Qin naivety was speechless for a while, but he said with a smile: "I said Miss Zhu, I just took a look at this beautiful woman? Do you need to use this dirty word to describe me? "

Zhu Yu didn't have a good temper and said: "you must think that people are more temperament than me, more beautiful than me, longer than my chest and thigh, so lost in mind, right?"

"I can see your eyes are infatuated with it. If you dare to say that you don't have any idea, I don't believe it. Men like you are really all virtuous. Men are pigs!"

"I know her because I really know her. Don't make a wrong decision about her!" Qin naivety is smiling very helpless, and is helpless in very helpless!

Zhu Yu couldn't help but snorted and said, "I think that beauty is the Nine Tailed Fox Su Daji. Otherwise, how could you easily attract your soul to the past?"

"Ha ha, you are really good. You have moved all the fairy tales out. What else is impossible?" Qin naivety is speechless, has been speechless to choke!

That temperament beauty is sitting there, some people who come in from behind are still covetous, constantly want to go up and chat up, but the beauty looks around, but she is directly towards Qin Tian's side!

This time all people are stunned, Qin Tian is also a little surprised to get up, this beauty should not be looking for him to come?

The men in the bar are all gnashing their teeth. They look like the kind of men who are rich in gold. They are all dressed in this way. However, it is amazing to see that this ordinary looking God can attract a beautiful woman to her at the same time!

I really don't know if God is blind. Where does this boy cultivate so many beautiful things? Is it really unfair?

Many men are jealous and their eyes are turning red. If the envious eyes can kill people, Qin Tian has been cut by thousands of knives. This is an undoubted thing, and it is also something they feel very helpless!

Seeing each boy's eyes as if to devour him alive, Qin Tian is also bitter smile, and did not say anything, in fact, he has seen that the best beauty is Shen Qianxi, the eldest lady of the Shen family!

But because he and the Shen family had some festivals, Qin Tian pretended not to see Shen Qianxi coming towards him, drinking carelessly!

It's hard to pretend to be forced. Such a beautiful woman walks towards him. The family is so calm. It seems that it doesn't conform to common sense. This guy is really cruel. Is he so cruel?

Zhu Yu is also a little bit muddled, see the beauty coming towards them, and the eyes of this excellent beauty have been looking at Qin Tian, she just understood, Qin Tian said is true, he really and this gorgeous woman know!

But Qin Tian doesn't seem to want to recognize her, which makes her totally misunderstand Qin Tian. She knows that man is not looking at baa girl and can't open his eyes, but really because he doesn't want to meet her!

Is there something fishy, such as a one night stand?

Zhu Yu suddenly did not say a word, quietly sat on the side watching the good play!

Shen Qianxi came to Qin Tian and said with a smile, "doctor Qin, long time no see. There is still a place here. Can I sit down?"

Qin Tian looked at him and Zhu Yu. There was still a position around him. When he was about to answer, Zhu Yu said in a way of rushing to answer: "what do you want to find him for? If you want to hook up, there will be someone sitting in this seat. If you want to talk about business, please sit down! "

"Ha ha, no business. I just haven't seen doctor Qin for a long time. I want to talk to him!" Shen Qianxi said with a smile.

Doctor Qin made Zhu Yu catch some information, and he misunderstood Qin Tian. Qin Tian and this woman have nothing to do. It seems that this woman is the one who looks at Qin Tian's medical skills and talks to Qin Tian with some ideas!

This let Zhu Yu can't see, she is not to revenge Qin Tian what, but pure heart has a force out, just don't want to see other women chat up Qin Tian like this!

"Then you can't sit. Sorry!" Zhu Yu said without a good breath.

Shen Qianxi looks at Zhu Yu's beauty is not bad, the beautiful eyes light slightly and says: "there are several beautiful and proud little beauties, Qin Tian, you should not cheat your wife to hook up with girls outside?"

Qin Tian didn't say anything. He seemed to feel that he didn't have to pay attention to this woman. After all, this kind of thing is really such a thing. The more you pay attention to her words, the more she pays attention to you!

"What are you talking about? He and I are friends! A colleague from the company! " Zhu Yu explained in a low voice that Shen Qianxi didn't want to say anything nonsense. If it reached Li Xinran's ears, it would be hard to do!

"Ha ha, well, I'll sit here. I'll drink alone. It's so boring. There's a doctor Qin I know. Little beauty, can you let my sister sit here? I'll do you good later! " Shen Qianxi said with a cold smile.The rich lady's temperament can be seen clearly. In the past, her association with Qin Tian was ordinary, but the recent financial turmoil in the Shen family forced Shen Qianxi to have a chat with Qin Tian!

Although the 2 billion yuan is not theirs, she is also in addition to 500 million yuan, because Shen ruohai does not have so much cash.

When she knew that it was Qin Tian who threatened Shen ruohai and Shen Shi to ask for money, Shen Qianxi was a little strange. She wanted to know why Qin Tian was targeting the Shen family like this!

So they haven't had a bad time before, have they? It is another time when Shen Qianxi and Jiao Cheng drink in the bar, that is to say, he met Qin Tian when he knew Lei qianjue!

At that time, Shen Qianxi wanted to meet Qin Tian for a while, but he was rejected. Now when he saw Qin Tian again, the woman naturally caught him!

I have to say that if Shen Qianxi is charming, there is no other woman really!

Her eyes and words are full of a charm color, listen to the men are a soft ear, it's really hook people!

Qin Tian's determination is of course the best in the whole court, but she has heard a goose bumps unconsciously.

Zhu Yu is right. If she is not polite, if she has any idea about herself, this woman is a goblin like Su Daji!

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