all, the equivalent is so big? " Some people have raised doubts.

"It should be broken up, just like an auto part. It should be broken up and repackaged, and then reassembled and integrated after returning to China."

"But we need professional teams in this area, and we have some ideas already!" Zhong Xiao said, squinting.

Smell speech, other people are also recognized smile, tonight's meeting is to come to a successful conclusion!

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