The three women on the speedboat were stunned. They all turned pale. Even the little girl who had seen the world was also scared. She thought about Zhong Xiao of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group. This is a plan to kill her too!

The feeling of escape from death is really too exciting, too magical, too incredible, this feeling is really to thank God, if not Qin Tian, they are really broken to pieces!

At this time, Lei Qiuling knew that her father, the underground No.1 boss of the imperial capital, had to be respectful to Qin Tian. She couldn't cope with 100 of them!

Xiaoniu also sent out a wry smile. Today, she really saw Qin Tian's amazing means. She felt so incredible. Such a violent explosion was protected by his strength, forming a complete barrier. I can't even think of it. Qin Tian would use this way to avoid explosives!

When you get to the master level of Qi State, you are really very skillful in using gas. There is no space that other people can imagine. This is a very interesting picture!

She looked at Qin Tian with a pair of beautiful big eyes, and all the flattery was gone. There was only endless shock. I couldn't believe it!

She really underestimated the man in front of her. She couldn't imagine that the master of Qi Jing had such extraordinary strength. It's amazing!

Such supernatural powers can be compared with non-human beings!

Thinking that he had to help Qin Tian deal with Gabriel's Felix last night, it seems that this is such a ridiculous thing?

At this time, Qin Tian was driving a speedboat at full speed in the night towards the coastal capital of Jingzhou!

In fact, he didn't expect that his green ability could have such a powerful force to protect people in the explosion. After all, this kind of explosive is a new type of high-energy explosive, which can not be defended by ordinary strength!

This kind of explosive can easily flatten an instant, which is incredible!

So gradually, after Qin Tian released for a while, he gradually felt that he was not able to do what he wanted, because he could find that the immortal spirit was not far from endless, which was also limited!

To tell you the truth, modern technology is still very terrible. Sometimes, you have to face this kind of thing, or you will be the last to die!

Qin Tian can't believe death. He said the child will be born in half a year, so Qin Tian is impossible to die, this life is impossible to die!

However, since the Dongchen group is so ignorant, Qin Tian must make them pay a huge price, because this has already violated his scale. No matter what method the other party uses, it is no good!

At this time, although Qin Tian is still driving a speedboat, but his heart is already angry!

Lei Qiuling and Wang Qin are finally sitting on their seats. At this time, it's possible to stop. If it wasn't for Qin, they would have died on the sea as much as possible!

Wang Qin, in particular, feels like a dream.

At the moment of being engulfed by the fire, if you didn't ask for a day's immortal gas as a barrier, the explosion of high-temperature flame will certainly instantly bake them to death, and will burn them in the first time, after all, it is impossible to have clothes!

Will soon be burned by those raging fire dragons!

After the ship sailed out for a few nautical miles, it was certain that no one was chasing after him. Qin Tian was relieved at this time. This kind of thing is really the first time I have experienced it. It's really no experience!

Looking at the three women in front of them, and the chick is also in front of him with a hot figure, Qin Tian also has no mind to appreciate!

If you can't survive, no matter how beautiful your body is, it will be burned to ashes!

Qin Tian's clothes have no trace of being burned. At this critical moment of life and death, he suddenly feels that there is a warm ancient jade in his handbag!

This is a jade pendant of brocade carp taken from the Marshal's tomb. It turns out that this jade can protect the body at a critical time. It seems that the ancient jade is protected in the addition of immortal Qi. It's a bit strange!

This jade gives off a kind of light, condenses into a layer of solid protective cover, let the explosion how fierce, can't shake its minute!

Qin Tian thought that when he went back, he must give Li Xinran the brocade carp jade pendant. This situation is really incredible.

Or to protect women's safety and their children at the critical time, which is the most critical thing!

At this time, Qin Tian didn't have any time to think about it. He didn't want to think about it. He continued to speed up. He couldn't go back and let his wife and father-in-law worry too much!

At the same time!

Looking at the fire all over the sky, and listening to the huge explosion, the conference room of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group cheered up, and the corners of his mouth could not help but appear a color of excitement.

Zhong Yaozu, the chairman of the board of directors, is also laughing wildly. He knows that the plan to kill the master of Qijing is a success!Zhong Xiao is also full of elation. This plan was put forward by him. Naturally, his face is full of excitement. This time, whether it is to find poison diexiang or dynamite, he is the greatest credit, it can be said that she sent Qin Tian into the sea!

At this time, the sea, because of the cruise ship gasoline, is still burning the cargo ship, in the Black Sea formed a very beautiful scene!

Back to the sea, Qin Tian and they are not in a hurry. Lei Qiuling has a very deep understanding of Qin Tian's combat effectiveness. She exclaims, "master Qin, how did you practice your ancient martial arts?"

"You can practice as you like. If you are a girl, you will be able to achieve great success. It is not impossible for you to surpass me if you practice diligently." Qin Tian comforts the smile way.

"No, no, no, you are so powerful that I may never surpass you in my whole life, and this time you are my Savior, and I have nothing to repay you!" Lei Qiuling said.

"No, our family should thank you. If it wasn't for you, Xinran would have been taken away by this woman." Qin Tian also took a look at the girl.

The woman's face is full of despair, and there is no more delicate breath on her body, but she still looks very seductive in bikini, which makes people have a wonderful feeling!

"Yes, yes, Qiuling. You've really worked hard!" Wang Qin also said gratefully.

"No, this is what I should do. Now master Qin is my Savior!" Lei Qiuling looks at Qin Tian gratefully and respectfully.

"By the way, Qiuling, my uncle has a good way to improve you quickly!"

"Uncle?" Lei Qiuling can't help looking at Qin Tian in surprise.

"Your father is older than me, and I am older than you. Naturally, in terms of seniority, you call me uncle! Don't call me master Qin. It's strange that I'm not friendly at all! " Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Oh, you just hit me when I was three or four years old!" Lei Qiuling was speechless for a while. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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