After all, it's impossible for a beautiful woman like Zhu Yu to say that she can't attract people. Who makes a beautiful woman like her look so sexy?

Her style is indeed very dazzling, a moment on the stage on all the beautiful women present.

Many of the men who leave the bar to drink are those who want to know and hook up with beautiful women, or bring their sisters to play. After drinking too much, they can do things easily!

Frankly speaking, this is a thing full of young male and female hormones. This kind of thing is really normal and understandable. After all, if you come here, you will know why so many young people come to play on this occasion!

It's not that drinking is good or dancing is exciting. It's just that something happens when you're in a bar!

Seeing a beautiful woman like Zhu Yu coming in and looking at her beautiful appearance, she showed the light of lecherous in an instant. Some even swallowed her saliva directly, and they would like to pull Zhu Yu to their side and embrace the buildings around them. 1

and many people saw that Zhu Yu was wearing ordinary qintian beside her, these men were instantly there One kind wants to chat up Zhu Yu's impulse, they all feel that because there is such an ordinary male partner around them, it is easier to get hold of it?

After all, there are so many people playing here, and there are always some people of extraordinary value!

Zhu Yu seldom comes to the bar here, for these eyes, personality is more straightforward, she is not Fu, beautiful micro frown, the body is also slightly towards Qin Tian a little closer, this is she unconsciously to find a sense of security!

This is her subconscious action to protect herself. There is no way to do it. After all, she has less experience, so at this time, she is not used to it. If other girls see so many boys looking at themselves, they are even excited, but Zhu Yu is not the same!

If usually her words, on the road have let the man so color squint at her, she will fling a white eye fiercely, if the other side still dare to tease, then they must be finished!

After all, Zhu Yu is a man with fists and Kung Fu. Is he a bully?

Of course, the people who like her in the bar don't think so. At least they think that Zhu Yu must be a relatively simple girl. Otherwise, how could she be taken in by an ordinary man who looks like nothing shining?

What's more, many men have grasped one point. The women who come to the bar to drink can dig into the wall, because these women are definitely not ordinary women, so this is one of the reasons why these men are so fierce!

In this case, it is almost impossible to judge things without thinking.

Of course, Qin Tian also noticed his eyes everywhere. He could also feel that Zhu Yu felt a sense of protection from Qin Tian when he faced these colorful male animals!

But Qin Tian takes the initiative, Zhu Yu has his own strength, who can bubble her today, anyway, I just don't move, I see how you do!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian simply put his arm around Zhu Yu's small waist and laughed triumphantly at others!

Seeing Qin Tian's posture, many people can't help but roll their eyes directly. They don't know why this guy is so mean? Do you really think what you're holding is your own?

They can be rich and powerful people, powerful men can dig the corner of the wall, you can dig the women around you directly!

Zhu Yu's body was also stiff, because she could feel the hot hands of Yunchen rubbing on her small waist, which made her shy, but she didn't refuse!

I've got some teeth in my heart. This guy is still enlightened. If you don't hold me for a while, other men will make trouble later. It's always bad!

So she can only let Qin Tian, the flower protector, get a little cheaper. This is a tacit understanding. One is willing to give you another is willing to take. In any case, each other is not a loss, but also a very interesting thing!

Liang walked to a bar with relatively few people. Qin Tian said, "Xiaoyu, do you want to drink in the bar instead of in the box?"

"It's in the lobby. What's drinking at the bar?" Zhu Yu said speechless.

The hall is the most noisy place for people. Zhu Yu wants to drink in the place, which shows that she has no fear, and she seems to want to enjoy this kind of environment!

After all, the girl's eyes have begun to see that many people are dancing, she just needs this kind of lively and jubilant atmosphere!

After all, I've been busy with my work recently, but I haven't made him boring. It's OK to come out and play. I can't really drink face-to-face. She can't do this kind of thing!

Qin Tian also understood, that is to ask for a table in the hall. They sat down in the hall and looked at the dance floor!

At this time, a bartender brought twice the cocktails, but also said not enough, continue to scan the code order can!Zhu Yu and Qin Tian smile, touch the cup, slowly taste up!

Then they just sit around and feel this kind of environment. In a minute or two, a few young men in bright clothes come up. They just want to chat up, they want to hook up, but they want to dig up the wall!

Qin Tian turned a blind eye to this, and his eyes fell on those more hot and sexy girls, as if there was no Zhu Yu in front of him!

Zhu Yu can only cold jade face, one by one refused, very indifferent, turned back to refuse several, took up the wine cup to look at Qin Tian, found that the guy's eyes are looking at the beauty, saliva is about to flow out!

The woman's heart a burst of gnashing teeth, with the foot directly under the kick Qin Tian, no good gas said: "Hello, are you a man?"

"Am I a man? I'm looking at beautiful women. Do you want me to chat up with them? I'm sorry, it's just a look. I'm not that kind of person! " Qin Tian tut mouth, picked up the wine and touched the woman, and then drink it down, full of happy look!

Seeing Qin Tian like this, Zhu Yu is really rolling his eyes. I don't know how to say this guy!

"My God, you are the master of Qi state. Can't you scare them if there are men bothering me? What are you doing when you let me be a girl so annoyed by men , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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